Over a period of several years, I watched a major local industry constantly announce layoffs just prior to the holiday season and ironically, it was union dominated. I actually worked there at one time. Due to excessive outsourcing, it was eventually shut down completely. There was understandable outrage in the community but due to the natural resiliency of human nature, we survived.
I guess I'm trying to make several points here, and one final one is, how many times have we seen completely selfish ruthlessness sugar-coated and justified as " just business ? "
Business is business. Despite the Left thinking that companies are in business to be charitable and help people, they are ACTUALLY in the business of making money. If they don't make money, they can't pay their employees' salaries, and they will go out of business, and all their employees will be out of work.
Well, that's easy for you to say, someone who brags about retiring very early. And you've always displayed a real lack of empathy as well.
It's not always about the Left, as much as you try to make it appear that way. It's about everyday people trying to survive on this planet and have somewhat of a life.
The same thing happened to me, db. I didn't decide to retire, my position was eliminated, along with 10 others. Fortunately I had saved and invested wisely, so I was able to remain retired.
And this is the best country in the world for taking care of people. The government does some of it. The rest is done by charities, churches and individuals. I give a lot to charity.
Thank you, db. And BTW, this is the best country for taking care of people all over the world. Whenever there's a disaster, we're usually the first to send aid.
It is true. People are resilient and will survive.
"Just business" seems to be the golden go to.
What gets me are businesses that say family owned, we're one big family or our employees
are our biggest asset. Then turn around and these kinds of things.
Many of these stores that were closed gave zero notice to employees.
They went into work and saw a note saying the store was closed.
Nice way to treat your family.