MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why isn't George W. Bush in jail?

Why isn't George W. Bush in jail?

I don't get it. He got the US in an illegal war under false pretenses. How could this happen?


Presidents are pretty much immune from everything.


not what the law says though.


Except bullets.


Congress approved it on October 16/2002 which made it legal.


I still can't believe that happened. On what basis?? Saddam complied with everything, there were no weapons of mass destruction.

reply was a major FUBAR on our part.


Good reply, hownos!



Why isn't Crooked Hillary in jail? She broke the law with her unauthorized email server. There are also a long list of crimes which she got away with basically because she is rich and powerful and a Democrat, possibly even arranging a murder of a guy who was going to testify in a case the next day.




Well, we actually do not know that for a fact. I mean, we as the American people, can only deduce that from the media and what government officials are stating. Thing is, they would never release that information to the public and so when people heard about it, they actually thought it happened. I am not saying that it could not have happened; however, it is so classified from the U.S. public that we would not know it was true nor not anyway.

Which actually brings me to my next question "Why is anything and everything classified from the American public?" Are we not the ones that elect the government officials? They are just the extension of the majority American. I find it odd how the government is able to hide so much from us. We should be seeing the receipts and records of all taxes, where they go, what they are being spent on, who was killed, etc.


I disagree with your assertion that we don't know Hillary broke the law. Comey said she did, and the evidence is overwhelming.

I completely agree with your next question.



"Comey said she did"

Actually he never did....

"the evidence is overwhelming"
Circumstantial evidence is still just evidence. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Sound familiar?


Not gonna believe anything that Liberal Rag publishes.



But you probably lap up every word Faux News utters like it was honey. So you basically admitted there really is no proof of anything, but you want to believe there is. How objective of you. Are you also that objective about all the laws the moron in chief has broken?


Go away, naps. You bore me.



Uh-huh. Translation: "I'm delusional/immature enough to think that what I want to be facts are indeed facts, and when I get called out on it, I can't respond with anything substantial, so I resort to cliches and empty words."





Another avoidance cliche response. How about providing one credible source that proves your statement is indeed true, or simply saying, "Yeah, that's my opinion, not really fact?" Too adult a response for you?


Talk to the hand.



Keep throwing all the cliches you want to avoid the truth: you're wrong, and lack the cojones to admit it. Hopefully you'll grow up one day. Perhaps your hand should join your head in its current location..


No, it's not my job to educate you. I know the facts, and I know you're wrong.
But if you want proof you're gonna have to google it. Don't be so lazy.



There is no proof, movielad. Once again, you only know what you want to be facts. Nice try with trying to flip it back on me, but it didn't work. You made the statement; that puts the burden of proof on you. But of course you have nothing.


The facts are true, nap-time. I'm just not going to waste my time educating you.
It's not my job, and since you're a Lefty, you wouldn't believe it anyway. Have a nice day.



Nope; what you want to be true aren't facts, but your opinion. Shame you have to resort to straight-up lying instead of having the guts to admit you're wrong or proving your case. But it's not the first time you've done that. You have zero credibility, movielad, like many of your ilk.


And you have obviously drunk the Liberal Kool Aid, and are beyond help.


"I AM the FBI."


Hillary is pure, she has never broken the law, Bush never duped congress in believing Iraq had WMD's, he did a fine job by taking out Saddam's Iraq (which is now owned by Isis), and Charles Manson is innocent, and Donald Trump will never become POTUS


Oh PUH-lease! Crooked Hillary is a LOT of things. Pure ain't one of them. NO politician is pure.
Your statement is laughable.

Comey said she broke the law, but he wouldn't prosecute her because he didn't think she had "intent". That is just as absurd as your statement.


"I AM the FBI."


Comey never definitively said she broke the law. Again, you;re challenged to prove that. Or are you gonna run away again, lying coward?




"He's dead."


Fixed. Gonna provide proof, lying coward, or just throw up your usual BS juvenile smokescreen, lying coward? And before you start whining, not name-calling; simply calling you what you are. When you grow a pair and back up your statements with facts, I'll stop, lying coward.


Calm down, Bro. You're going to have a coronary.


"I AM the FBI."



Seriously my friend. You should take a stress pill, sit down and calmly think about the situation.


"He's dead'"



Well, nobody's perfect.




I hear Prozac works well.




Yes, Prozac would probably do the trick.




Seriously. Prozac.



Seriously, testosterone.


Prozac and anger management classes.




I spilled spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.




I have an answering machine in my car. It says "I'm home now, but leave a message and I'll call when I'm out.




