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What do you think of smoking?

I'm not a smoker. I used to have the occasional cigar, but that was a stage in my life.
I remember an era when people still smoking in restaurants, and only 13 years ago, you could smoke in pubs and clubs.

Nowdays I don't get why people still smoke. In Australia, the taxes has made it the most expensive place in the world to smoke. $20 USD a packet! Plus they have removed the branded packages and put uniform packages with photos of diseased eyeballs, brains, etc. It is so damn expensive and gross to smoke. But people still do!

I don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke. I do mind if someone is walking in front of me and is blowing smoke in my face.

Smoking at pubs in the outdoor sections is actually a good way to meet people, so if you go out and want to meet randoms, its a place away from your group and the loud music to do so.

So in that regard, the segregation of smokers has had a social benefit for some. Or you might think, who'd want to meet or hook up with a smoker?

If I see a beautiful girl and then see her smoking I'm turned off. Female smokers don't age well. They seem to get the wrinkles around the mouth more so than men (or is it only that I notice it on women?)

I once heard an argument that trying to stop deaths by tobacco is actually more expensive as an ageing population means more to be housed and treated for dementia. Not sure about that one.

I for one am glad not to have put up with the smoking habits of the 70s and earlier, when there was smoking everywhere. In offices, on planes, restaurants, etc.

I think the next stage of stopping smoking in my country will be the major supermarket chains banning the sale of tobacco. It's weird that "the fresh-good people" (slogan of Woolworths here) is a major seller of cigarettes.


It stinks



I've had friends who are smokers and they shock me when they ask if they can smoke inside. Like really? I've done security at shopping centres and find it weird when people are asked to move to the designated smoking area, especially people who have grown up in an anti-smoking society of the 90s onwards.

I remember as a kid on a long distance train, going into the smoking room. It was disgusting. I wonder if being forced to be in a small room with 20 people smoking caused some to quit.

I think the focus on shock pictures of health problems isn't the right way to go. Vanity, would be better. Showing people what smoking does to your skin and how it ages you. That will stop a lot more smokers.


I used to smoke, never heavy but I've quit for 3 years now and haven't been tempted once. Now I can't stand the smell and it feels like everyone is constantly blowing smoke in my face. I even hold my breath when a smoker is walking in front of me until I pass the clouds of lung vomit.


Wow, that's an extreme reaction. You must really have a negative view of smoking for the smell to drive you crazy. What about cigar smoke? Or kreteks? (indonesian clove cigarettes.)

I love the smell of kreteks. I bought the brand Djarum Black when I lived in Los Angeles and it used to draw people to me to ask what it was and if they could have one.


Late reply sorry. I probably made it sound more extreme than it is. I think it stems from last year when I moved here the neighbours would constantly smoke outside and it would blow in my window every time I opened it. Even though I'd have a window open at both sides it would circulate inside instead of blow through and out the other window. They were asked many times to smoke somewhere else and told why but never really did, so I probably get a bit annoyed at the smell now because it reminds me of that.

The only person I know who smokes cigars is my Dad and that's only outside during the summer at my parents house when he's having a beer. I've never smelled kreteks but love clove.


Congratulations, Skull! Well done!



It's kinda sexy...

Look at a woman smoking, the pursing of the lips as she wraps it around the cigerette, the half open mouth as she exhales... it resembles other kinds of pleasure... πŸ˜‰

Yeah, she'll stink and will wrinkle faster, but in that moment, it's kinda hot... And that's what smoking is about, constantly chasing that tiny moment of dragging on nicotine... Not worth the sacrifice, but I can understand the initial appeal...

What do you guys think of vaping? It looks like someone sucking on their USB drive or a late 90s era mobile phone πŸ˜‚

I'm a non-smoker by the way and dislike ashtray mouth...


I was a smoker for like 8 years, and even while I was doing it, I hated it. Quitting was very difficult but I can confidently say 5 years later it's the best personal choice I've made. The smell is vomit worthy and seeing somebody smoking is the opposite of sexy. When I think of smoking I think of an endless feeling of desperation.


I hate smoking more than anyone, I really do, but when I see those "truth" propaganda anti-smoking ads on Comedy Comedy it makes me want to start smoking. I hate that campaign as much as I hate smoking. Some of the most obnoxious over the top propaganda I've ever seen. Personal responsibility people, don't blame the tobacco industry because you smoke. It's YOUR choice. Do you also blame McDonald's for making you fat? I also believe that smoking in bars and restaurants should be up to the owner of the establishment whether it is allowed or not. And as a free citizen with choice, and personal responsibility, you can CHOOSE whether to enter any bar or restaurant that allows smoking, or not to.


it is disgusting


It stinks! I used to date guys who smoke but I don't think I could anymore
