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What's Your Favorite....

concert you'eve ever been to?

I've been to hundreds and still go to about 30-40 a year.

I keep going back to a concert in Phoenix 30 years ago.
Aerosmith opening for the Scorpions.
8 bands all day long in the desert.
People were passing out and 9 months later there are people out there
who were conceived at this concert.
It held 15,000 people but almost 40,000 tickets were sold.
It was insane! After this concert Phoenix changed it's laws regarding capacity.
I didn't leave the parking lot until 6 am. I had to be at work 90 miles away
at 6:30.

My first concert is also special to me.
I saw KISS when I was about 10 years old.

Jeff Buckley in Chicago shortly before he died.

What are your favorite concerts?


Metallica And Justice for All tour was hard to beat, but AC/DC not sure what album tour, ranks up there as well.


jp where ya been?
I just mentioned you yesterday.
Good to see you!

We've talked about some of the shows we've seen.
I think you and I would have killed it back in the day!


Thanks man.
I was way drunk on my last posts too Cat and have felt like an ass ever since.


Dude, I'm a drunk ass almost every night.
Don't worry about it.
I'm sure it wasn't even that bad whatever it was.

You got a good rep here so everything is fine.
Especially from Cat. She's one of the least judgmental people around.


Again thanks. I need to apologise to Cat again.


Ok quick​ change.
Worst contert you've seen?
I will go Flock of Seagulls.


It takes a BIG man to admit he saw Flock of Seagulls. So kudos for that.

I've seen concerts where the performers were just beat and tired.
No energy and just going through the motions.

I do remember one I saw that had groups like WASP, LA Guns, Faster Pussycat.
The whole show wasn't bad but I think it was Y&T came out and were so messed up
that they couldn't remember the words or even stand for that matter.
They got booed off the stage.


Blind in Texas,, Summer Time Girls,What Happened too Jane ,can't remember Faster?


Faster Pussycat never really made it main stream.
The best they got was probably a video on Head Bangers Ball.
I saw them twice.
Once on this show and with GNR.

Have you ever watched The Decline of Western Civilization?
There are three different ones out there.
One having to do with early punk music, one about metal and the other about punk again but
the later version.
Their all really good.


Yes Headbangers ball.

March of the Sod.✌


Prince in Minneapolis 2004, I was 17


I would have loved to have seen Prince at least once.


It was transcendent, a 4 hour show where in the middle he dismissed the rest of the band and sat down on a stool with his acoustic, doing unplugged versions of some of his best songs. When the band came back it exploded all over again.


That must have been fantastic! Prince really was a great performer. I never got to see him live. I'm jealous!


These shows are always the best.

The ones where the performer seems to actually care about the show.
Not just play the set and be done.

are other one's that come to my immediate mind.
Played for hours.



Not sure what's funky about it, maybe was 05 or something. I am 30 now.


I didn't know it had to be explicitly stated, but I am not the professional baseball player of the same name.



The Eagles. Mile High Stadium in Colorado. !976.
Linda Ronstadt opened for them.
It was one of the best shows and certainly one of the best days of my life. I loved the guy I went with.
I wonder what he's doing now. I hope he married well and has had a great life.


That would have been a tremendous concert to see!

Well, he didn't marry you so he couldn't be doing all that good. 😉


It was one of the best, as I recall, and we were higher than that stadium!

😉 Always such a sweetie!
