I can't stand the way things are in the US and would very much like to leave it. Unfortunately, I'm poor and only people with means are able to just pick up and move. But the economic situation, the rampant racism and xenophobia and hatred, violence, the whole Donald Trump thing, I just can't stand it anymore. On top of not being able to afford medical care or a good education. Like you, I can't identify with the political rulers of my country. The political culture here is terrible. The reactionary right-wing ideology, militarism, jingoism, elitism. The prevailing defeatism and apathy among those who might be inclined to a more progressive outlook. More importantly still, the US is likely on the verge of an even bigger economic crisis fairly soon, and it would be nice to not be here when it happens.
China looks good; it's one of the only places in the world where the economic outlook isn't absolutely dismal, where the prevailing ideology is (while imperfect) not intolerable, a place where somebody might be able to go to start a new life, a place where things are actually getting better rather than worse, at least in most respects.