Another TV show example: I've always liked J. K. Simmons as an actor. He's played a lot of different characters, and all of them convincingly. His performance on the new Starz series, Counterpart, where he plays two different versions of the same character, Howard Silk, has magnified my admiration for him. There are two parallel Earths, physically identical in every respect, and a portal between them known to governments on both Earths, and tender truce between them. On Our Earth, Silk is a kind-hearted, mild-mannered government drone. On Their Earth, he is a dynamic, hard-hearted secret agent. EVERYTHING about these two men is different: posture, vocabulary, way of communicating, hell, even facial muscle tone. Even when dressed identically in the same scene, one instantly tells then kind-hearted from the hard-hearted. One reviewer has written that Simmons should be nominated for TWO Emmy awards.