Your favorite FUCK moment...
In motion pictures of course😉
I have two...
You fucked trusted us!
Fuck it dude...let's go to bowling...
In motion pictures of course😉
I have two...
You fucked trusted us!
Fuck it dude...let's go to bowling...
I'm going to go further and provide a quote AND a clip,since we're talking about my favourite Hungarian Hotel in the other thread.
"You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it."
In Spaceballs. Dark Helmet finds the button to cancel the self destruct, and it has an "Out of Order" sign on it. Then he yells "FUCK! Even in the future everything's broken!"
shareDennis Hopper from Blue Velvet
Fuck that shit...PhD
Or for our friends up North...
Fook that shit...lucky lager eh...and some jelly doughnuts😉
Fuck...I had totally forgot that one...awsome!!!
shareI must watch that again very soon!
shareSteve Martin in Planes Trains and Automobiles
Edward Norton - 25th Hour
"Shut that cunt's mouth or I'll come over there and fuckstart her head"
Good use of fuck there...fuckstart...i like it!
shareFrom my favourite movie Manhunter-
"As a child, my heart bleeds for him. Someone took a little boy and turned him into a monster. But as an adult... as an adult, he's irredeemable. He butchers whole families to fulfill some sick fantasy. As an adult, I think someone should blow the sick fuck out of his socks"
From my favorite Thomas Harris novel...that explains your profile pic...fuckin eh!
shareLove Thomas Harris,except for Hannibal Rising but the old boy didn't want to write it so...
Exactly! You liked Hannibal? I caught grief for a fucking decade after silence when I said those two would get together...then when it happened they said I just be as crazy as the character. That is when I informed them that it was that shallow thought process that has kept Harris from giving an interview since the seveties...philistines!
shareI love and adore Hannibal the book and film,I prefer Julianne Moore to Jodie Foster as Clarice by a million miles,love the beautiful Florence scenes with Vide For Meum.I hate the horrible Red Dragon remake what a waste of good actors.
There I said it!
Pretty much agree...wish the film would have been more true to the novels Dragon was trash!
shareOk did I imagine it or is there a movie out there where someone says "Fuck you,fuck you very much" instead of Thank you??
I feel it is real,I hope it is.
Yeah totally...I say fuck you very much all the time...of course I drop it like it hot anyway sooo....fuck it!
shareThree flicks I found mightbfitvthe bill
The negotiator
Falling down
The good girl
I'm sure there are more...the real question is...can they handle two fucking threads about the word(not act)fuck?
You have it you clever thing! It's Falling Down.I'm sure Robert Duvall says it.
I've not seen the other two.
You're starting another fucking fuck thread?
Sure...the fuck you very much thread😊 also considering the C U Next Tuesday thread😮
shareI worked with a CU next Tuesday once.He was a very small man in every sense of the word,angry at the world and obnoxious. Every four weeks his weekend shift meant that he had Mondays off,it was like a gift from the Gods.
sharethey really are a growing problem!but you have to be careful...they tend to get...triggered? Is that what the kids call it?
shareEvery Friday he'd say "See you next week"
And I'd reply "Yes,see you next Tuesday"
He'd glance at me suspiciously.
Triggered,I believe that is indeed what the kids say.
Have you ever used it? I tried to use snowflake in a real conversation last week but I'm not certain I got the context correct.