60,259,229 Abortions in US since Rowe v Wade in 1973
Did you know this? I didn't, and was SHOCKED when I read the number. That is a STAGGERING number of abortions (ie murders).
Did you know this? I didn't, and was SHOCKED when I read the number. That is a STAGGERING number of abortions (ie murders).
The rate has been decreasing since the 80's and hit the lowest rate yet, just last year: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/01/17/509734620/u-s-abortion-rate-falls-to-lowest-level-since-roe-v-wade
That's likely due to the increase in realistic sex education and access to birth control. We know very well by now that the old-"school" "method" of abstinence education certainly doesn't work.
Just look at this little excerpt of the battle over sex education:
1937- The American Medical Association officially recognizes birth control as an integral part of medical practice and education.
1940- The U.S. Public Health Service labels school sexuality education an "urgent need."
Skip ahead 35 years....
1975- Twenty state legislatures have voted to restrict or abolish sexuality education.
Thankfully, education and information managed to overcome stupid obstacles like that.
Does the rate of abortions really matter? One is too many imho, except in the cases or rape, incest, or the health of the Mother. And certainly there shouldn't be any performed past 20 weeks. This is the opinion of 75% of the American public.
There have been 189,343 performed in the US so far this year. If you extrapolate that out for the rest of the year, that would be approximately 568,029 abortions. Not a small number.
except in the cases or rape, incest,
No I don't think so. Those are special circumstances, and every law needs to make compassionate exceptions to that law.
Exactly. You have a pro-abortion view. The circumstances of the conception (i.e., unintended pregnancy) outweigh the life of the child.
The only difference is the degree by which we disagree. As you said, one life is too many, so we can't compare numbers on rape/incest pregnancies vs. consenting unintended pregnancies. You already said quantity doesn't matter on that, and I agree fully.
Your view is one where the rights of the mother and her body are held higher than the life of the unborn baby. That is legally the exact same concept as fully legalized abortion. The only legal exception would be mothers who intended to get pregnant and then changed their mind afterward. That would not be legal.
At least you're not making a Bible-based religious argument against abortion while holding that exception, because it wouldn't be Biblical. Women who are raped are NOT treated very well in the Bible, and they are given no exceptions.
No. I disagree. I'm Pro Life, but there need to be compassionate exceptions.
Yes, and those exceptions equal support for abortion in the case of unintended pregnancy.
There are many problems with it, too, especially the rape exception: False rape reports happen. Making abortion an incentive will increase them and increase the number of innocent people in jail. Imagine if those 60,000,000 abortions since 1973 were all done in ways that tied up the justice system and resulted in millions of innocent people in jail?
It also technically requires waiting until the rape suspect is found guilty in court, right? What if the baby is born while waiting? What if the baby is aborted solely on an allegation, and then the father is found not guilty? What if the father truly raped the mother, but is found not guilty? What if the pregnancy is too late-term by the time the trial is done?
There are many reasons to choose a true anti-abortion stance, with no exceptions.
I don't like the idea of abortions, personally, but I understand why they happen.
What's weird about abortion is that it's such an issue with Conservatives, the very same people who would agree that "your rights end where my nose begins," yet they still have this overwhelming desire to legislate other people's bodies.
No I do not have a pro abortion view , and the circumstances do NOT outweigh the life of the child. I am Pro Life.
I may have confused you when I mention rape, incest and the life of the mother. I assume that incest is usually rape, so what I should have said was rape and the life of the mother. In these two cases the woman really has no good choice. She doesn't want to bear a child by the animal who raped her, and she doesn't want to die. These are two compassionate exceptions to my Pro Life stance. And the doctor has no choice but to try to save his patient, the Mother. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
The Pro Abortion gang demands abortion on demand, any time for any reason, even up to just before the child is born. In some states they even allow partial birth abortion. The child is born, and then they kill it. That is barbaric! And as to the "reasons" they think anything is okay even the woman just deciding, "Oh hell, a kid is just too much trouble." This is wrong.
And I'm an agnostic, so this has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with what is right morally and ethically.
There sure are a lot of women making the choice that they have a right to make
They have the legal right to do so, but do they have the moral or ethical right to end the life of another human being? That is a matter of opinion. Btw, I have no problem with abortions in cases or rape, incest or the health of the Mother.
And as a Libertarian, I would never dream of trying to stop a woman from having one. But I do think the law should be changed as to when a human being is considered a human being. Why does the law consider a baby not a human being
five minutes before being born, and then as a human being after it is born? What is the difference?
Do you have a problem making decisions for other people? I do. Changing the existing law is morally reprehensible
Yes I do, did you read my post above? And no it's NOT reprehensible. That is simply YOUR opinion. Laws are changed all the time.
What IS reprehensible is the murder of over 62,000,000 human beings.
Have fun Cin
The murder of 62,000,000 human beings is fun to you??
Jolly jolly good
The murder of 62,000,000 people is "jolly jolly good"???
Yes murder is great, do it always. I've now learned to never participate in a conversation, if that's what you want to call it, with you. Enjoy your blathering.
Sarcasm does not become you. So when you make a point (or a stupid statement like you just made about murder), it's intelligent conversation. When I make a point, it's blathering?
Is that what you're saying here?
Governments should subsidize abortion -- too many people already... It's great that people aren't having kids anymore.
I respectfully disagree. Governments should stay OUT of things like abortion. Actually they should stay out of most things.
As to there being too many people, who gets to decide that? Aren't they playing God? And why is killing an innocent unborn baby not murder?
So, you're agnostic, religion has nothing to do with it, yet here you're invoking God, appearing to acknowledge His existence. Could your argument possibly get any more convoluted ?
shareAren't they playing God?
Froggy, your statement that people are playing God when they create life is absurd. They're just having offspring, which is what people and all other animals and even plants do.
I'm an agnostic, so I guarantee this has nothing to do with God or religion. It's about what is right, morally and ethically. You can, of course, disagree with me. That is your right. I think we should just agree to disagree. We're simply wasting our time debating this.
Do they discuss abortion on filmboards ??