Why most movie villains are old
I want more young villains, not just young heroes. Young people can be vile too!
When done right, young villains are great too. Ledger's Joker was kinda young-ish (compared to previous versions of the same character), and it was great. I want dem even younger though, like the Arkham Knight or even Harley Quinn as the main villain.
Suicide Squad's Enchantres didn't count. She's thousand of years old eventhough she was played by a young actress. Same with the Sofia Boutella Mummy.
Younger Green Goblin only made Raimi's Spider-Man 2 even better. It didn't work for the reboot though. Just because the reboot sucked ass as a movie.
King Joffrey was hands down the best villain in Game of Thrones.
While comeback old actors like Michael Keaton and Kurt Russell are fine and triggers our nostalgia, I still crave for more young villains.