MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Joel Osteen is a %%#%%#

Joel Osteen is a %%#%%#

He has refused to open his 17,000 seat megachurch to hurricane victims. I don't like these preachers who seem more interested in money and empire building


Hey now, he didn't get rich and successful by giving away freebies! Safety and security has a price! This is America, where Christianity and Capitalism are spelled the same way!!!


sadly you maybe right - I gave up on organized religion a long time ago


Same here, especially these " prosperity preachers, " who all seem to come out of the same mold.


remember that guy Schuller from LA


I really didn't have a problem with him. For me, it started with the fictional character of Elmer Gantry ( Burt Lancaster). Then, decades later, it was real-life Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart, actually not a prosperity preacher but falls under the umbrella of televangelist.

Also, somewhat locally, there was the infamous story of a minister who murdered both his wife then the husband of his mistress. That story eventually became a made-for-tv movie.


Osteen says hurricane is God's way of saying 'You can handle it'

What an idiot


Interesting and somewhat ironic. When I turned on my tv this morning with my first cup of coffee, whose image should greet me but Osteen in all his Sunday morning glory, doing his thing. I sardonically thought , " Hmmmm; the man of the hour. "


Jesus would be so proud of him.


I think the devil could use a jerk like him


someone tell Joel 39 people died
