MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is something that annoys you?

What is something that annoys you?

Currently I am supposed to be watching a movie with someone and they keep getting me to pause it so they can answer the telephone. So yeah, that is something that annoys me.

Seriously. Ugh. Haha

Maybe I'm being wrong, but they could cut the convo short at least ;)



This Is Not An Ad

It freaking well IS an ad, and I hate it already.

Also, cell phones in general.



Good grief!
When taking time off, I don't even like it when someone calls me about work related issues!
Milk? Milk!!??!! That is one pressing issue! LOL!



That's just crazy and would be annoying for sure. Unless you get scary when there is no milk? ;)



I was only joking about the scary part, but yes they should have left ya alone especially if you are taking a few days off. They make themselves look like they can't make decisions too yes. That's like a place I used to work where we had to have work cell phones and answer them whenever. Annoying.


That ad annoys me very much. Especially since it's the first ad above Trending that I've seen. I just like, "Well, what is this weird box where Trending is supposed to be?" Then I realized there were a handful of other new ads around the site.

Also, I keep my phone on silent 90% of the time, because the ringing or chiming is so disruptive. Especially when it's a telemarketer.



Same here.



I can get a free confederate flag.
With a $15 dollar purchase of course.



I'd be out in public on a sidewalk with a ceramic baby all swaddled up like it was real, then drop it when I'm near a bunch of people. As it shatters on the ground I'd cry "MY BABY! AUUGGH!"



Super creepy.

Did they come with umbilical chords or was that extra ?
Maybe you could attach and unattach them at your leisure.


I saw a show called "My Strange Obsession" or something like that and it showed people who collected these types of dolls. I've seen a British show on it too, can't remember what it was called. Some treat them as real babies strolling them around and stuff like that. On one of the shows someone had one made of their infant who had died. That's a little creepy. The whole thing is odd I guess really. I think they are really expensive as well.


Well, now, I see your Russian ladies, and I raise you Arab ladies! And I know I have not been googling that!



A savings account would come in handy when that Russian lady finally arrives! Google knows such things.

But can I interest you in some free file conversion?



Continuing education is very important, Dazed! I'm applying for a photography course myself presently. (All the better to photograph my beautiful Arab lady)



Ah, puns! 😁

Why _wouldn't_ you want to become an optometrist!? That's a proper profession, that is.



The all-knowing Google has decided I'm very interested in outboard motors, at the moment, for reasons utterly unknown to me.

No doubt Google knows what's best for us.


Google knows what we need, not what we want! It is indeed omnipresent and all-knowing. All hail Google, our benevolent overlord!


The Mighty and All-Powerful Google KNOWS our futures!

They are very, very insistent that I need an outboard motor. Maybe a flood is coming ...


You better start stocking up with supplies then. Google hasn't been wrong yet!


Google had best show me boats for sale first! I don't have one, never even considered buying one, and if a flood is coming, what use is an outboard motor?

… Unless! Google knows I could use it on a piece of furniture or, uh, something.


Just think about it... a motorised bed! All the fun of sailing to your death, with the added bonus of doing it in you own bed!


But what if I find my bed supremely uncomfortable, although Very Expensive (which it was and is, both) , and there's not a whit of fun sailing to my death. What then, huh, huh?


In that case you're pretty much screwed!



Ooh, now you know there's some fun in your future.

Now I'm apparently fatigued, and will be shown The Root of the cause, and with a mere click, a cure-all solution!


What are they? Ads for dating sites?


No Daisy,advertisings or commercials...the same thing,actually.


I think that's pretty much what they are. Not really targeted at straight females though...


I just got one for a baby carrier, so yeah they are way off with the advertising. I am a straight female, but no babies for me. haha


I sense a baby in you future... /Google knows the future after all/


Russian and Arab ladies ? Why do you guys get such cool ads.

All I've been getting is hotel ads. It does sound like a great deal though.


