MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Any suggestions for soul-crushing, extre...

Any suggestions for soul-crushing, extremely depressing movies?

Share some potent stuff.


Grave of the Fireflies


Thanks, added to the list.


Lord of the Flies, especially the ending, when the rest of the gang takes Piggy's glasses away from him, he can't see,and he ends up getting killed by a flying boulder. The book, too, is rather depressing.


A Serbian Film


a nice first date movie


First AND Last:/


"Le ballon rouge" (1956)

Menace II Society (1993)


Irreversible was a twisted one too...i actually admired the job Noe did with this horrible tale but i certainly will never watch it again


I couldn't finish it... Went to the theatre not knowing what kind ofnmovie it was and walked out during the infamous scene...

I was having a bad day and wasn't prepared for that... Soul crushing indeed...


Awful to watch...once was quite enough
Credit to Gaspar Noe for tearing those performances out of his cast though...that scene ran over 6 minutes in an unbroken shot and intentionally nauseating strobes and sounds were edited in throughout the film to intensify the viewer's horror and unease...the final scene of the wonderful Monica Bellucci ripped my heart out:/
Masterful movie making...again though...only once for me!


Solaris (2002) is a bit depressing, although less than soul crushing...

We Own The Night gets depressing, but isn't throughout...

Never Let Me Go is melancholy and sad...

The Deep Blue Sea is also melancholy and sad...

None of these are soul crushing... I'll have to get back to you...


At Close Range, Casualties Of War, Platoon.
Maybe not soul-crushing, but intentionally dark and pessimistic.
And River's Edge.


Platoon was pretty rough stuff
My father in law went to the war in '69...came home with a bronze, a silver and a purple...he wont speak a word of it even now and i dont dare ask
I cant imagine...


Yeah, though for me the silver lining with River's Edge is that [spoiler]Tim backs down from his plan to shoot his own brother Matt, in part because Matt finally shows empathy for him and remorse for hitting him. When we see them in the back of the police car, they share a look that seems to acknowledge that even though it's been rough between them, they're still family. For almost the entire movie, Tim is a scarily callous and dangerous kid, but in that scene, you can start to think there's still hope for him.[/spoiler]


The Road


Jeez...forgot that one!!
:/really sad...


are you referring to "La Strada"?


Good one. Not a cheery film for sure.


Idk. Yes it's very sad at the end, but there is so much beauty to be taken from it.
And it's a classic tragedy in that the protagonist understands how wrong he's been.
I love La Strada.


its my 2nd favorite movie ever :)


Why would you want suggestions for those?



Im sorry to cut in...I watch a lot of this kind of thing
Its a high-wire act with no net by director and cast alike...when done properly these disturbing films become a part of the viewers mindset and attitude about the world...
Ill simply mention Schindler's List as a movie that really beat me up for a week after viewing it...that cute little kid in her red coat...still a rough sequence to my mind
Great film making though...AND really disturbing
I think we should all agree to get disturbed by stuff builds opinions and character


Great insight.


Much obliged...'bad stuff' makes me think...



Mmmm. You make an interesting point, Shogun.



Well said, ShogunofYonkers. Films like these can further open us up to our world and fellow human beings. Thank you.


Thank you Bravo!

