MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Houston Texans ALL took a knee durin...

The Houston Texans ALL took a knee during the National Anthem on Sunday

This is disrespecting the Anthem, the Flag, and our great Country, and is a disgrace.

Yesterday Deshawn Watson, their star Quarterback, tore his ACL, and is out for the season.
This is on top of J.J. Watt, their star Linebacker (and another key players whose name I can't
recall at this moment) being out for the season with an injury. Without these players the Texans will NOT make the playoffs.

Seems like Karma really is a BITCH.



The kneeling thing is pretty lame...they look so dorky...


Yeah and I'm irked with how quickly that stupid expression took hold. I know I'll never use it.


Nor I... I know a few war vets ( family and friends)
It really pisses them the fuck off and i dont blame them
Protesting is cool...a great tradition here in the 'States but...these lucky, safe and secure tough guys could do their thing in a less odious manner


My dad was one. I've got the flag from his funeral prominently and proudly displayed in my living room, dominating my entertainment center.


Sorry to hear he passed
God bless him and the land he fought for!


Yup! Two tours.


Wow...what a scary war
True American hero
Rest in peace good fellow


I gave him a good send off. Color Guard, of course...the whole nine yards. It was dazzling, all the different uniforms that were present.


Thanks to your Dad for his service, db20db. You should be very proud.

What a coincidence. The flag from my father's funeral is proudly displayed on my entertainment center in my dining room. He was a Captain in the FSSF in World War II.



AMEN, Shogun! These spoiled, overpaid, bratty lame brains have the right to protest anything, but they should do it at an appropriate time and place. Over 650,000 brave men and women have died over the last 241 years to give them that right. If they do it during the Anthem they're spitting on the graves of all those brave heroes.



This is all that needs to be said...
Perfect MovieMan...
Those punks should toss the ball around for our entertainment like the fucking clowns they are and just stfu...



Or maybe they should get a real job and work like most people.


reply if...
'What is this real job you speak of coach..?
Can i do push ups instead coach?'


Our veterans weren't the only ones who helped protestors procure their rights to do so, however. The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has also contributed a great deal to helping people assert their rights to free speech.


Compared to what our veterans have done, the ACLU has done SQUAT! How many ACLU members have died for our freedoms? That would be ZERO!



That's not true, MovieManCin2. People don't have to die for our freedoms in order to be heroes/heroines.

The ACLU has done much more than you care to believe in order to protect people's rights, and is nothing to sneeze at.


Like what for instance?



The ACLU came to Rush Limbaugh's defense when prosecutors demanded access to his medical records.

Veterans simply dedicate, risk and sacrifice their lives for their country. That's just not enough to impress the "other hero" who would rather criticise the military until his SmartPhone battery dies.


To say that the ACLU has done more for our freedoms than the 650,000 brave heroes who died for our country is MORONIC! Therefore mplo is apparently........



...uninformed. At best.

And that second "n" keeps the word from being "uniformed." It's the uniformed who the uninformed ought to respect.

"MaxiRad -- roll with it!"


Amen, james.



including Nazis


It pisses them off that American citizens exercise the rights that the and their fellow service men and women are employed to protect?




Why does it bother some people so much?

You realize these people are getting extra attention and publicity due to outrage over their harmless symbolic actions, right?

If you'd all have ignored it, then it would have probably faded into obscurity.

Seems like you're shooting yourself in the foot. Or feet.



Because 650,000 brave men and women have died over the past 241 years so that the we have the freedoms that we enjoy. The actions may be harmless, but they are still extremely disrespectful to the Anthem, the Flag, our Country, and all of these brave heroes. You would know that if your family had ever been handed a folded American Flag at the funeral of a brave military hero.

Let me ask you then: why are so many people upset over the Confederate Flag and old Civil War Monuments? Are they not harmless also? And why did ESPN pull an announcer from a college football game because his name is Robert E Lee? BTW,
for all the diversity fans out there, Mr. Lee is an Asian American.

Karma is indeed a BITCH.



Soldiers died for rights such as protesting... Not compelling people to flag worship and wishing for them to lose their jobs over failing to do so.

Why didn't all these wingnut Nazis protest Trump for his disrespect to soldiers and their families?

Oh that's because they truly only care about protests in the name of equality. True disrespect to soldiers, from the now President, is irrelevant.

Good job playing into Trump's distraction war.


