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Kid Rock Defends Himself Against Charges of Racism

General Discussion - News, Rumors & Gossip
As Kid Rock's possible run for the Senate gains steam, he's come under fire in his native Detroit for previous actions that have been perceived as being insensitive to the African-American community. He's responded to the criticism by defending himself ... read full story on Ultimate Classic Rock






















Does anyone really still care about this has-been? He screwed up badly and now he's furiously trying to backpedal because he wants to hold office. The "screw the alt-right" thing is a nice touch to his level of desperation, as if anyone with a brain can't see through it.


Good god, do I hate Al Sharpton. Such a pathetic guy.


Oh, I agree. Nothing but a publicity whore. Kinda like Kid Rock at this point.


Sharpton is worse. Organizing rallies at his concerts? If you don't like his politics, then just don't vote for him. What's truly terrible about Sharpton is that he sets back race relations 40 years, although he claims to do the opposite.


I wouldn't call him worse. Just different. Displaying the Confederate flag at his concerts for almost 10 years didn't do much for race relations, either, which makes Kid Rock just as bad, although he claims just the opposite.


I would call him worse, at least Kid Rock isn't someone who claims to be an advocate for race relations and civil rights, at least not at the time when he displayed that flag.


No, he's claiming it now, though, because he thinks he's senate material. That's called being a hypocrite.


Does he really claim to be an advocate for race relations and civil rights now? Even if he does, just don't vote for him. Protesting because of his "cultural appropriation of black music" is just ridiculous.


"I love black people! Screw the alt-right!" Yeah, I'd say that's what he's claiming now. Has zero to do with hs music. All music borrows from other music in one way or another.


Well, that was him simply denying he's a racist, I wouldn't call that being a race relations advocate. (He condemned both extremes, by the way.) Al Sharpton is the one who has made a living being a civil rights activist.

You don't have to tell me all music borrows from other music, I'm not the one wanting to protest against that.


Nor do I.Protesting his music source is idiotic. But sorry, Rock & Sharpton are exact opposite sides of the same coin, IMO. Guess we agree to disagree.


Yes, I have to disagree with you on that, no problem.


Good. Now can we please stop talking about those two morons?


Again, no problem!


Is it racist that, for some reason, I thought this topic was about Eminem??? I wasn't misreading the name, I was picturing Eminem's face with the name Kid Rock.

I'm white, but we still all look alike!


I'm not surprised. Kid Rock doesn't seem to take much interest in the African - American community.


Senate, lol. It's a shame we can't have real candidates. The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their grave.


They were doing that a long time ago


Nobody thought that Kid Rock was a "racist" until all of this Confederacy talk starting mixing with political issues. Such a shame that it has come to this.


Actually it started at least 10 years ago. Such a shame he had to display a Confederate flag at a number of his concerts and said that those protesting the flag could "kiss his ass." Real senate material there.


Kid Rock has always been outspoken and some his music is good. However, I'm not a huge fan of his mouth. He needs to dial it down a bit especially if he seriously intends to run for Senate.

My point is that these protesters were nowhere to be found 10 years ago. They only started showing up the moment Trump ran for office in an attempt to derail his campaign. They failed miserably as the election saw an opposite effect.


Not really, but you go on believing that. If you do some research, you'd see the protests are nothing new at all. You just hear about them more now because of social media/the internet


I grew up in Missouri, graduated high school 22 years ago, and it was common knowledge that the kids displaying confederate bumper stickers were racists using a symbol so they didn't have to be blatant about it. No one else had a reason to show that flag, there was no other reason for it.
