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You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

I think these guys need to stop making movies... come on guys, you're already legends. Don't ruin your reputation.

Bruce Willis
Robert De Niro
Meryl Streep
Jack Nicholson
Al Pacino
Harrison Ford
Anthony Hopkins

Nic Cage I can understand because he needed the moneyz. But these rich old geezers? They are no longer cool.

Not all old guys are uncool though. Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Diane Keaton, Pierce Brosnan, Judi Dench, Helen Mirren, Samuel L.Jackson, Patrick Stewart and Denzel Washington are all still pretty dope.


Add me to that list.



Ok, I'll remove him.


Milla Jovovich...i want more movies with her😉


I added Anthony Hopkins to replace him.



Ikr! Transformers... wtf was he thinking?? smh.


But he also did Westworld and was amazing in it.


He was great in Thor, too. Plus he's a knight!


Those actors are in what I like to call the "security guard" stage in their careers. I'll add Morgan Freeman to be above list as well. He's been doing some random shit lately IMO.



Or just being in unfunny comedies. We all have to pay the bills, and the elderly have lots of expenses I imagine.


It's past time for Sam Jackson to go away. He's been playing the same character for decades, and I didn't like it the first time. Best part of Deep Blue Sea was the shark biting him in half in the middle of a Jackson pontification.


At least Sam Jackson doesn't take his choice of roles he play too seriously. He knew he's being the butt of the jokes and be pretty cool about it. De Niro on the other hand, plays in unfunny commedies but act like he's still THE superstar or some shit.


Some actors annoy me when they play the same character over and over. Some, for reasons unknown, don't though. Sam Jackson is one of them.


too late for De Niro


While I agree, we have young guys doing sht movies as well so why not let the old guys make some money.


They already have lots and lots of money (except Nic Cage).


Nic Cage man. I saw Drive Angry the other day, talk about a bad movie with one of the best endings ever.


And now I see that Johnny Depp is missing from your list. You should add him posthaste.


I don't know bout that. Depp, while not on his prime he still somewhat delivers. I mean, Capt. Jack Sparrow cannot be realistically re-cast without him. And he still choose roles that were quite fitting to his style / image, like as Mad Hatter or in movies like Black Mass and Murder in the Orient Express. Not that bad.

It's not like his playing in obviously cashgrab action B-movies like Willis or in unfunny comedies like De Niro, or even nothing but remakes / long-forgotten-sequels-that-hinge-on-his-name-only like Ford. Depp is kinda like Pitt and Cruise, I think he's still quite relevant. Also not that old either, about 50-something I guess. Totally not a dinosaur.


You can only make movies if you're cool? I agree with you on Meryl Streep, though, she just needs to go away.


Well, in my opinion yeah sure. You should not make any movie (or any art) if you're not cool.

Let's be honest here. I don't oppose old people to make movies. I cherish them. Look at Christian Slater, Lena Headey or Michael Keaton. They are all past their primes, yet they gave full 100% performance in their latest movies or tv shows. And look at Charles Dance, he's like really old and plays in cheap movies like Underworld and stuffs, still gave his best. They are cool.

Now, watch any Bruce Willis or De Niro latest movies. Did they even try? They look like lazy asses, act like a diva while giving no shit about acting or cinema. They knew they sucked but keep cashing the paychecks anyway. These guys are not cool. They should stop making any movies.


Those folks are not cool not because of their age, but because they don't care about their job anymore, just the money. There are enough older people who still have a passion for acting and enjoy their craft. There are also younger actors who don't seem to care anymore.

And Christian Slater and Lena Heady are old???


Yeah, I guess I didn't make the tittle of this post correctly. The point I was going to make was that these legendary actors should not ruins their legendary reputation by being such a lazy ass. They should stop making movies any longer because they are not cool anymore.

It's just somewhat coincidentally that most of them are now old. But yeah, my mistake.

I totally agree with you actually.

I really meant actors that are past their primes, like Slater and Headey. And they are not young either, while of course not very old.

I respect actors like Stewart, Dance, Dench, Washington, etc. because even when they had legendary reputations they still work their ass off and gave their best performance even when playing in cheap productions. These are true artists.

The late Raul Julia was great even in Street Fighter, a ridiculously troubled production of a low-budget movie based on a frickin' video game. He lived long enough to die a hero.


Okay, I see your point.


Amen, kamen! Actors are sort alike pro athletes. They just don't know when to quit.


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