They DO have a right to protest, but they're doing it at the wrong time and place, froggy. They're disrespecting the brave heroes who gave them those rights.

As to Trump disrespecting soldiers and their families you have apparently swallowed the lies of the Main Stream Media.

And PUH-lease stop throwing the "Nazi" term around. You do realize that only the Nazis were Nazies, right? You only weaken your argument when you throw that in.

And good job playing into the Deep State's treasonous war on our duly elected President!



I really like you Frog so no offense...Trump and left/right political bullshit has nothing to do with it...
Heroes fought and died or got maimed or went half mad from what they did for the cause...maybe just show some respect...the red on The Stars and Stripes is there for for a reason...


They died to protect our freedoms, such as freedom of speech.
not to protect a song.
Kneeling is a posture of respect and deference, this is universal and worldwide. They aren't sitting there giving the finger to the flag, they are kneeling.
This is a dog whistle issue for trumpists just to distract from the real things going on.


Oh enough with that ridiculous "dog whistle" crap! This has nothing to do with whether or not you're a Trump supporter. It's about do you respect the anthem, the flag and this country. Obviously you do not.



If you respect the country then you also have to respect the constitution. Fetishing a song or a piece of cloth, without even understanding what it even stands for is not patriotic, that is nationalism.


"Fetishing"?? WTF are you talking about?? Standing for the Anthem shows respect for the Anthem, the Flag, Our Country AND the Constitution. It IS patriotic despite what you contend. And WTF is wrong with nationalism?

Taking a knee shows disrespect for all of the above, and is reprehensible. Once again, it's not so much the players I'm angry with, it's the NFL and Gutless Goodell. The NFL is a product which asks us to buy, and they should require their employees to respect this country.



So don't buy the product then.

'And WTF is wrong with nationalism?'
If you even need to ask this you need to study some history.


No You need to study the definition of "Nationalism" to wit from Wikipedia:

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation, particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland. The political ideology therefore hold that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination.

What is wrong with that? If that's not the very definition of what America believes in, I don't know what it.

As to not buying the product, I would rather advocate to get the product to get their stuff together and do what is right.



Wikipedia is your source?


It's one of many. You got a problem with that?



It's what we call a "squirrel". Let one loose and all the barking dogs get distracted from the real issues.


WTF are you talking about, martoto?



Nothing to do with Trump or any other politician left or right
Its just in poor taste
Disgusting really


AMEN, Shogun!! Somebody here gets it!



Good people died for this great land and that fine flag...protected me and died for my civilian ass...
I support protest and i value it as a great American tradition...but please find a different way to make your gripes public and show some goddam respect


Again, AMEN!!!



I haven't seen the knee drops from the assholes on TV in a while, so they are not getting the attention they are looking for.
I really believe anyone that doesn't stand for the national anthem should be put on a raft and set out to sea.


This is a scumbag I care less about.





I will give an amen when​ you give Tiger Woods the same.


Tiger Woods is an asshole also!



He sort of is...
The lad is finished


Yes he is, and that makes me happy!



Yup... Hear ya


That's fine. I respect your opinion and there are many others that share your view. 🍻


Actually the majority of the American People agree with me.



Guess what? I'm an American and I don't follow in the majority ways.


And that of course is your right.



biting the hand that feeds them





They aren't doing it to disrespect the anthem or the flag. They are protesting inequality and injustice. They are expressing their convictions and doing it for good reasons. I don't think there is anything offensive or disgraceful about it. Football players get injured all the time and I don't think it has anything to do with karma.


And how often do we see one in the media nowadays for being a batterer or rapist ?


Sure there are a few bad ones, but that is true of every occupation. I don't think the players who are kneeling are the ones who are committing violent crimes.


Could be true but they're still pc sheeple !


Not really. If they are doing it because they believe it is right and an expression of their own personal convictions, then they are not "pc sheeple."


They're following a pc trend. Show me someone who stands against what's popular and I'll show you a shaker and a mover.


no, they are not "pc sheeple" they are assholes


There's a difference ?




So having convictions makes someone an asshole? Peacefully protesting inequality and injustice makes someone an asshole? You have a strange definition of what makes someone an asshole.


there's a time and place for everything, when you refuse to stand for your country's anthem, you're an asshole that doesn't belong in this country, inequality? why don't these millionaires give some back to the people that they are protesting for? and anyone that sides with them is an asshole.