If Oprah Winfey married Depark Chopra, she'd be
Oprah Copra





Well boys, I guess this is it. Nuclear combat toe to toe with Nappy!




I bought some powdered water, but I don't know what to add.




Very good, Nappy. I'm proud of you!

Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? His goal: transcend dental medication.




somebody PUH-lease teach MovieManCin how to read.


He has to learn how to think first.


Therein lies the problem.


naps, what do you make of these remarks?

[–] yawkee24 (31) a day ago

Hillary is pure, she has never broken the law, Bush never duped congress in believing Iraq had WMD's, he did a fine job by taking out Saddam's Iraq (which is now owned by Isis), Charles Manson is innocent, and Donald Trump will never become POTUS
[–] MovieManCin2 (3872) a day ago

Oh PUH-lease! Crooked Hillary is a LOT of things. Pure ain't one of them. NO politician is pure.
Your statement is laughable.

Comey said she broke the law, but he wouldn't prosecute her because he didn't think she had "intent". That is just as absurd as your statement.


This is such an outdated, juvenile, dismissive response when someone doesn't have a logical argument to counter with.

Once again, you're how old ? πŸ™„


Look nap time, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.



All you can see is your phony persona here.


I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.


"I am the FBI."


Ok, why don't you " tip-toe through the tulips " while you're at it ? πŸ˜†


You talking to me?



The hilarious thing, jb, is that he doesn't even realize the incredible irony of what he quoted.


Yeah, I know.

I think kspkap gives him way too much credit concerning his supposed intellect. He reminds me of a house where all the lights are on but nobody's home.


He has no intellect (in addition to guts). He just parrots what he hears elsewhere.


Confusing who your responding to, movielad? All that lying and avoidance is getting you all mixed up. And I'm not upset at all, though you want to lie to yourself about that too, apparently. All I did is ask you to prove your statement with a credible source, and all you did is run away from that. Typical.


No I know exactly who I'm responding to Nap Time. Not my job to educate an illiterate like you.


"I AM the FBI."


Please, MovieMan, no more insults. Naps isn't illiterate. Naps is one of the most intelligent posters on these boards. And so are you! You see things differently than he does. I'm much more in your camp. Most of the time I am in disagreement with Naps, but I hold my tongue, er stylus. If I have a source which disagrees with his assertions I reply to him. When he besmirches Trump, I don't respond because I'm not going to be able to change his mind anymore than he could change mine about King Obama who ruled by fiat issuing edicts whenever he felt like so doing.


You speak wisely, kspkap, but Nap Time is always the one who starts the insults. And when someone insults me I retaliate. That's just who I am, and I'm not about to change for someone like Nap Time.


"I AM the FBI."


And when you'te challenged to prove a statement you made, you run away like the coward you are, movielad. That's not an insult; it's a fact.


Run, Forrest, run!



You oughta know. Running away from being responsible is what you do best.


You can't handle the truth!!


"I AM the FBI."


I'm not the one running away from proving my statements. That would be you. When you grow up and want to assume some responsibility for your statements, you'll get some respect. Until then, you've proven yourself to be a lying coward deserving of none.


Snap out of it!


"I AM the FBI."


"who ruled by fiat issuing edicts whenever he felt like so doing"

Gee, what current idiot in chief does THAT sound like? Don't tell me; I'll think of it...

And I know you're bright enough to know who, too, ksp. The only difference is that most of el trumpo's attempts have backfired on him.


Actually, you don't know, because you replied to db above, but called him "nap time." Gee, wrong again, but too gutless to admit it. Whoda thunk it?


Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.


"I AM the FBI."


Uh, Napster, were you referring to me? I never replied to db and called him nap time. It might behoove us all when replying to address the screen ID especially when there is a back and forth. And please, no insults. I really, truly like to read different points of view which leads me to do my own research.


Not at all ksp. Was referring to the lying coward (which is what he is, so it's not an insult but a fact) responding to db.



You failed to mention the most important erroneous action/comment Comey made. Comey was our Chief Law Enforcement Officer of our nation. In that position his job was to investigate potential criminal activity perpetrated by a suspect in a case. He did and he agreed there could be crimes committed by Hillary and her co-horts. His next step should have been to turn over the evidence to a prosecutor! He was the same as a detective working a case. If the detective finds evidence of a crime s/he turns it over to the DA.

Comey did not turn over the evidence. He took it upon himself to make a decision which a prosecutor should have made when he stated "β€œAlthough there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

He had no right to decide what a "reasonable prosecutor" would have done! How does he know whether a prosecutor would or would not bring a case? That was NOT his call to make! I believe he was saving face over his previous statement about investigating Hillary further.