I'm willing to share. I'm sure Dazed wouldn't mind as well. With the ladies' consent of course.

As we've established, Google already knew this arrangement would come about and offered you some fitting accommodations.



Sharing is caring Dazed.
I appreciate that.

I believe I'll do some Googlin tonight to see if my ad changes.
So far, very disappointing.


Make sure to add some more variety to the ladies. We have to catch them all /like they're pokemon, not human people/.


Oh, there will be a variety. Variety IS the spice of life after all.
I'm really liking where this is headed.

BTW I just saw an ad for lingerie. This almost too good to be true.


Just no more than three variety at a time /remember the ice cream conversation/.

Google definitely want this to happen! Whoever complained about the adds. They're bringing so much joy into this world!


"Just no more than three variety at a time"
I'm glad you gave me 3.
Just saw an ad for Filipino women.
This changes EVERYTHING.
Now I will need a boat. I saw one on Ebay that was really cheap.
I'm sure it's fine.
Hopefully you'll be able to accommodate all these people.
I'll now need a bigger turkey for Thanksgiving and more Christmas presents.
So much to do, so little time.

This is why I complain. To bring joy to so many people.

I've yet to see an ad for Bulgarian women. 😞
What's up with that ?


And I can now add Japanese ladies to the mix as well.

As for that boat, I hear Cats might have an outboard motor soon, so buy it!

More turkey from you, I'll buy extra pork for Christmas this year, we'll see about Easter later. We will make this work!

I think Google might think that we're Russian. I mean, anything east of Viena _is_ Russia, right?


Now Japanese ?
I know you said 3 was the limit but can we get 4.
Can we, can we?
I can learn to like sushi.

"anything east of Viena _is_ Russia, right?"
That is in all of our history and geography books.
I thought this was a given.
Google has spoken.


OK, you can have one extra, but just one! You'll ruin your dinner otherwise!


I have no problem with sharing. This is all coming together very nicely.

I'll work on the logistics. I think I would prefer the Russian ladies on the weekend
And the Arab ladies during the week. With their consent of course.
Maybe our own reality show.

I sure hope Google knows I would like some discounts on airfare.


Oh, I have the discounts on airtravel covered! All domestic flights in Bulgaria though, but we can make that work.


We can definitely make this work. I'm thinking maybe of smuggling across the border
then they stay with you for the weekend until this gets ironed out.
We will have to figure out who gets who first.
Maybe just rock-paper-scissors.


Yeah, I'm not sure smuggling Arab ladies into the EU at this moment is such a good idea... This is not the US, with your lax border control!

Anyway, rock-paper-scissors works for me.


I'll make it work. (somehow) I have to, I just have to.
For the sake of the show if anything.
It will be fine it will be like going into Wisconsin. quote BTW.
Your in your out.

Please, we're building a wall you know.


Oh, you and your quotes. You don't have an original thought in you!

In that case, I'll start looking for "coyotes" to aid you in your smuggling quest!

Good luck with your wall BTW! We already have a fence, with barbed wire and unoperational cameras and all. It's not UGE, but it stops some of the bad hombres /or whatever the word for an hombre is in Syrian/


"You don't have an original thought in you"
is it that obvious ?

I will need some "mules" too. Just in case.

Our wall stops nobody. They just dig underneath.

best I could do -хомбре


It is that obvious to me /but I have excellent observational skills, to go with my emoji puzzle skills and being-polite-to-grumps skills/.

You want mules, you'll get mules. Give me a couple of days, I'll find you the girls who peed on Trump as well.

I said it stops _some_ of the bad омбрес /the H is silent/. They still find a way in and around, somehow...

But, you either think Syrians write in Cyrillic, or Bulgarians speak Syrian, or I don't know. This "translation" is a bit of a mindf*ck. A for effort though!


Mina, I'm sure you have skills that I can't even comprehend.
Not crazy about the polite to grumps thing. I don't even know what
you're talking about.

Girls who peed on Trump. This might be hot. I'll get back to you.

