MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What old show would you like to see them...

What old show would you like to see them bring back?

Since they are bringing back Rosanne and it seems to be working and they are bringing back the two Karate Kid combatants in the film "Cobra Kai".....they brought back Will and Grace too (I can't recall if it worked or got cancelled).....since they seem to be all out of original ideas and are willing to just bring back the past, what old shows would you like to see brought back to life?


Law & Order
Breaking Bad
New Tricks
3d Rock from the Sun
. . . . for starters


Max Headroom: more relevant now than ever before, but do it on premium cable. I can’t tolerate the broadcast networks.


Sledge Hammer




The Agarn has landed." - "Al Bundy"

"Married With Children" had Storch on the show one time. It was hilarious.


F-Troop, a very funny show, especially the episode with Don Rickles
Larry Storch was hilarious,


Animorphs. I think a lot of kids/teen shows started with and survived off good ideas, so if they can capture that same feeling now, but with better cgi and maybe some believably aged actors, then I think this particular show has a good chance of longevity. It's kind of a combination of Teen Wolf and the new Power Rangers movie, so there's already an audience and model for the show, but it brings something new to the teen supernatural/scifi genre.


Gilmore Girls.


In Search Of...

It wouldn't be qujite the same without Nimoy narrating, but still could be pretty cool.


American Gothic. The one with Gary Cole and Lewis Black.


And this time (1) put it in a time slot and KEEP it there, instead of moving it all around like a Palladin on a chessboard, and (2) play the episodes in their intended sequence. CBS all but strangled American Gothic in the crib.

We actually have an American Gothic section here on MC. It’s one of only two TV series that I have on disc in my video library. The other is Emerald City, which I hated when it started, and grew to love. I would love to see it reinstated.

Does anyone else ever wonder what happened to the geniuses who cancelled shows like, oh, I dunno, THE TWILIGHT ZONE and STAR TREK? “Nope, this thing’s got no future. Pull the plug.”

I would like to see an updated take on The Prisoner, with modern FX, but only on premium cable, and I don’t know who could replace Patrick McGoohan. When I was a little boy, I could not believe that a TV show could be both that unusual and that good. It was a lot like the first time that I read MAD Magazine.


Thank you for mentioning the AG section. I will check it out. I agree with your opinions on the other subjects too.


Great minds think alike!
