Neither My peanut butter and jelly are mixed together before being spread on bread.
sharehmmm I always avoid the goober jars just because of that image...I know it all comes together in the end but this has always seemed disgusting to me. Peanut butter and jelly (strawberry jelly) should only meet when the bread is pressed together...never before.
Brave, and a little crazy. I salute your adventurous spirit and courage.
One compliments the other. Both hit my tongue at the same time.
Impossible? Not really. When I bite into that sandwich, I get the taste of the peanut butter combined with the sweet MOIST taste of the jelly.
It's exactly like chocolate and peanut butter.
This is just my opinion. Everyone experiences something different.
I can accept that your experience is different from mine.
Sorry.... I haven't got either in the house. Everyone's tastes are different. I am simply telling you what I experience.
I actually prefer a Peanut Butter and Miracle Whip sandwich! Try that on toasted bread!
Depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I want them to hit my tongue at the exact same time.
Well, I certainly can! Are u JELLY or just plain NUTS?
shareLol that there was good stuff!!
STILL dont like you much:)
Come visit me in Holland some time, WEED have so much fun!
sharePuns forever!!!
Love it
The proof is in the punning!
share;)...so bad and great at the same time...kinda like peanut butter and jelly..or 'jam' (whatever the hell that is)
shareIt's "jam" everywhere in the world except the US. Just like it's called "football" and NOT soccer. Stop SPREADING falsehoods!
"Now THAT'S interesting. But, if Jelly is Jello, isn't it just Jello? In the U.S., Jello is Jello and Jelly is Jelly. Never in the US is Jello Jelly, nor is Jelly Jello. I can't imaging a Peanut Butter and Jello sandwich. The Jello wouldn't stick to the bread. In the UK do you say Hello, or Helly?"
Now, you are being just plain nasty! Why are you being such a JERK?
This whole subject is SUBJECTIVE!
You actually told me that I was wrong when I told you that ONE ingredient compliments the other!
You remind me of ARVIN! The same nonsense posts that are supposed to be taken seriously. Once we reply, we get beaten down for what our experience is.
Do me a big favor. Go off and eat a PBJ! Have another! Enjoy each and EVERY flavor... whatever the first one may be.
Really? Here in Holland peanut butter with chocolate sprinkles is quite popular.
shareSounds great!
shareIt really is, we Dutchies like our sandwiches topped with candy!:)
shareI have peanut butter cups in the house..... Halloween Candy!
I could mash some up and make a sandwich????
Sounds gross, but nothing ventured nothing gained!
Does this OP sound like Arvin? He certainly tries to make his point in the same manner.
In any case, I will avoid this character.
Seems a little dry, perhaps? You could try it, but don't blame me if it doesn't work out!
He does kind of sound like he lives under a bridge. His threads are really strange.
New name... same thing.
Same shit.... different day.
I'd like a t-shirt with that!;)
shareThat really does sound like a cool slogan! I'd like a T-shirt with that on it myself!
I must make a note of this before I forget!
Will you give me one for Christmas?!
Not even jam on untoasted bread? How about strawberries and sugar? Delicious!