MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Annoying things people do in the real wo...

Annoying things people do in the real world

OK. In an effort to provide some variety from politically-charged posts and from one poster constantly making ridiculous demands about how the site should be changed to suit him, let's add another topic: What do people do, in real life -- meaning NOT on-line -- that you find annoying? I'd guess that those who text/talk at the movies are a given, as are those so absorbed in their phones they have no clue of their surroundings, but feel free to add them if you wish. Some of my own include:

-- People who stop in the middle of a supermarket aisle to check their lists, decide on an item, etc., blocking anyone from passing and oblivious to what they're doing. Ditto people having conversations in the middle of an aisle.

-- Drivers who never use turn signals

-- People who have conversations on their phones loud enough for everyone to hear

-- People who let their kids run wild in restaurants and stores

-- Cyclists who think traffic laws don't apply to them and ride right through red lights and stop signs

-- People who waste everyone's time at the post office by having no clue how to mail something and having 8 million questions for the clerk, 99% of which could have been answered via a 5-minute visit to the USPS web site. And it's not a matter of not having computer access, at least in my experience; virtually all of them also have smartphones. In fact, have seem some checking their e-mail while clogging up the line.

-- People who treat bookstores -- the few that are left -- as public libraries, and sit on the floor in aisles reading books.

-- Drivers who figuratively break their necks to pass you, then get in front of you and move like frozen molasses

There are more, but I'm sure you get the idea....


-People who think its okay to go jogging or walk their dogs on bicycle paths or even the road. Or people parking their cars in the middle of the road.

-People who are not willing to put away or turn off their phones in the theater. Or those who talk during the movie or laugh REALLY loud or make other loud noises, like opening cans or a bag of chips.

-Crying babies and children on planes or other public transport.

-Street collectors who won't take "no" for an answer. Some will even proceed to make some personal remark about you as if you're the one who did something wrong.

-Women who stay in a public bathroom for hours. I have no idea what they do in there. And why do people always leave toilet paper on the floor?

There's much, much more, a lot has already been mentioned. I get annoyed as soon as I leave my house, no, even when I stay inside the whole day!



You're lying! Women never poo. They convert public toilets (built cluelessly by men) into photo studios.



You don't literally mean those things do you? haha


People who say "loose" when they mean "lose."


And "effect" when they mean "affect."







The people who watch on the phone screen and paying attention to the road...


That's impossible!


Nothing is impposible,'s reality.


Yes.. are you a "phone warrior"?


Is that somekind of social justice warrior but with a phone instead of social justice?




Internet post topics, and clickbait topics, with title containing the phrase Of All Time.

Shit. I just realized I've given NBC the cool title for their next hip sitcom, which will last for 2 1/3 episodes.


Most of these already posted.

I also have another supermarket hate: when the cashier has a full-on conversation with the customer ahead of me, and even when all the items are packed and PAID FOR, the customer REMAINS there chatting to the cashier, and the cashier just sits there fully maintaining the chit-chat.

Meanwhile, my frozen goods have been sitting on the conveyor belt all this time, slowly warming up to room temperature, and there's a line of people behind me too.

And this is happening in a major city superstore supermarket, not a rural village shop!

It drives me crazy.

By all means exchange a friendly "Hi!" and how ya doing and did you find everything, etc etc. But to start and then maintain and continue an entire conversation about some matter while everyone's food is waiting to be checked through is beyond the pale.
