MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Do You Think Are the Worst Shows Ma...

What Do You Think Are the Worst Shows Made in Your Country That Are Currently Airing?

For me it is Gogglebox Australia. A piece of sh*t reality program that consists entirely of families being filmed watching programs on TV and making comments. Or as I've kindly described on the comments section of the show:

"People sit around the box with unblinking, vapid stares, and slowly deliver the most lamest wisecracks ever. There's nothing to take away from this program other than your fellow human beings are brain dead zombies...It's depressing that this program has lasted as long as it has and that some people actually find it funny. The promos come thick and fast and make me want to scratch my eyeballs out."

Programming such as this is a large reason why most people have jumped aboard the on-line ship.


I have a bunch of name one : wife for my son.


What is that program about? I tried searching for it but nothing came up.


It's romanian : try this "mireasă pentru fiul meu"'


Thanks. So contestants are put inside a house with their mothers or grandmothers with the hope they'll end up married to another contestant? Seems like a cross between Big Brother and every other matrimony reality show. Sounds quite nutty, but who am I to talk where one of our most popular shows involves watching people watch TV...


Modern Family


This Is Us.

The grammaticalty correct title is, no matter how it sounds, This Is We, as in "this is who we are;" just as when two or people are waiting for a door to be opened and someone on the closed side of the door asks, "Who's there?," the correct reply is, "It is we," and is not "It's us."

The correct way is almost never the popular way.

Plus, this program is Touched-By-An-Angel-level pap.


No offense Kane, but I think you have that backwards. I believe the correct phrase is "It's us." "Us" is in the accusative case, the direct object of the verb "is". "We" is in the nominative case, and would be the subject of the sentence.

It's just like it's proper to say "It's you and me." not "It's you and I." Me is in the accusative case. You don't say "It's I."
You say "It's me."

Check with an English teacher, and he/she will tell you that I am correct. Sorry.

BTW, I watched the first season of This is Us, and loved it. But in the second season it became too syrupy and sappy, and the characters have become very irritating. So I stopped watching it.



On a side note that program had become successful on free to air in Australia, but was abruptly removed along with The Simpsons, Futurama and Modern Family - all Fox programs. The reason: the network that aired those programs was supposed to have been brought by Fox, but Network Ten decided on CBS so Fox withdrew their programs...
Very jarring to see The Simpsons no longer on free to air as it had been shown continually since 1991.


Bummer, but I'll let you in on a little secret: they're in it for the money.



Canada has so many


America has way too many to even attempt to list. I would estimate that 3/4 of the shows on American TV are total shit.
Of the other 1/4, most are only mildly amusing. I only know of about 16 shows which are really worth watching.



Sad but true MovieMan!
Most American network shows are total garbage
As the OP Retro stated many of us pay for streaming/use on line services...regular american TV is the absolute pits...all doctor and cop and lady drama and singing competitions...
My wife loves all that shit i suppose there is SOME audience for it...?


Actually the best things I've seen this year were Fargo on FX, Stranger Things on Netflix, and Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency on BBCAmerica.



Perhaps i misunderstood
I was just speaking about regular network stuff...channels 2,4,5,7,9 and 11 here in the US
I love Stranger Things...gonna rewatch both seasons when i have a vacation week next spring
Sorry for confusion bud!


Okay. No problemo. For channels 2,4,5 etc. the pickins are pretty slim.



In Australia, we've been swamped on free to air with reality programming that involves cooking, singing or ghastly home renovation. Fictional programming are slim pickings and are mostly sappy homogenous dramas aimed at sheltered yuppies who don't wish to see major dramatic conflict in their own backyard.
Overall, free to air suits the needs of a dwindling older and conservative demographic still watching free to air.


So called "reality tv" is 90% crap. Of course as Gene Roddenberry once said "90% of everything is crap."



Most American network shows are total garbage.

I think that's why I don't miss having TV. Every once in a while, I think about putting up an antenna to get over-the-air from the nearest metro area, 60 miles away. I sometimes miss watching the news and weather. But then I remember it's all crap and commercials - nope, never mind, not worth it.

Don't forget the so-called reality shows. Gag.


Wow where are you?
Apologies...didnt want that to sound creepy but i couldnt live without my shows lol
Im about 60 miles north of New York City btw
And yup...reality TV is pretty horrible!


60 miles north of the Twin Cities.


do they look alike?


Ha, ha. Nope.


Wow...a cold weather gal
I couldnt handle that lol!
Best wishes and stay cozy:)



Chrisley knows best

worse shows ever
