Spinning off a mini-discussion in another thread …
For me:
Game of Thrones -- never seen it, not interested
The Walking Dead -- ditto
Breaking Bad -- saw the premiere, lost interest halfway through
The Sopranos -- interested enough to watch the first half of the first season, then lost interest
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Walking Dead
Prison Break
Breaking Bad
American Horror Story
Stranger Things
Orange is the New Black
Twin Peaks
The Big Bang Theory
Grey's Anatomy
Teen Wolf
Criminal Minds
What's wrong with Timeless? I just asked MovieMan the same on the Timeless board today, when I saw it on Trending. It sounds interesting, just based on the synopsis. He says it's a silly show.
Timeless travels back in time to some historical events. The Alamo, Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and The Hindenburg. According to others it's not accurate history telling. Personally like the show. It was brought back from cancellation by viewer outcry. That's never happened before at least that I can remember.
It'd probably bother me if the historical events weren't accurately depicted. Too bad. I thought I might have found a new show to watch. Not that I know how I'd watch it, since I don't have any cable anymore.
Maybe not, but we do. Last I checked, we got one channel without cable, but the reception was so terrible, even if there was something on it you wanted to watch (which happened, basically never), you still couldn't watch it. So, without cable, there's no TV here.
I'm okay if there are characters who aren't likable, but if *none* of them are, it makes it tough to want to keep watching.
I enjoyed the first two seasons of The Affair. Mostly. But I couldn't find enough redeeming qualities in them either. And once the mystery was solved, a lot of my interest went out the window. If I'd been invested in the characters, I'd have carried on with it.
I only lasted 6 episodes with The Affair. I didn't mind that the characters were unlikable, but none of them, except for Alison, were remotely interesting. Dull people, doing dull things, dully. It wasn't even titillating.
The scenery did look good. But if I wanted to look at pretty scenery, I'd put on Midsomer Murders /God knows it's on all the channels, all the time/.
I've had those shows that, for some reason, I've stuck with long after I've lost interest /*cough*Supernatural and Walking Dead *cough*/, but this had nothing to keep me interested.
Mostly agreed on all that you listed. I did watch the entire first season of Breaking Bad when it first came on, and it was good, but not interesting enough to continue... And of course I will give Game of Thrones a chance some time in the future, but it might be years... So it also may never happen.
I watched one episode of Walking Dead this year with someone, and MY GOD it had literally 10 minutes of content SLOWLY stretched out into an hour of plodding nothingness! I couldn't believe it!
There are so many "hit shows" around right now that I'm even having trouble pinning down ones that I wasn't interested in, especially since I don't watch many shows in the first place.
I watched all of Animal Kingdom's first season, hoping it would get better... It really wasn't all that. Enjoyable enough for the time, but a little bland.
Stranger Things seems like it should be right up my alley, but I've not seen anything that has actually made me want to watch it.
While I do like the Marvel movies, I'm not going to get into the shows (or the DC ones). I heard Daredevil was great but I don't know... A friend who knows my taste said I should try Jessica Jones, that's probably the only one I'll check out. Stuff like Agents of Shield, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow, no thank you.
American Horror Story... Nah. I watched a part of an episode with a friend and I was bored.
Supernatural had a cute episode I liked, and I've seen many episodes of it overall due to having a friend who was hooked on it, but I wouldn't ever choose to watch it on my own.
American Gods... I read the book and found it forgettable, kind of empty, nothing actually interesting inside.
Mr. Robot, tried the first two episodes, and despite being a tech head, I found it really uneventful. I hate the main character (not the actor).
I thought I'd like Stranger Things better than I did. It was okay. Watched 5 or so episodes, then lost interest.
I did the same thing with Mr Robot as you. Next.
Never got into Lost either, although last year I watched, oh, 4 seasons, because I couldn't find anything else I was interested in and had heard so many people rave about it. It was okay.
Funny you mention Lost, because I was going to toss it in there, but since it's over with I decided to skip it. I was going to put it with American Horror Story because I watched 5 minutes of a Lost episode years ago when my roommate was hooked on it, and it immediately turned me off.
Now as for Twin Peaks, I never got into it, but I'm considering going from the first episode just to see what it's all about. The first two seasons are only 30 episodes, then I could get to the new third season.
David Lynch is the only thing that makes me interested in it. The show sounds surreal enough that I suspect I might like it a lot.
You no doubt experienced something similar as I did about Lost. I'd heard so many people I knew rave about it, I watched an episode, or part of one, way into the show. I remember thinking, "Well, it's well-named. I'm completely Lost, don't know what's happening, nor do I care."
Several people then told me I needed to watch it from the beginning. So last year I thought I'd give it a try.
I got further into it. Grew to like a couple of the characters, became somewhat interested in what was going on, but then got tired of it and didn't care what was going to happen, or how it ended.
I've toyed with the idea of watching the first episode of Twin Peaks, but probably won't.
I've never watched 'Big Bang Theory' or 'Parks and Rec' or 'Sex in the City' or "Golden Girls" or '30 Rock' .
I did once see like half an episode of 'Sex in the City'. in a hotel room just randomly flipping channels, but I hated it and I don't think that counts.
