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A Message to MovieManCin2

Knock the crap out with politics already on this board and just take it to the Trump thread! You are obsessed.


So sorry you're distressed, Lurk, but not happening. It's only going to get better (or worse depending on your POV). Heh heh!

We won! Ha Ha! You lost! Boo Hoo! Stop whining like a little girl, and get over it, Buttercup.

BTW, if you REALLY want to read political posts, go to the Trump page.



Why don't you take your own advise and STFU already. Your crap is becoming annoying beyond belief.

I don't want to read political posts! And I definitely don't want to read YOUR political posts that contain nothing of value, not even a speck. So YOU go to the Trump board, or the Hillary board, OR go _completely_ off the grid and FUCK OFF WITH YOUR ASININE, SEXIST, IRRELEVANT, POLITICALLY ILLINFORMED BULLSHIT.

This used to be a community of filmlovers, now it's become your personal sandbox. Sad.


My goodness you're thin skinned. Would you like some cheese with that whine? Buck up, Buttercup. It's a little thing we have here in America call Freedom of Speech. I don't know if you have that where you live. If not, I feel sorry for you.

BTW, it isn't happening. So as Bette Davis once said, "Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night." And if you don't like my posts, don't read them. Duh! Problem solved.

BTW, I'm on the Trump board too. I'm a riot there. I don't know if there's a Hillary board, but thanks for the suggestion. If there is, I'll go there and trash her there also. Of course I'll continue here on GD, cause this is where the action is.

PS Pushing liberals' buttons is so much fun. I'll never stop. Sucks for you, I guess. Once again
solution: don't read my posts. Duh!



I don't know if there's a Hillary board, but thanks for the suggestion. If there is, I'll go there and trash her there also.

Yes, one of your other brainless MAGA buddies has a thread there recommending Hillary kill herself.

Thus, I'm sure your useless posts and your infantile crap will also be welcome there.


Ask me if I care. Hint: I don't.

PS Happy New Year, Froggy! Keep up the good work!



Happy New Year, MovieManCin2!


Thanks kamen, and right back at ya!



PS 13 months of constant badgering and insulting of our duly elected President Trump by the Lame Stream Media, Hollyweird and other Libtard groups which has made me this way, Mina. This constant and often vile badgering included the unfunny "comedienne" Kathy Griffin holding what appeared to be President Trump's bloody head. And I have yet to see or hear a Libtard refer to him as PRESIDENT Trump.

As the guy in Network said, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" If that offends you, too bad, so sad.

If you had to take this kind of abuse for that long, what do you think it would do to you? So get off your high horse, and come down here with the rest of us peons.



Yeah, he should really consider seeing a proctologist about possible brain damage.


Yeah, and you should check about getting your head out of your ass.



What kind of conversations do you really expect to gain out of this place anyways, asides with the same few kind of people that would respond to the same flood of your rant posts? I don't really have an issue with you starting up just one post, but several that already too up the first page every time?

Plus not everyone here is an American. Couldn't you also bring yourself to talk about the politics going on in Europe too or something? Like how Theresa May and the remaining Tories are planning to handle Brexit next successfully (or not) for their country?


Sure. You bring up the topic, I'll discuss almost anything.



We won! Ha Ha! You lost! Boo Hoo! Stop whining like a little girl, and get over it, Buttercup.

Hilarious to see you calling someone else a little girl while you're being an immature jackass.

You're seriously going down in flames. You were a normal poster for a while but now you're just doubling down on trolling.


Talk to the hand, froggy. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

PS Happy New Year!



How could you tell, Einstein? Ain't happening, cause it's way too much fun to push your liberal buttons, there's no way I would stop. So keep bringing it, and have a nice day.

PS Would you like some cheese with that whine?



He and UltimateHippo are basically just begging people to put them on the ignore list.


Ask me if I care, froggy.



It’s not just MMC, but does anyone else find the alt-right’s preoccupation with Hillary immensely tedious? I’m on the left and don’t like her much either (didn’t vote for her), but for the love of humanity, I’ve moved on!


I'm sure you have, but Crooked Hillary and the Deep State have not. She's still whining and complaining and blaming everyone except herself for her butt kicking. So we will continue to fight back.



If not just Hillary, the preoccupation would also concern Obama, Bill, SJWs, socialist liberals, or just anyone on the left a lot too. Regardless of how anyone felt about their time of presidency, Obama and Bill are not the ones in charge either at the moment. Plus, again, regardless of how anyone felt about Obama, He is also not the one to currently hold an abysmal approval rating under his 'new and improved' administration. Out of all the past and real U.S. presidents of modern history to do so too.


Ask us if we care. Hint: we don't!

