MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Thin Red Line

The Thin Red Line

What do you think of this movie? Most either love it or hate it....I personally think it is a beautiful, powerful film that will always be a favorite of mine. Definitely check out the book by James Jones and the rest of the "From Here to Eternity Series" if your a fan. All well worth reading.

If you haven't seen it, go into it with an open mind and don't expect it to be like "Saving Private Ryan."


I'm familiar with the 1964 version which I vaguely remember liking very much. Might be due for a rewatch.


I've actually never seen the 1964 version. Thanks for reminding me! I'm talking about the 1998 Masterpiece by Terrence Malick.


Now that I've discovered it, I'm interested in that version as well.


It's been quite a while since I've seen it, but as I recall I liked it.



Love it! It's in my top 10. When it came out and I watched it for the first time I wasn't Impressed.

Some years later I watched it again and it really hit me what a masterful movie it is. Like you said, a beautiful and powerful film. I really wish the longer cut would be released, if it even exists.


I would kill to see the extended cut as well. Found this snippet online: "There are numerous conflicting reports as to whether a longer cut of the film exists. One of the editors on the film insisted a rumored five-hour cut was merely a rough assembly of all the footage shot, while others contend Malick preferred a substantially longer edit."

Either way, Malick did a great job adapting the book into a movie.


Interesting, I guess we will never know if the longer cut exists. If it did I think it would have leaked somehow already, but who knows.

I've never read the book but the movie is a masterpiece and easily Malick's best film.


I agree its his best film. He's seems like an odd fellow, in a good way. Doesn't make a movie for 20 years and then BAM, comes out with this master piece.


I've been thinking and am actually surprised there is no directors cut. His next movie "The New World" (which I also love) has THREE cuts!


Haven't seen it in awhile but I thought it was an excellent film.
I remember liking it better than Saving Private Ryan.


Without a doubt. I think the movie was about the effect war can have on a human being and that even good people are capable of horrible things during times of emotional and mental turmoil. An example would be the guy collecting gold teeth and then later in the film breaking down when he realized what he's done. Here is a quote from the Wikipedia Page:

"The novel explores the idea that modern war is an extremely personal and lonely experience in which each soldier suffers the emotional horrors of war by himself."
