Patient: How did the first Great War start? Because of a demand by the Austrian Hungary Dynasty for the execution of an accomplice who already was sentenced to life imprisonment in, um, in Serbia. Yet they demanded a prosecution for execution for Austria-Hungary laws! What does that mean? They wanted execution! The war was fought over execution! The same execution that is going on in Vietnam; over making an execution over these natives of Vietnam. They're not Vietcong, they're not communists. Whatever the American Government doesn't like, they use the - they foist on this term "communist". Because I speak the way I do, you gonna call me a communist? I'm not a communist! Even though, I have communist affiliations. Communist really means Community-ist. That's what we are if you want to call us communists because we are FOR our community. We like the well-standards. We're for the people. And that's what they call these uh... what do they call? these people that talk about a new matter... Agitators! We agitate... do we start these troubles? I'm a communist because I expound my views about the world conditions? It's the duty of every citizen to expound his views or her views of what goes on in the world. If more of them expounded their views about the conditions in the world, less chaotic conditions would exist. And the nuclear war is gonna happen not because - not what i say, not what all these war-mungers or peace-mungers blab about because all throughout the ages you will find: every time a new weapon was put out they say its the end of war. They said the submarine was the end of war, what happened? The gas masks put an end to war. What happened? They got masks. What about these submarines that are supposed to control the seas? What happened? They got airplanes that drop def-charges. You look through the ages and you find new weapon is put out, somebody puts out a counter-weapon. But the nuclear weapon doesn't stop because people are stock-piling.