MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you do this?

Do you do this?

Do you ever post something and hit the submit button only to re read what you wrote? After that, do you hurry to edit your mistakes or change your wording a bit so that it makes more sense?
I do this so often. I feel that I must race to do this before anyone sees my first"draft" which I should have read before I hit the submit.
Just curious, or am I the only "editor" around here?
I'll come back to see your replies (if any) later on. Right now, I have places to go.

You'll all be happy to know that I edited this before I sent it out to you. πŸ–


I do it after 99% of my posts anywhere and usually make four or five edits in a minute. Sometimes I'll change just one letter, hit submit, then notice another.

I don't rush to edit incase anyone reads build ver. 1-1.5 though. I do it in case anyone quotes it, preserving it for all time.

That isn't as much a worry here, although I still do it.


I do it all the time. I'm a perfectionist with my posts.


I do miss that preview box that IMDb use to have. I just have to learn to proof read what I type before I submit it! 😁