Huh, I thought you all spoke the same language. Weird.
Just keeping you on your toes.
I do appreciate the A.


The girls might be hot. But Trump is whatever the opposite of hot is. To infinity!

I appreciate you keeping me on my toes. You might learn Bulgarian yet.

In addition to that A, I'll give you a '6' as well. Excellent marks all around!


"You might learn Bulgarian yet. "
I'm working on it.
If you do end up turning me and I have to live
in Bulgaria in your castle, I want to be prepared.
I, at the very least want to learn to ask where the bathroom is.

I'm assuming the 6 you gave is out of a possible 6 and not 100.


First, and I know this might come as a shock to you, but I don't live in a castle.

Second, vampires don't need to use the toilet. You should know this before you commit, as it is a deal breaker for some people.

Thirt, the 6 _is_ a 6 on a scale of 2 to 6. It's weird, I know. Just go with it.


"I don't live in a castle."
Whatever Mina. You don't have to pretend with me. wink,wink

"vampires don't need to use the toilet"
How is this a deal breaker ? It's a dream come true.
Do you know how much time I spend in the bathroom? TMI ?

I'm not even going to ask why 2 to 6 instead of 1 to 6.
And why 6? Never mind I'll take it.

BTW- the not living in a castle is much more of a deal breaker
for me than the toilet thing. So there are no toilets in Bulgaria. Who knew.


There are lots of weird people out there. For me, using the toilet is a waste of time, but alas something we must do. But I do value the time it gives for reflection on lifes mysteries /now I'm giving TMI/.

It's a whole "complicated" grading system. There is a 1, but it's reserved to cheaters. Also, not a real thing, just a scare tactic some teachers use.

We don't have castles, nor toilets. We also only have one elevator that you need to sing up on a waiting list to use. You'd love it here!


Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!!!
That is WAY too much info Mina. WTF.
But I do like it.

I've already wondered (while on the toilet coincidentally )
why I don't already live there. A waiting list for an
elevator. Another dream come true.
No castles. Got it. wink


Hey, listen, you're going about your pitch all wrong. Not needing to use the toilet is a selling point!

Plus, since everyone's home is their castle, you wouldn't actually be lying if you said you lived in a castle.

Marketing, marketing, marketing!


Thanks, my marketing strategy was indeed all wrong. I'll amend that going forward.



Good morning sunshine!
First things first. Go for the bacon and eggs.
Always go for the bacon.

This is what we do Dazed. Next time may i suggest
not read this on an empty stomach.

I know it's a quote. Mina is still working on her quote recognition.
"We want the finest wines available to humanity. And we want them here, and we want them now!"

I am sorry about Ludmilla. This is our first attempt.
We will get better. (if we can) Slim pickens if you know what i mean.



This might be good news. We can at least share a razor.
This saves money.

Who are we to judge Dazed. Once I figure out Mina's
wall and I buy a Cat's outboard things will look up.

Don't be so quick on the spuds. If you're not going to eat
breakfast you could eat that for lunch.
I only have 4 bottles of vodka left. From your description
I will need a lot more. For all of us.


You have room for one more in your group,Mina?


Dear Dazed,

First. I am sorry my and Dewey's "witty" "banter" insulted your gentle disposition this early in the morning! But it was based on factual events, so please adress any further complaints to Mr. Trump and his team.

Second. Have toast.

Third. I have seen only one third of Withnail & I (I may not have "quote recognition", but I do know how to use Google /praise be/), but I do wonder who's the morose one and who's the drunken one out if the two of us, in this little comparison I just decided you made?

P.S. I am sorry Ludmilla isn't working out.



For the record I now only have 3 bottles left.
But I'm sure you knew that. It's Mongolian vodka so it's ok.

So about this doll.....
I'm only asking for Mina.


I have an entire box with vodka...if you're interest


Anytime I hear box and vodka I'm interested.