Refusing to stand for an anthem does NOT make you an asshole. They have the right to not stand and people who are getting bent out of shape about it are missing the point. It is not about the anthem. Many NFL players are involved in charitable efforts and do help others. Siding with those who protest does not make someone an asshole. It means that they have convictions and are opposed to racism and injustice. People's lives are more important than a patriotic song.


Yes Allaby, it DOES make you an asshole!

News Flash: Texans lose to Colts today 20 to 14. Karma continues to be a BITCH!



Yes Allaby, it DOES make you an asshole!

News Flash: Texans lose to Colts today 20 to 14. Karma continues to be a BITCH!



"People's lives are more important than a patriotic song"

Sure, tell that to the young men and women that fought and died for the very freedom that allows you to disrespect the country, flag and anthem without punishment that you can't get away with in most countries,
Racism? what a joke, black football players outnumber white players 10 to 1 maybe even more, but nobody is saying anything, if it were the other way around there would be riots in every city,
people tune into a ball game for enjoyment, not to see a bunch of black millionaires protesting racism or injustice, and if you stand with them, you are just like them.


Amen, Yawkee!!



It doesn't matter what their motivation is, they're still disrespecting the anthem and the flag. If they were doing it at any other time, I would applaud their efforts.



The flag flies because great men gave all to preserve our country
They are most welcome to go protest (we all agree with that)
Just not during the Anthem...
I guess it shows how great America is...theyd get shot outright in other lands and nobody would speak of it


Yes, and great women also.

In Communist China they just passed a law making it illegal to disrespect their national anthem. It's punishable by up to three years in prison. I'm not advocating that, but the NFL should require its employees to show respect for the Anthem.





Amen, Bro!!



It doesn't matter what their motivation is, they're still disrespecting the anthem, the flag and our country.



It doesn't matter what their INTENTION is, it IS disrespecting the anthem, the flag and our country.



I never took a knee,no matter who that person is...but i do salute when i pass in front of war heroes cemetery.


You are very polite and a decent fellow
Too many are not


Someone said " they are the true heroes,not us who made it."


I disagree
THEY preserved our freedoms so that we could enjoy them
We Must honor the fallen by showing respect
It really is an American obligation
I dont know how it is in your country old pal but here...anybody who doesnt salute the flag is an asshole and an ingrate


I always have respect for the fallen.I know they died for me and the others to be free and enjoi this life.


True heroes
We should salute our respective flags and praise them





Our country was founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and we shouldn't have to bow down to a king. That's how the handshake became popular. We should respect all those who served our country but our country first and foremost represents the principle of freedom of expression and speech. If we lose the ability to perform an action because the President or anyone else thinks it's rude, then we might as well go back to being a monarchy.


Well, there's no "freedom of expression"...

Freedom Of Speech is important and it's critical that it be maintained, but the NFL protest is nothing of the sort. They are using their employer's time and money to protest. The owners have hundreds of millions of dollars invested in their teams and payrolls and these boobs are costing them money. If the NFL'ers want to impress me, they can patrol the streets of Chicago, Detroit, D.C., etc during the off season and see if they can prevent the 50 or so deaths of blacks at the hands of other blacks that happen every month.

Freedom of Speech is the Constitutional right to speak up against your government without fear of government reprisal. No one is telling the NFL players to never speak, only to do so at a time and place more fitting.

Would you be so defensive of the right of "expression" if the latent white supremacists in the NFL (hell, there must be a few) took a knee when Obama was president?

There's a time and place for political discourse, and a sporting event is not one of them. This is the first time I haven't watched a snap in 50 years, and I'm not alone. I'm disgusted at my brothers taking a knee. I'm a Vietnam vet but even if I wasn't, I still would boycott the NFL.


I would totally support a white supremacist's right to take a knee, to speak at a college, etc.
Our country was founded by patriots who dumped the king's tea into the ocean... how's that for your expression?

You can be disgusted by the behavior and boycott the product... the owners can choose not to hire certain players (though they should be honest about it and not engage in collusion)... but the players have the right to protest period. What's the point of brave men and women like yourself defending a flag for a country that acts like the monarchy we tried to escape?


I would totally support a white supremacist's right to take a knee, to speak at a college, etc.

Two completely and unrelated situations. Speaking at a college is fine, speaking up at a sporting event, graduation, wedding, funeral, etc. is not. Quite simple, but liberals are nothing if not binary.


but liberals are nothing if not binary.

