MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone here have a fear of clowns?

Does anyone here have a fear of clowns?

If you do, I hope you're not getting the same recommended ads at the bottom that I am, and have been every day this week.

3 out of the 4 photos are of very creepy clowns. One has piranha teeth.

The 4th photo is poor Brendan Fraser, who Hollywood isn't going to hire ever, ever again.

My vocabulary word for the day: coulrophobia.


I think that these ads have to do with IT, the new adaptation of the Stephen King novel.
I never really liked clowns. They didn't really scare me. They just didn't make me laugh. They made me feel uneasy. I could say the same about Santa Clause! He's grown on me over the years but he frightened me as a child! LOL!


They are all about IT. I don't care how many times they show the clownies, I'm still not going to see IT.

Clowns never scared me either, but I've always understood why they scare others. Definitely never thought they're funny.

Santa Claus was much better when you never saw him in person, in the form of the sometimes-creepy department store Santas. There's a photo of me as a child sitting on Santa's lap, looking at him with a horrified expression.


Clowns are...well just clowns...
Im certain we can kick their asses Cat!


They are weird though. All of that make up, and the exaggerated expressions painted on a face. As a child, it seemed a bit jarring and disturbing.
Stephen king was asked, during an interview, why he had picked a clown in one of the forms of IT. He said that he had observed children at parades and he noticed the looks on their faces when they would see these clowns. The expressions were never happy.




I don't like clowns...never have. For one thing I associate them with a circus for which I'm happy are no more. The animals, the poor animals...

Frasier has one of the funniest episodes about coulrophobia.

Titled "Boo"

Niles: "Look at you. You just stand there with a smile on your face!"

Frasier: "That's makeup, you idiot!"


I associate them with circuses and rodeos, and feel the same way about both, for the same reason.


Just saw that episode last night! Good one!


Nope. Didn't even know that there was such a thing until I was in my 20's.



D'you suppose the subtext is implying Brendan's a clown? Worse, an unemployable clown?


I'm sick of seeing the 3 clowns at the bottom of the page. I thought maybe they were just on my iPad, but apparently everyone is getting them. Enough already!


I didn't get any...maybe because i'm using a phone...


Thank yourself lucky! The first one is the most hideous horror creature I've ever seen! Worse than Freddy Krueger whom I've seen in photos. Slasher/horror movies are not my thing. Heck, I've never watched "Jaws"!
As an aside, I've come to the conclusion there has to be something a little bit off with authors in Stephen King's genre, the malevolence is so profound.


I saw all the 4 movies of "jaws"series,Kspkap...and yes the...bloody horror movies aren't my thing,too...



Deadly and faster then a clown,Dazed...if you think a clown is scary,then you definitly didn't encounter a liker...that's how they called...likers😉


King is actually quite normal. He may not have our political views. He may not be your cup of tea when it comes to good fiction.
I enjoy many authors, but over the years I still find King to be one of the good guys. He has certainly brought forth extraordinary out of the ordinary. He can take a simple everyday thing and he can heighten the volume!
He can give you beautiful stories such as Delores Claiborne, Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Stand By Me (The Body) , And yes.... The Stand. It isn't just horror at play here. He isn't "off". He is right on the money when it comes to the human condition.


LOL, and I thought it was just me, or that other people were getting other offerings.

They've changed! Now we're down a clown, and poor Brendan is gone.



Brendan is back. We are now down to 2 clowns, maybe three if counting Eric Andre.


I've got Eric Andre, JK Rowlings, plus party of 2 clowns.


I hope piranha clown hasn't eaten him!


Yes, I hate those pics, especially the one with the pointy teeth. I hate seeing that one when I'm home alone at night!

I'm not afraid of clowns, but I do find them creepy. It's mostly because of the IT mini-series, but also many other shows and movies that portray clowns in a creepy way. And how about real life?! Have you ever seen a picture of serial killer John Wayne Gacy dressed as Pogo the clown? Brrr! Then there was also a mass hysteria news story over here in the 80s of a mystery clown luring children with candy and abusing them.


Same. I'm not necessarily afraid of them anymore, but I certainly don't like them. Especially the creepy-teeth one. (Still getting the 3 clowns at the bottom and Brendan Fraiser) I tend to stay away from horror anyway.

That clown kidnapping story sounds creepy and tragic. But probably influenced part of the whole "Stranger Danger!" mindset.


It was the late 80s, so the clown stories were probably inspired by the day-care sex-abuse hysteria going on in the US back then. There was also talk of underground tunnels, sacrificial torture and the killing of children. The claims were pretty bizarre and no evidence of abuse was ever found. But it was a sad case any way you look at it.


I must be lucky. I only have two clowns. I also get poor Brendan Fraser who no one will hire. My fourth is a man named Eric Andre, I have no idea who that is. A girl I knew growing up had a father who was a professional clown. She kept it a secret but they had some kind trade journal at their house like "Clown Town" (I can't remember the name). That's how I found out her dad was a clown. It was a big secret because she got teased a lot in grammar school.


Now Brendan has reappeared for me, replacing Eric Andre. Whew! Now we know Brendan's still alive.

Poor girl. I don't blame her for a millisecond keeping secret the fact that her father was a professional clown.

I'll bet he got ribbed and suspicious looks a lot. Imagine filling out any form that asks what your profession is and handing it to someone who then reads it.


Yes, she hated it. He was a very nice man. He wasn't funny and he didn't make any jokes, probably because my friend warned him not to. He had zero creep factor. We were teenagers, you know how that goes. My dad used to wear sandals with socks and I was mortified! I always did want to ask lots of questions about his job but it was a sore subject so I never did.