Copy that,godewey...just tell me when and where...i have only good stuff



I started a little early yesterday with some friends I
had over. It was over several hours. I think.
We got to playing Cards Against Humanity while I
was grilling.

A voodoo doll capable of golden showers might
be exactly what Mina is looking for.


I'm not _looking_ for that! I don't see the appeal of people pissing on eachother.

But for a decent fee I can provide a doll, or a real life person. That's what capitalism is all about, right?


You will do well in life Mina. I like the way
you think.

BTW can we add Ukrainian to the mix ?
I saw another ad. Also an ad for buildings.
I ordered a few. I'll fix them up nicely.
Some place for them to call their own.


I'm going to whine about not getting these ads. All I've gotten so far is *one* measly ad for Russian women. Luckily, thanks to Dazed, I know this is a ruse, and I'm not falling for it.

ATM, I have an ad for goat's milk. No, I'm not kidding (*groan*).


In all fairness Cat I take responsibility for
Ludmilla. I ordered clearance. A mistake I will not make again.

We also have ads for Ukrainian, Japanese and Filipino women. Also on the chocolate thread not only did I see an ad for chocolate and ice cream. There was ad for healthy ice cream. Which I'm sure is delicious.

I am now curious about goat milk.
Off to ATM.


So it's *your* fault Ludmilla is a bust? I should have known. It was the bowling balls, wasn't it?

Well, I forgive you … sort of. I could do with a *good* Ludmilla, but not one who had cockatoos, let alone a pair of tarantulas. Maybe if the tarantulas were shaven. Maybe!

I want to know how I can get ads for women who aren't Russian. (No offence to Russian women, but I've been forewarned.)

I was not shown any ads for chocolate or ice cream, let alone healthy ice cream, nor goats' milk ice cream. I'm going to file a complaint with Google, forthwith.


I feel totally responsible and in
hindsight I feel there were red flag when when it listed her turn ons. Shaving her back hair was listed.
As this is also one of mine I now feel it was a selfish decision.

I was also disappointed to not find the goat's milk ad as I felt this might make Ludmilla feel more at home.


I can see myself as a purveyor of things. I mean, that doll seem like just the thing _Dewey_ might be interested in. Unless Ludmilla isn't too dehydrated after all that working out?





There is a famous Russian ballad. It goes like this: "Oh, Dania boy, the ducks, the ducks are flying. From gulag to gulad, and down the Ural's side." She's just home sick, poor girl.

BTW, we're not just flirting with offensive stereotyping anymore.

As for Dewey, I chose to believe that it was the girls peeing that he found "hot". Him finding Trump appealing is just too disturbing to even think about.



Och aye, the songs of the Isles have traveled far and laid roots deeply.

In reality, we _do_ have our own version of Auld Lang Syne, as strange as that sounds...

Anyhoo, I'm with Ludmilla on the wee eggs. Those Chinese are a strange bunch /since we're offending whole groups of people/.



This is a well know fact in the inner circle.
TUGWWC- The Underground Wet Work
Club. A whole lot of gargling going on.

In Latin cultures a lot of people pee on
their hands. It supposed to toughen the
skin on your hands. Helps prevent blisters.


Um... isn't "wet work" contract killing? What have you gotten yourself into Dewey?


You have no idea how difficult
it has been to get these women
here. Promises were made
promises were broken.
Mules, coyotes, fences, tunnels.
Quite the ordeal.

I only do it for you and Dazed.


I appreciate that Dewey!

BTW, now we know the places our minds go, when left unattended.

I think the Mods might be speeping on the job!


I prefer to think they are
enjoying this conversation
or just thinking "Here they go


I think it might be the latter.

But we're staying away ftom profanity, so we have that going dfor us, which is nice.
And we're reached the one letter per libe stage, so this might be the end of this particular drailment.


As usual you are the
sensible one.
Which scares the hell
out of me.

Closing Time
You don't have to go home but you can't stay here .


