MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Songs you always associate with a film/s...

Songs you always associate with a film/show.

We all know music is integral to film and television. Also sound is linked to bringing up memories. So there are those songs that are used in such a way in a scene, that always make me think of the movie/show whenever I listen to them.

The most obvious maybe is Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel (Reservoir Dogs). With a scene like that how can I not link it with the movie, I mean...

CeCe Peniston - Finally (The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert). I fucking love this movie! I also love the scene it was used in: the costumes, the choreography, the faces! everything about it is just great. Also, Terence Stamp can't dance for shit, and that makes it ever greater in my view.

Stevie Wonder - Superstition (The Thing). Starts funny, turns scary. Also, foreshadowing and such. Only song in The Thing and aptly used.

Sailing - Rod Stewart (Men Behaving Badly). Because that scene is hilarious, and the fact they are rowing makes it even better.

Probably others as well that I can't think of right now.

What songs *you* MovieChat people always associate with movies/shows? Or am I just weird?


Mr. Sandman - Bates Motel

It used to make me think of Halloween 2(?)...but now it's Bates Motel.


Ok, this is a weird one, and not at the same time. Hearing Wet Wet Wet's "Love Is All Around" I can't not think of Live Actually, and that brilliant cover.


Tequila- Pee Wee's Big Adventure

How could you forget this one?


As I'm listening to my music 3 more came to me

Down in Mexico- The Coasters from Death Proof - the dance scene in the bar

Roxanne-Police from 48 Hrs.

Tom Soy- Rush from I Love You Man


Aw, you wrote Tom Soy :)

Slappin' the bass, mahn


If you can’t beat ‘em , join ‘em.





Underrated movie, that one.


Yup, it was a very fun movie.


How Soon Is Now? by The Smiths and Charmed.


Michael Jackson's Bad and Megamind. How Soon is Now and Charmed.


Where is my mind - Pixies
It is played during the closing credits to Fight Club, so whenever I hear it I think of that movie. I think because during the credits roll at the end I was sitting there thinking "wow, what a good movie". And didn't hurt that is a great song. :)


Oh, yes! Another great one.


Daisy! I love that song. The beginning is of it is so perfect.


I know, I remember when the credits were rolling for fight club, I was also thinking I had to know what that song was. It is awesome. No one ever really knows it when I play it though, I find.


Also anything from Dirty Dancing reminds me of that movie. Not sure that counts since the movie was about dancing. hah. I loved it as a kid though and all those songs will forever be etched into my memory even though they were even old then.
Like the song "Time of my Life"

Ah, good times


I think it counts. I've never seen DD but even I associate that song with it.
