MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > A sincere apology to Movie Chat

A sincere apology to Movie Chat

To all my lovely friends, I thank you for your support. I am not any one thing, and I make mistakes. Ruffling feathers is one that I make often. I take responsibility for any negativity I've contributed, and I'm sorry for the feelings I've hurt.

If you're expecting a direct apology, you got it. I'm sorry Margo, and I'm sorry Dazed. However, until you also make an acknowledgement of responsibility, I will be unable to continue our discourse. You can be confused, you can be angry, but I politely request you do some self reflection as I have done.

To the rest of the community I would ask that you please refrain from making excuses and concessions for others. We are all individuals who can speak for ourselves.

Love, Pete


Damn it,mate.I thought i lost you...anyway,i've read those discussions and - yeah , you seemed rude towards them.

But it's alright,after all, we are humans right? We're not perfect

Glad to have you back,Peter




Cat, I've missed your cute, fluffy bunnies!🐰🐰🐰


Strateeeeegooooo! I've missed you. Things have been a bit sticky over here for a while, or I'd have commented about the smiling bunny. Was it CGI-like trickery or can they really smile?? Whichever it was, it was darned cute.


THAT is adorable!


Isn't it? Too much cuteness! But, really good for Easter.


Perfect really🐰

Just gave away 5 babies today to good homes
They were Mini Rex x Lop mixes
Im a bunny fan...ive still got 6 little hoppers waiting for the warm spring and their outdoor bunny run


You have bunnies?! ❤️

I had one when I was a kid, but that's it. 6 little hoppers! Here's hoping spring comes early for them this year 🌱


Question : did you cleaning their mess?


I'm going to throw a "like" into your post^.

All animals, including us, involve messes that need being cleaned up. Goes with the territory. As messes go, buns' messes aren't very messy.


TOO many of the little poopers
But i love them!

They are messy little things and chew holes in your shirt while you pet them and watch TV...but wow are they cute!

Hope you are well Cat
Its been too long
Have a great weekend


Messy? Come on, Shogie. They drop little firm large-pea-sized pellets around, and that's it! Beats picking up dog poo or cleaning a cat's litter box by a mile 🙀

Mine didn't chew holes in my clothes, but then he was an outside bun so we didn't have a chance to watch TV together. (California, you know. Never got cold enough to worry about it while I had him.)

Yes, sooooooo cute! And soft, don't forget soft.

Doing all right, Shog. It's good to be back ... I think 😬. Didn't choose the best time to return, but hopefully things are settling down again.

You have a great weekend too, mister!


These Bunnies are cuties agreed Cat...

I will attempt to sort out our current mess very me

Im glad you are back🐱


More ridiculous bunny cuteness just for you!

Thanks, Shogie. You're a good guy and I honestly think it was just a misunderstanding ❤️


Insane cuteness overload!!!

Love it lol

Agreed...stupid misunderstanding and i was partly to blame!

Better go post something to clear the air
❤️Thx Cat


Our rabbits would poop and pee everywhere, especially places that were difficult to clean! They would also chew on cables, which was really scary! One of them even bit my face, but I still loved her to bits!😢


I keep mine enclosed
Im really scared to let them loose
They eat everything (bunnies are not very bright)
The cable chewing would kill my small herd😭

Congrats on 5K!
I have been running around today



Thanks, Shogie! Don't forget the fluffy bunnies!🐰🐰🐰


You are welcome crazy lady❤️
I never forget my little bunnies

Just trying to balance the site at the moment...we seem to be a bit off
We need a great thread to right the thinking on it


Come on, Shogie, I know you can do it!


Good lord! Too cute!😍

Yeah, I think it was CGI, but who cares!🐰🐰🐰


I think it was too. Surely bunnies' mouths don't work that way, but it was convincingly done enough so we both wondered!



🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 So glad you're back!


Thank you! It's a big relief :)


lolz at internet apologies!


Lolz at you, that's all you seem to know how to do. Bully for you on another lolz post






Saxophone? These bloody emojis are so tiny on this site it's hard to tell.


Yeah a sax, I imagined if I was playing something at that moment it was the intro to "Baker Street" by Gerry Rafferty


To be honest, I thought it was a pipe. As in, let's smoke a peace pipe.


That works too, although as of today exactly, I'm 5 years clean of tobacco, 2 months for weed. No matter how much peace I want, I can't go back to that.


As I said in my private message to you,
There never really was a problem with you. For that matter, there was never a huge problem with the captain after we decided to co-exist on this site. At least I THINK we decided on that.... I know that I did. I meant what I said earlier in the day. I enjoy your posts.
When I told you to butt out, I never dreamed that would upset you. I'm very sorry to have upset you.
As for this nonsense about how many posts we make, I never dreamed that this was so important to you. My GOD! Is this really something that people find important? Some people have lots of posts because they have been here since IMDb shut down the message boards. This is no competition here. I am stunned! I had no idea that you felt that there is a competition here. If anything, I don't blab enough! If that crap meant anything, I'd say I'm behind!
Please come back. Yesterday is old news. Today? A new chapter. See you around!

As for that GFY, I wasn't so much offended, as surprised! Having seen your posts, that one came out of left field! I admire your loyalty to a friend. I think that is nice. At the end of the day, let's just put all of this behind and move on. I'm not sure if you actually like me. I can't be sure if I still seem "toxic". That TOXIC thing is surprising! Whew!
Perhaps we can learn to respect each other as time goes on. I hope that you will continue to post here. Just grow a thicker skin. Butt Out does not mean Get Out.


Ok Margo thanks. Lets move on. 🤗


We already have! Welcome back! I honestly didn't want to see you go. I certainly didn't want to be part of the reason!
I don't like seeing anyone go if they are into talking movies, being positive, and above all, BEING REAL!
As you say, Let's move on.


By the way, I just noticed that you made it past 1000 posts!
WHOOP TEE DOOOOOO! Congrats! Feel any different?
I didn't think so.......


Nope, I feel about the same. Just not so tired and aggravated. Real is what I am; it's why I'm such a nutcase. Even I couldn't fake anything that well.


Have a happy Easter!


You too Miss 😁