Your statement "Circumstantial evidence is still just evidence. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law." was correct. But, by Comey circumventing the findings of possible crimes made by Hillary, the evidence never made it to that institution you refer to...a court of law!


Not saying what he did was right, and that has nothing to do with movielad's cowardice. Trust me; if Hillary was proven guilty, I'd be the first one wanting to see her be punished for it. I addressed the fact that movielad said Comey stated she was guilty (his exact words: "I disagree with your assertion that we don't know Hillary broke the law. Comey said she did, and the evidence is overwhelming."), which is patently false. Comey never made a definitive statement, and we really don't know exactly what he compiled as evidence, so anyone who actually thinks cannot absolutely state if it was overwhelming, underwhelming, or something in between. Movielad was called out to prove his statement, and, typically, completely avoided doing so via juvenile responses, and when those didn't work, outright lying, using the weakest excuse possible..."It's not my job to educate you," which is the coward's way out. You (meaning the general you) make a declarative statement, either have the stones to prove it, admit you're wrong, or be gutless and double down on your BS. It's no wonder he's an el trumpo fan; his hero does the same thing regularly.


Is Comey an honest individual?

Do you know him personally or is he another politician/agent paid to make her look bad? Or, do you agree with anything that can be used to pin blame on a party that is against yours?


Is anyone in politics honest?



Some are MORE honest than others. One party seems to be more sympathetic than another. I will leave you to decide which is which. Of course to be able to fund whatever they do, they have to turn a blind eye and make $.


I will agree with that, but probably disagree with which party you're referring to.



All movielad knows is what he wants to be fact but isn't. The fact he dismisses the LA Times as a "liberal rag" is proof of that.


If you have two truths, then which one is the actual truth?


I'll let you know when there's one truth. Note I never said I believe Hillary is innocent. I said there's no confirmed proof she broke the law, nor did Comey definitively state she was guilty.


Thats our major dilemma, we will never know the "exact" truth in this case because it was all swept under the rug. Things move so fast in politics that people will forget what happened last week.


Which is why I took movielad to task for stating it as fact, and dismissing the LA Times as a "liberal fact" because it published the truth.


How do we know that the LA Times published the truth? Has the story been corroborated with a unbiased third party? MSNBC and Fox News both report on the news yet they both report the same news in a different way.


Comey's statement/letter was reported verbatim in a number of news sources. Are they all "liberal rags?" Tough to not publish the truth when it's the man's own words.


And to unnecessarily capitalize those words is also telling.


Well, we know arvin has some difficulty with certain aspects of grammar.


I'm talking about MovieMan, re " liberal rag."


Ah; sorry. I think he thinks if you capitalize it, it somehow becomes more factual.


And makes him appear smarter than he actually is.


IMO, poor grammar makes one appear more uneducated and/or ignorant.


I agree. I was commenting in the context of his distorted rationale.


Gotcha. Carry on, good sir.


Yeah, that's why I said it's telling.


Especially el trumpo's tax returns.


What about the Clinton Foundation? It mysteriously shut down after Hillary lost. Where did all the money go?


Great question. BUMP. I mention that.



One of his advisers also threatened to exploit the WHO and thus many Americans have become obese because of it. The USDA and FDA have become corrupt organizations sponsored by meat businesses, sugar food businesses, and fat foods businesses (literally businesses that have too much fat in their foods along with fast food).


Basically anybody and everybody with money and power can manipulate the system.





The dope in the WH is an expert at just that. Or at least thinks he is.


I agree, Obama was a dope for 8 years.


In some ways, I agree; he didn't accomplish a lot for various reasons. In terms of a literal dope, as in imbecile, nobody is worse than this clown. Not even dubya.


He hasn't done anything yet to be judged for, so Obuma still wins the clown award for now.


"He hasn't done anything yet to be judged for"

WHAT??? C'mon, bubba, I know you're brighter than that


under false pretenses

Which pretenses?


weapons of mass destruction.


I think OJ is still looking for the weapons of mass destruction.


weapons of mass destruction.

That's not my question...


I don't understand your question.


The pretense that the WOMD existed.


Is this the Who's on first routine?


Nope. It's the dubya and Cheney the Dick lied their asses off routine.


Yes, that was the pretense.


That there were no WOMD was the fact.




We're on the precise same page.


Its a miracle! lol :)


Hey, we've agreed before on things, bubba. I respect that you can generally have an intelligent discussion, even when it gets a little heated.


Same reason el trumpo hasn't been impeached yet


Too many indifferent people.