The sheer irony of this post.


What's the point of brave men and women like yourself defending a flag for a country that acts like the monarchy we tried to escape?

You really need to learn some history. Asking someone to save their political posturing for the correct venue is hardly analogous to a monarchy, but then, liberals are so binary...



Wow! Well said, strntz! Well said!



Nobody is asking the players to bow down to a king.

All I'm saying is that they should protests at an appropriate time and place. If the players were doing it at any other time
I would have no problem with it. They just should not do it during the Anthem, since that demonstrates contempt and disrespect for the anthem, the flag and our country.



You can boycott the NFL and its players... you can be offended and think it's disrespectful. But as Americans we should all defend each other's rights to protest or we are no better than some of the repressive regimes that we have fought.

Imagine your same sentence, but replace what you said with the word king

They just should not do it in front of the King, since that demonstrates contempt and disrespect for the King, the flag and our country.

Hate them if you want... but don't question their ability to do so, or we set ourselves back 250 years.


Why are you fixated on the term "King"? That is nonsense. It has nothing to do with this. We're not talking about anyone bowing down to a King or any other person. We're talking about showing respect for the Anthem, the Flag and our Country, and the over 650,000 brave Americans who have died to that these players can have the freedom to protest.

The players have the first amendment right to protest, but they should do it ANY time other than during the National Anthem. That's disrespectful, disgraceful, and disgusting. I'm actually more angry with the NFL for allowing the players to do this. When they're on the field, they are employees of the NFL, and as such should be required by their employer to be more respectful.



Hate them if you want... but don't question their ability to do so, or we set ourselves back 250 years."

We are 250 years ahead because of the hundreds of thousands of young men and women who died for that progress, that's who you are disrespecting,
yes, you have the right to disrespect if you want but don't say as Americans we should defend it, it may be your right but it's wrong, to me, those players are nothing but maggots, and if you defend those actions then you're a maggot also.


Yes, that's fair for you to think that... and call me a maggot.

This is America... not China or the Soviet Union. You can dislike or even hate someone's speech or expression, but you cannot repress it.


no, of course not, but when you defend disrespect for veterans, country, flag and our national anthem, I call you a maggot, and I'm really sorry for insulting maggots.


Yes, and I'll defend your right to say that.

People in the 1700s felt it was disrespectful to the King, the country, the Union Jack, not to bow down to him.

This is why we had a revolution. When I can't bend my knee, and you can't call me a maggot... this is no longer America, but something else.


ok, I guess you don't know that you're being disrespectful by defending people that are disrespectful.
there is no law against burning the American flag and you would defend that?


I wouldn't burn an American flag myself, but I respect people's rights to do it. It's funny that many Americans make fun of repressive regimes, but don't mind if their own country engages in similar behavior. Our freedom is more important than any cloth or song... if you take away the freedom, then the song and the flag don't mean much anyway.


I don't respect it; I just endure it.


Nobody is attempting to take rights away...Were all about rights here...but being an ungrateful shithead makes a fella a target...dont know why some of you dont get that


Targeting of African Americans by police is a real thing. Maybe sitting during the anthem isn't the best move strategically, but the man was frustrated by a string of what he thought were unjust police shootings and non convictions and he had had enough.

If you are a billionaire and rob our country of millions of dollars, nothing will happen to you... but if you are poor and live in a minority neighborhood, you will be targeted your entire life. I'm not saying these people are innocent, many are guilty... but it's the sheer frustration that the wealthy get away with literal murder while poor people are the only ones who answer for their crimes, makes people upset. Think about it, if we sent the police watching and auditing the wealthy's crimes, you'd find many acts of wrongdoing.

We have the world's highest incarceration rate, and now that many prisons are privatized, it's in people's economic interests to bust more people for drug use etcetera, to make profits for their prisons. As I said, maybe sitting during an anthem isn't the wisest move to change some people's minds, but I get the sheer frustration when many pay no attention to the problem.


boo hoo, poor black kids, they never do anything wrong, police just like picking on them,
and there are no white people in prison, only black, and I truly believe they are all innocent.


Did you read what I said, it's not that they're innocent, it's that no one checks the wealthy.

Imagine living your life with police following you around all day. I had a friend who got issued an expensive ticket for not signaling on a right turn at 3 AM in a deserted part of Los Angeles.

