Do people realize that the TV News is fake?
Not fake as in “made up” but fake as in “purposely misleading”. Every story about a white cop beating a black man who jay walked is intentionally chosen to push a liberal narrative that this country is racist towards blacks, even though more white people get beaten by cops, the news never covers that.
The constant coverage of violent crimes and overall negativity is to keep people scared, because scared people are more likely to buy things which has been proven in many studies, even though violent crime has dropped drastically since the 1980’s the news still pretends like it’s out of control.
Heck just look at how the news covers Donald Trump compared to Obama. One they go out of their way to try and smear and get impeached while the other is covered as a savior and inspirational. Care to guess which is who?
Or what about when the news claims that scientists now say that drinking more Red Wine can reduce the risk of cancer or drinking coffee makes you less likely to develop Alzheimer’s, it’s all misleading bull crap to get you to buy these things, they’re being paid to help bump up company stocks.
Long story short, the news is basically corrupt and morally bankrupt through in through.