

I don't like bad people. It's just that I am not alone. What ends up happening is that these corrupt idiots tend to stick to each other. Like you go to a business and they are all in on it. Just sketchy places, created by sketchy people. The same business, when run by good people I don't mind going into.

But when you have those idiots there, I don't mesh with them. I am someone that is I suppose you can call me a nerd. And they were the idiots in school, knocked up at 14/on drugs/etc.... You know the idiots. So when I am around them I feel uncomfortable. I, like most people (you don't have to be a nerd to not want to be around this element of society), don't patronize their store anymore. They go out of business and/or at the very least people get wind of them and they become unemployed/become unemployable.


Arraignments, interrogations and interventions.






Oh...that kind of intervention...i understand now.Thank you,Dazed.



As someone who has just recently become uncomfortable with heights, I no longer like things like high-reaching amusement park rides and any kind of ferris wheels. Weirdly, I don't mind balconies.

But I don't think it has so much to do with places - I feel like it has a lot more to do with how the people at those places make you feel. Like, when I'm on a train for example and I see police people get on the train, even though I'm innocent of crimes, I start to feel guilty or something. In expensive shops, my feelings really depend a lot more on how judgey/welcoming the staff are.
