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Questionable true stories

What comes to mind? I'm watching Bloodsport right now, and I love it, but Frank Dux seems to be full of crap. I'm pretty sure none of his claims about his backstory are accurate. I could be wrong and we'll probably never know for sure, but when something happened for sure, it can usually be proven. What other movies or TV shows come to mind with questionable grandiose claims?


Every single reality show in this country.


In Romania?




I read James Frey's "memoir" a Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard.
I was reading everything I could about addiction as I was married to an addict at the time.
I felt quite let down when I found he'd fabricated a lot of the story.


I have been there before too. Wife's dad is an addict. I remember it was quite the story when the fabrication broke. He pissed off Oprah!. The story was even spoofed by South Park.

What I find interesting (I read a ton of Biographies) is how two people writing about the same thing can describe events in such different ways. Mary Forsberg and Scott Weiland for instance. Wrote a lot about the same time period and experiences, but were sooo different. Granted he was in a drug blur.


The annoying thing was that it felt like a very brutally honest account especially when he had root canal treatment without anaesthetic!


Yes i agree. I literally cringed when I read it. (I have a weird dentist, teeth kinda phobia thing) It sounded like such a brutal truthful harrowing experience.


This reminds me of when I read The Heart is Decietful Above All Things, by JT Leroy, and then it turned out JT Leroy wasn't even a real person, but like a "literary exercise" or some BS. They even made the movie and credited the nonexistent person for being based on his book.


I heard that pipsqueek RUDY is full of crap



I read Montana’s biography and it sounds like this should have been about him instead



Yeah she is not a good person, if that movie really portrays her positively, then I'm not cool with that. I love your username MJF



Yeah but I feel like you should own up to the things you disagree with, or didn't like on that thread. Give it a bad rating, but omitting feels like rewriting history. For example this week I will have to cop to watching Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets. I hated it, but it feels wrong to not mention watching it.


I didn't deny watching it, I just simply decided to not even mention it. I'm sure other contributors to that thread have probably done that at some time for whatever reason. What you feel is wrong. How could something I choose to not mention be interpreted as " rewriting history ? " That's just plain weird. The history behind that film will remain intact in spite of my private choice. And where is it even written that I have to submit something I watched but left me feeling let down? And come to think of it, I regret the time and effort I wasted in submitting this movie, which in my mind, accurately conforms to the topic of your thread.


I just meant rewriting my own personal viewing history, which is what I feel I'm doing by not mentioning things I regret watching. I didn't mean to offend, it totally conforms to the topic of this thread.


Include or don't include what you want, sorry





The Sawney Bean legend.



I didn't know this one was allegedly true, been a while since I've watched it though



wolf of wallstreet...its the very definition of overdoing to the point of appearing cool...filmmakers say "ooh we did it to show the appeal to this kind of lifestyle." but i think there is no commercial value in making it as a cautionary tale , so they went ahead and made it commercial...and people drank the cool aid because its scorsese and dicraprio and thought hey it must be great but it aint


Have you seen Boiler Room? It much better version of (basically) that same story, but I don't recall it claiming "based on true events" even though it is. It is more of a cautionary tale, and you're right, it didn't make a lot of money.


Yes I did....thats what happens when you want to make a "corporate epic" with a budget of 130 mil. You need to smooth out the rough edges and entertain the scene that really shocked me is that there is a scene that takes place in spain or some coastal european country..where their yatch is harbored at the bay and they learn her mom is dead or something..they literally shot that scene in actual location..which is shocking to me..they spent so much money to shoot it at actual location for a movie..thats nuts..I did read that jordan belfort was always in high pressure from the get go and law enforcement was on his back from the get go.


I'm with you, didn't think it was that great and that's mostly due to its excess.


one thing i hated about it is the contradiction in the movie...the movie is about a bad person but at the end of the movie audience idolize the lead...i have seen posters of this movie in my what exactly did they make out of the movie ? they made audience especially 12-30 yr old men idolize the movie's " i wanna be like rich..break law..have sex with countless women..cheat people and drive Lamborghini and cheat on my wife" ..the movie is supposed to be..."people do it even though it is morally wrong and there are sharks in the society" lacked nuance or tact or just played like dark twisted version of romantic comedy meets 21 jump street