Yes he was wrong, but imagine if cops followed you around all day, citing you for every small thing you did. It would be psychologically exhausting after awhile.


so are so many white celebrities including Mel Gibson, Lindsey Lohan, Etc, that have been arrested in the past for DUI, drugs, and you name it, and I think those people are wealthy, white actors, politicians, doctors, ect. have been stopped many times by the police.


If you really think that a rich white person has the same scrutiny by the police as a ghetto kid, then I don't know what else I can say to you. If you read the history books, the government would sometimes make laws based on which community used certain drugs and criminalized them or gave out harsher sentences. When they wanted to deal with the Chinese, they'd make opium a crime... the sentencing for crack which was used by the blacks, was much harsher than for powder used by rich whites.
This isn't paranoid rambling... it is historical fact.

Now, once again... I'm not saying you shouldn't arrest criminals in poor neighborhoods... I'm saying if the police followed around the wealthy they'd find just as many crimes, just of a different nature (i.e. tax evasion or cyber theft)


so you would rather have the police drive around looking for tax evasion instead of crack dealers, heroin addicts, gangbangers carrying 9m and killing anyone that gets in their way, wife beaters, rapists, looters, I could go on but taking to you is like.... well, talking to you.

BTW, history is just that... history, why bring it up, it has nothing to do with today,


I get the need to deal with violent crime first. However, think about how we prioritize some punk holding up a liquor store versus a Wall Street banker who defrauds the nation out of billions. Or an automaker who asks for a bailout on the tax payers dime, and gives its CEOs bonuses. One white collar thief might steal what one entire prison population steals in total.

All I ask you is to consider this possibility. I'm on the side of the average Americans.
They choose to demonize poor people so we divert our anger in that direction.
What you are doing is the equivalent of being angry at termites in your house, when an armed robber is roaming the halls. Be angry at the termites... but don't forget to keep your eye on the armed robber.


I'm going to agree with you on a couple of things, Mitt Romney lost the election because he told the people in Michigan that the auto makers that were in trouble should have gone bankrupt instead of a bailout, he was right but those people didn't want to hear what was the right thing to do,

A real estate broker friend of mine was padding home applications so that people could qualify, he got caught and did 7 years in prison, in around 2005 the banks did the very same thing, plus they sold bogus mortgages overseas, they got caught but instead of going to jail they were awarded with over a trillion dollars by Bush and Obama, but instead of helping the people, the banks tightened the screws on mortgages, people could not get a mortgage, instead much of the money went to raises and vacations for those crooks, then the housing market collapsed, many real estate brokers and home builders folded, I'm a builder, I lost over a million dollars, I know how that crap works, I saw it coming but never thought it would get that bad, nobody is more pissed at the government than I am,
My eyes are on the termites and the robbers, I am a very disgruntled person for what the Gov. did to me and others, and I pity someone trying to rob me.


That's all I'm saying... keep an eye on both. I only get frustrated when people look down on the poor, as if their lives aren't miserable enough.
When a child is born, to a single mother in a poor neighborhood, of course the child will be tempted to commit crimes with no guidance while the mother is away at work. We should be reaching out to these people instead of sticking them in prisons, especially when they are non violent crimes. The more amazing thing to me, is that the Republicans want to force the poor to have children, yet pay nothing to care for them. I respect other's religious beliefs... but it's unconscionable to tell a young mother to have a kid... and then tell her she's lazy for raising the kid on welfare. Seems like you should vote to care for children if you want people to give birth to them.

Anyway, I'm sorry that you got screwed, but thanks for listening to my side. Hopefully both sides learn from each other.


You raise some real concerns in American society that should be addressed...the huge wealth gap, racial discord, a totally broken and counter productive penal system...i agree we have work to do here in the greatest of nations
But burning flags and being a disrespectful jerk wont improve anything...Those actions will only incite more uncivil these players work for an enormous corporation...the NFL needs to grow a pair and squash this disrespectful crap asap...its a disgrace


I said that I'm not sure it was wise from a strategic or public relations standpoint... but I understood the frustration. At least you have an open mind, and that's a good thing.


Im American so i have to have an open mind...its part of our deal...being a close-minded or racist idiot is simply unpatriotic
And yes, the race mess is an ongoing horror show here...i see the frustration almost everyday from people
We will fix it and get even stronger...





