MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you agree with this article about mis...

Do you agree with this article about misogyny?

Basically, according to the article, the five causes of misogyny are:

-Society teaches men to believe they are owe attractive women
-Women are viewed as "decoration" in our society
-Society teaches men to believe women take advantage of male sexual desire
-Society teaches men to believe masculinity is in a downward spiral
-Feelings of powerlessness

I think these are sensible points that do explain why men might have misogynistic thoughts.


Women as "decoration"šŸ¤”Are you serious?


It's true. Look at TV shows, movies...even some advertisement for example.


I know at least two women that would disagreešŸ˜‰


Yea but that's not specific to women.I've seen plenty of tv shows movies and ads where men were the decoration.Fabio doesn't get those butter commercials because he's talented.


Fabio lol The mentioning of him brings up another area of objectification..walk through a romance section and checking out the covers of those novels is enough to make most weak men feel inadequate.


hmm yea I see a lot of good looking men and women in all those things you describe. They are all decorations trying to get you to watch and/or buy what they are selling.

remember those old Diet Coke commercials with half dressed male construction worker?

Those women are certainly not the decoration of that piece.

This favored men for the longest time because who were the biggest buyers in the past? men. Who watched the most tv or went to movies and brought dates to movies? Men. Things have changed and so have the commercials and the TV shows and movies. If you think TV nowadays as a whole re enforces the decoration of only women idea you must never turn on TV.


Is not cracked some kind of humor site even though some of the humor is unintentional such as this article? Unfortunately, men are just responding to primitive reproductive urges that they need to control. I've never felt any of the things cited above. Further, I have learned to control my needs for reproduction where I do not feel the need to bother every woman I come across on a daily basis. If I come across a woman looking for flattery I smile pleasantly and let it go at that. No leering or coming onto.