I've never watched any of the current network sitcoms. I don't even know the names of most of them. All those shows where a fat slob guy has a thin hot wife? All the shows with smartass kids smarter than their parents? I don't watch those. I just really don't watch sitcoms for the last decade or so. I think the last sitcoms I watched and liked were 'Roseanne' and 'Malcolm in the Middle'.
(which, ironically, did have a kid smarter than his parents, but it was well written.)
The shows I like are dramas, crime, sci-fi, horror, generally 'darker' shows.
I like sketch comedy and stand-up comedy, but I don't really like sitcoms.
I have never seen the superhero shows , I don't even know the names of all of them. I love 'Legion' though, I guess that is sort of a superhero show but it's not in the standard mold.
The shows I like are dramas, crime, sci-fi, horror, generally 'darker' shows.
Did you check out "People of Earth"? It's surprisingly good. It's dark humor but more dramatic than you'd expect, it's not trying to be funny, and most of the focus is on the sci-fi aspect. The humor is more absurd than anything.
It's an ongoing storyline so I recommend going from episode 1 of the first season. The second season is on right now, like 5 episodes deep, so in total there are only 15 half-hour episodes.
I don't understand why people were into Golden Girls. Not my sense of humour.
I've seen a few episodes of Big Bang Theory. It was okay. May have seen an episode of 30 Rock, but obviously it didn't leave an impression. Never seen Parks and Recreation. Or AbFab.
Thought I was going to hate Sex and the City, so never saw it. Until a close friend was having a SATC viewing party, and she wanted me to come. I thought worse comes to worse, I could either leave, or go somewhere else in the house and do something until it was over.
Much to my surprise, I enjoyed it. It's not a great show, but it was ground-breaking in its way, and it was amusing.
Best sitcoms are old sitcoms... I Love Lucy, I Dream of Jeannie, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Growing Pains, Full House, Mr. Bean... the most recent one I can think is maybe Friends. Gosh, I'm old.
Probably I could find some episodes on YouTube. Until now, I only knew about the movies.
I liked Seinfeld. The rare instance of a sitcom that made me laugh at times. Friends, eh, I watched it sometimes, but didn't find it to be particularly funny.
Didn't think Cheers was funny, or Frasier. Sometimes I watched both if there was nothing else on, which was all too often. Looking back, up until the last decade or so, for the most part TV sucked.
I think I saw the Holy Grail under the very best circumstances possible. It was playing as a double bill with Harold and Maude, which was what I was going to see, and had never heard of Monty Python, so I saw it utterly blind.
The opening credits had me turning my head sideways and soon laughing hysterically! Then the opening misty scene where all you hear is the sound of horses trotting, then the heads of the riders are revealed, and finally the guy clipclopping the coconuts and everyone pretending to ride horses!! Oh my god, it had me completely hooked, right from the start.
I really liked Parks and Rec. It was the last network show I watched.
I don't like sitcoms either. At least the typical ones. I like the "weird" stuff.
It's Always Sunny
Another Period
Documentary Now
Drunk History-love this show
Man Seeking Woman
Better Things
Legion is really good. I also love Taboo.
Rectify was very good too.
I was going to ask if you had seen it.
I've seen some of your DH. The one about William Shakespeare was funny.
It never gets old.
Friday Night Dinner looks very good.
Comedy series I liked:
The Mighty Boosh
Flight of the Conchords
Fawlty Towers
The Office (British original one)
Key and Peele ( it's sketch comedy though, not sitcom)
Chapelle's show
I never started watching Portlandia.
I do want to see it though. Any commercials I've seen looks really good.
Armisen is so good in Documentary Now. I think he's very good at what he does.
I've seen bits of Drunk History online, it's hilarious.
Have you tried The Detour /can you try a show?/? I though it was really funny and it is a bit weird... kind of?
Also, BoJack Horseman? It's about a depressed anthropomorphic horse. That's weird lol.
And I won't stop recommending Patriot. I can't say it's "comedy" comedy, but there is dark humour, and I did laugh, so... Also, it's great.
Drunk History is my go to on a bad day.It always makes me laugh.
I have tried Detour and it was delicious. It is a bit weird but don't forget who you're dealing with.
These are my kind of shows. Especially the comedies.
I haven't heard of the other two. I'll look for them.
Hey, Daffy Duck is more interesting than most human beings. Off the top of my head, most boring human entity to appear in a film would be Jack Black.
To the subject of popular TV shows I would sooner slam my dick in a drawer hard (both the slam and the dick) than watch, add any (allegedly) reality TV shows and any professional wrestling broadcasts. BTW, I completely respect the wrestlers as real-time stunt people. They are amazing athletes. But it's "reality show" in another guise: completely scripted, cunningly calculated to, like a fast-food franchise, appeal to the lowest common denominator. After all, that's how you make
Jack Black movies are for idiots, and since there are so many idiots in the world, those movies make money. and wrestling is for 7 year olds and my stupid brother-in-law.
I absolutely love the first three seasons of Buffy, can't stand the rest.
I saw episodes of The Sopranos here and there (and the complete last season) and thought it was interesting. Then I finally watched the whole first season and I'd really like to see the rest of it.
For me it's Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, NCIS.
I can only think of more recent shows, I can't recall any older shows I feel that strongly about.