MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever twisted your ankle?

Ever twisted your ankle?

I sprained mine like a 6 weeks ago and it's finally feeling better. That's so long! I've been so pissed at myself for letting it happen because it was entirely my fault. Ever done it? What other injuries have you sustained that took a lot time to heal?


Broke my leg when I was only 2. I was at my grandparents house, playing on a wall and a large granite slab fell on me. They said if it fell on my back, I would have died.

I recently had a an idea that it would be cool to turn the granite slab into a bench. It's still sitting right where it fell 29 years ago.


Glad you made it
You are a pretty cool person...i like your posts!!

Make that bench
That would be awesome

I like to snatch a win from a near fiasco...i quite like your idea
Do it!


Thanks for the kind words!

The pictures are pretty funny. Too young for crutches, so I was this little kid in a huge wheelchair lol. And then my older brother thought it would be a good idea to give me a "haircut". I think he was jealous of all the attention I was getting.


Making me laugh😀

I hope you and big Bro get along sure to give him a hard time every now and then
It only seems right😁


I broke my arm; it took 2 and a half months to heal. I also broke my foot; the pain was super intense that it literally knocked me out. I never twisted my ankle though and I never want to either...


Broke my collarbone playing hockey when I was 16. I had this figure 8 brace around my upper body and my left arm was in a sling for 6 weeks. You have to sleep sitting up so I would doze off for 5 minutes and wake up over and over. Trying to bathe was also tough - I would just sit in the bathtub and couldn't really move. My older brother would wash my hair. The longest 6 weeks of my life.


The foot is where most of the body's nerves are, so it makes sense for pain to continue for long durations there.

I once fractured a big toe that took a month to heal. I still got around without a cane or cast (latter not needed) even though it hurt like crazy.

Injured one of my "floater" ribs which pain persisted for 2 weeks. Hurt bad first several days and real bad last several.

Fractured a middle finger that took 2 months to heal with a cast over a summer break, ugh! At least it encouraged me to dabble in painting.

I work outside a lot.


When i was a kid,i jumped from high altitude and landing badly


In December of 2015 I shattered my left ankle falling down icy steps and was unable to wear regular shoes until May.


I've twisted my ankles so many times over the years they're basically both in a permanent state of being messed up. I have to be careful with them all time, and will certainly have arthritis woes when i'm older. Can't run any more at all. Have to be careful on stairs. Gotta wear this gimpy braces most days. Makes doing anything a hassle.


I broke my finger falling down a flight of stairs while carrying weight lifting equipment. That never healed right. Sometimes it gives me a lot of trouble and I can't bend it. Also had a few shoulder dislocations and that's never been the same since either. Can't sleep on my right side because of it or the whole arm goes immediately numb. Got bad knees. And there's something that pinches in my spine now and then that hurts like all hell. There ain't nothing fun about getting hold. Body just falls to pieces.


Broke my ankle hopping the fence to water the lawn for the old Irish widow who lived behind me

No insurance...a real disaster!

Sprained it some years later at Yankee Stadiun (i slid in someone's spilled beer)

My ankle is still not right
Quite cranky during cold spells tbh!
