Least favorite genre
Superhero movies. They are as ubiquitous today as bible epics and westerns were in the fifties. And like most westerns and bible epics of yore: they suck.
shareSuperhero movies. They are as ubiquitous today as bible epics and westerns were in the fifties. And like most westerns and bible epics of yore: they suck.
shareI like spy films, but war movies that focus a lot on military strategy and battle scenes don't do anything for me.
shareI'm also over buddy cop movies.
shareComic book movies... clearly worst at the moment... Many are barely movies at this stage, more like elaborate ads for toys and brands... they've gone beyond 80s action movies in how standardised they are...
... other notable mentions that are bad genre-wide...
- Torture Porn, i agree with you Texas... Mediocre genre... Was a toss up between this and the comicbook ones... I haven't watched the supposedly better ones, so left it as runner up... Saw sucks...
Other so so genres... usually bad, but the exceptions are solid... Some gems in there, among the trash...
- Oscar bait movies: I dislike the "noble" disease of the week and other victim narratives... Passive stories are not cinematic and these movies usually rely on subject matter rather than the quality and artistry of the film... Enough exceptions to leave it off the worst genre list... The movies should rise to the subject matter, not use it as a crutch...
- Bro comedies: Very infantalised and corporate idea of masculinity... It's especially bad in the current generation that is somehow "bro" but also has a PC slant, e.g. Dirty Grandpa, seth rogan's... So you get male nudity and unfunny gay jokes rather than the usual titilation... Should be satirized, not celebrated... There are exceptions like OldSchool which are funny enough and have an undercurrent of sensitivity to the quiet desperation of some middle aged men, which has some truth to it... Also you rarely get to see actual men on screen in comedies. Farrel, Thronton and maybe one or two other exceptions...
I am not a fan of musicals, I've tried too watch a few over the years but just don't enjoy people breaking into song every 5 minutes, takes me right out of the movie.
sharePretty much all, or 99% of contemporary movies, because they are
primarily corporate creations to make money.
Go back and watch some of the movies from the dawn of cinema to
the late 1950's, especially Hollywood's Pre-Code movies. There were
fun, and adult, and did to try to pander to every single demographic
in the country.
They told stories about people that had a message, a point, a moral,
and were not preachy, they were good ... and they managed to do that
without lots of nudity, cursing, product placements, car crashed, special
effects, lots of sexy women posed dead as corpses, making an obnoxious
big deal about social issues such as gays, and yet dealt with those issues
carefully and humanly without making a big deal about it.
Whatever the genre,I want human beings in it. Not a facsimile. No superheroes,no computer person(except Data) or supernatural.