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Your biggest self-criticisms you care to share

I'll start.

I am so opinionated that I sometimes can't stop myself from hurting people's feelings. I want to engage so badly that I overdo, and it rubs people the wrong way. I'm rather unforgiving even though I hope others will forgive me. I'm overly revealing of my thoughts and feelings. I don't think enough before I reveal these feelings how to best communicate them to others, or about how it may affect them. I hold people to too high of a standard. I have a hard time loving others. I can be overconfident.


I'm a very indecisive person, I lack discipline and I give up on things easily. It makes it very hard, harder than it should be, to make improvements to my life.


Perhaps you're sated with the rank of your current life, KK. You don't want to be disturb the current status. You want to in fact resist even reject change.


I don't give many second chances. I often let myself be taken advantage of. I waste my energy on things that are not worth it. I don't have much filter. I don't care about my own reputation. I'm an ageist. I have a foul mouth. I don't care about rules for rules' sake. I am conceited. I am a too self aware for my own good.


A Fleet enema would straighten your ass out, PR.


I'll take it under advisement


I'm an extremely negative person, cynical, but I don't want to be.
I'm OCD.
I hate people , for the most part. Just love animals.


I share each of these problems. The negativity can be caused by the ocd. Negative outlook becomes an obsession, and you then compulse by externalizing this negativity. I don't take meds, I just will myself to obsess positively, to varying results.


I've been negative all my life, even before OCD. I do take meds. They help somewhat.


I understand the lifelong negativity. It's a drain on all your energy and you waste time hating. The only thing that I can say positively helped me was ending my major addictions: cigarettes, marijuana, and caffeine. Once I was free of them it made it much easier to see the positive and actually work towards embracing it, but it's still hard.
