MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What do you think of smoking?

What do you think of smoking?

I'm not a smoker. I used to have the occasional cigar, but that was a stage in my life.
I remember an era when people still smoking in restaurants, and only 13 years ago, you could smoke in pubs and clubs.

Nowdays I don't get why people still smoke. In Australia, the taxes has made it the most expensive place in the world to smoke. $20 USD a packet! Plus they have removed the branded packages and put uniform packages with photos of diseased eyeballs, brains, etc. It is so damn expensive and gross to smoke. But people still do!

I don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke. I do mind if someone is walking in front of me and is blowing smoke in my face.

Smoking at pubs in the outdoor sections is actually a good way to meet people, so if you go out and want to meet randoms, its a place away from your group and the loud music to do so.

So in that regard, the segregation of smokers has had a social benefit for some. Or you might think, who'd want to meet or hook up with a smoker?

If I see a beautiful girl and then see her smoking I'm turned off. Female smokers don't age well. They seem to get the wrinkles around the mouth more so than men (or is it only that I notice it on women?)

I once heard an argument that trying to stop deaths by tobacco is actually more expensive as an ageing population means more to be housed and treated for dementia. Not sure about that one.

I for one am glad not to have put up with the smoking habits of the 70s and earlier, when there was smoking everywhere. In offices, on planes, restaurants, etc.

I think the next stage of stopping smoking in my country will be the major supermarket chains banning the sale of tobacco. It's weird that "the fresh-good people" (slogan of Woolworths here) is a major seller of cigarettes.


I despise smoking. I can't stand the smell. Hang out with a smoker and your clothes still stink days later!


I agree completely, but that is not the worst thing about it. Please see my response below.



I'm not a smoker either,but my father is.Even at 4am he lights a cigarette


I despise it. It's a filthy, disgusting and unhealthy habit. When I see someone smoking, my estimation of their intelligence drops dramatically, and my disdain for them rises dramatically. And I move away from them. When I see someone smoking in a film, I think "Why is this person smoking, and why the fuck did the writer add this totally unnecessary detail?"

Graveyards are full of people cut down way too early by this disgusting habit, including my late Father who smoked cigars, and died of lung cancer.


If I ran the world, smoking would never have been invented.


well if you're poor it's something fun to pass the time smoking a cig and then you get hooked. i havent had a car in 11 year for personal reasons and on the street it's easy to bum a smoke from random people

when i quit for six years it does help to have an attitude about it though.


As I understand it, the act stimulates the pleasure center in the brain. It's still a filthy, disgusting, unhealthy habit.
But I will not even attempt to talk you out of it. That's a life changing health decision that you would have to make.


Sorry to hear of your transportation problem. Good luck!


PS So is chewing gum, but much less damaging to your health. Just sayin'....



I don't like the look of it!. ump dumpa doopity doo..............


Okay then, Willy.



The way that a cow does Oompa Loompa doompety da


LMAO over here, beavis!




"Smoking is bad, mmmmkay?"



I barely ever smoked, was never my thing. But it never bothered me in general. In fact I tell the wife I kind of miss it if I am in a bar or similar establishment. There is supposed to be a bit of a haze in these places that is missing now.


I have no idea how people get into smoking, might as well be paying for an early grave


For many people...especially years ago it was a social thing with added benefit of it being addictive once you start, peer pressure and people that influence you also smoking had a lot of effect as well. There are plenty of reasons not to drink or do drugs but many people do. I would think taking one look at a meth addict would be reason enough not to start it but people still do. Compared to some of these things, smoking is nothing.




Amen, Bro!



Also from Australia and also a smoker and yes the pricing is scandalous - probably resulting in more black market profits.

I've never understood the absolute disgust for the habit. People who argue sympathetic non-judgemental treatment of heroin or meth addicts will loudly proclaim their disgust and hatred for tobacco smokers, and repeat mantras that would appear cliched in regards to other drugs. My theory is that it's a sort of class disdain - seemingly more well to do's perceiving smokers as Old world, working class layabouts with stained death and no regard for public air space, while the consumption of booze and many other drugs crosses class lines and seemingly occurs within a more hip, modern crowd and environment.


I don't smoke, but am all for personal freedoms, so I don't judge those that do. Hey, if you want to smoke, go ahead, just be aware of the consequences. The real monsters are the Tobacco Companies. Now that smoking is on a downward trend in US, they are focusing on getting the youth of 3rd world countries addicted.


Hate it with a passion. My parents smoked around me as a kid and i now have a wheezy chest and trouble breathing even though I've never smoked.


I'd get that checked out. Probably not from second hand smoke. I agree though, my parents smoked as well. For the most part away from us, but I do remember them smoking with the windows down in the car. Annoyed the shit out of me. Happy to say they are both 10+years nicotine free.


My parents obviously had no consideration for my health.
