Series That I Will Rewatch Unto Perpetuity
Game of Thrones
The Sopranos
How about you?
Game of Thrones
The Sopranos
How about you?
Absolutely nothing is that good to watch forever.
Barney Miller
Twilight Zone - original
All in the Family
Maybe stargate sg 1 and antlantis...maybe.
shareRed Dwarf
The JonTron Show
Beavis and Butt-head
Bob's Burgers
South Park
Corner Gas
Gilmore Girls
shareStar Trek
The Prisoner
Mad Men
The Sopranos
Breaking Bad
Game Of Thrones (dependent on how it finishes, I know that sounds like a sketchy qualifier, but a bad finish for a continuing story can ruin everything that came before it...for example, "Lost")
Absolutely with you on The Prisoner
American Gothic (the one with Gary Cole as Sheriff Lucas Buck), with the episodes watched in the correct sequence, not in the sequence in which they aired
Dexter, seasons 1 through 4
I usually don't re-watch series, but if I did:
The Twilight Zone (the original of course)
Twin Peaks
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Cosmos (Sagan of course)
Hill Street Blues
The Sopranos
Spartacus was a series??
I never knew there was a Hitchhikers Guide series.
Yes, and it's a classic! It was a six part series done by the BBC back in 1981, and starred Simon Jones, David Dixon, Peter Jones, and Mark Wing-Davey. The special effects are laughably crude (no CGI in 1981), but the acting is great, and it is hilarious! It's rated 8.1 on IMDB. You really should check it out Jack, especially if you like dry British humor.
Speaking of Hitchhiker's...
Did you ever happen to listen to the radio version of HGTTG? I think it was a British production, but I heard it when it aired on NPR back in the mid to late 80s. It was an excellent adaptation because it had a narrator that kept a lot of the descriptions and observations from the book.
I haven't seen the '81 TV version but I'll have to hunt it down. The movie sure sucked big time, though.
The 81 TV version is killer. You won't regret watching it. The special effects are laughable by today's standards, but that just adds to its charm IMHO.
I knew about the radio version, but have never heard it. I really loved the TV series. I also like digital watches, and feeding fish to dolphins. And 42 is absolutely my favorite number.
"I knew about the radio version, but have never heard it. I really loved the TV series. I also like digital watches, and feeding fish to dolphins. And 42 is absolutely my favorite number."
May your towel always be fluffy!
Just re-listened to it on Stitcher. Classic stuff.