And now, the end is near,
And so we face the final curtain.
Blah Blah We did it our way.


We're no different from the neon lights.
We burn too long, we flicker and die.
Like this thread.
We did do it our way.
Well said.



Well, it's too fucking late now!



Nice Dazed.
Do you kiss
your husband
with that acid
tongue ?



I believe
this is
the wise


It's also supposed to be great wound disinfectant. But I draw the line at egg cooking!

I'm sure he knows a "101 uses for urine that'll change your life forever."


There are a lot more than 101 uses


You'd know better than me!




Jealous much ?


Between your urine fetish and your terrible taste in music, there is a lot in you to envy Go Dewey.


You're the one who
pulled out Simply Red .
Obviously you must
have been listening to
them at the time.
Nice try toots.


I know what Hitler did during WW2 too, but I don't like it.

Evoking Godwin's law seems fitting for the twilight of this "discussion".


There you go.
I wouldn't have
thought of you
Another sheep.
Do you get a royalty
for mentioning
There will soon
be a dawn of a
new derailment.
don't worry.


No, I don't get a royalty. I do it because I enjoy it.

I thought this was The Dawn of the Derailment of the Thread. The next one ought to be Rice of the Derailment... I can't wait for War... personally.


Dawn, Day,
Night, Rise,
Return of the
All of these are inevitable.
Alas fair maiden, I look forward to our future
conflicts on
the derailment


Rise of the tomb raider,rporting for duty😀


The eggs need to be cage free and
free-range eggs. Ludmilla obviously has
good taste. Anybody who enjoys a good
pee egg knows this. I feel I shouldn't need
to be explaining this to you.
For the record a few weeks ago I had some
caviar from your people. I think it went
bad. It tasted fishy. Could you please look
into getting me a refund.


Pee-related things are more up your alley. I don't know of such things.

We're not famous for our caviar, so you might have gotten swindled. Did it have a warranty?


The person who gave it to me was
pretty proud it was from Bulgaria.
Bulgarian Royal Osetra Caviar

I wouldn't know good from bad
either way. Maybe if I mixed it with
a pee egg.


You really do business with the wrong people,godewey😉


I am slowly becoming aware of this.


We do have large bodies of water with fish in them, so it is possible.

But I wouldn't know good from bad either. You could always try an egg salad with those two...


Good call. Time to start drinking
some water.


We're almost flirting everything imaginable
now. But this is good. Nice to get everything
on the table. As we will be sharing.

2nd batch should be arriving any day now.
This one I made sure comes with a
warranty. Just in case.
Believe what you must Mina.


As I said to Dazed, we're long past the flirting phase. We're surely on one of your American bases now.

I'm not sure I feel comfortable with referring to people in "batches", but I guess it's not that bad considering we're contemplating possible sex trafficking anyway. But I'm glad you got a warranty. Even though better than dealing with customer service when trying to return something without warranty, digging up shallow graves is a tiring business. Better to avoid that whole ordeal all together.

For the sake of myself, you and all on this site, I choose to ignore your possible attraction to Donald Jujubee Pissborn of the House Trump, President of the Americans and the Bad Hombres, Maker of Walls, Destroyed of Worlds, and Father of Attractive Women He Totally Wants to Have Sex With.

/I may or may not have gone a bit overboard this time/





"digging up shallow graves is a tiring business." I'm sure you are speaking
metaphorically and not based on any
previous or practical experience. Or this is perhaps part of your ever growing resume.

Not overboard. In fact I gave you a
standing ovation.


I guess you'll never know. To quote you: "Believe what you must Dewey". /see I can quote stuff/


If you don't know me by now
You will never never never know me

I'm not sure quoting me counts or
is something you want to do.


I didn't choose the quote life, it chose me?

Anyway, first Mumford & Sons, now Simply Red... You need better taste in music STAT!


I'll have to think on that one.
That might be brilliant or not.

Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes
sang it best and way before
Simply Red. Give me some credit DR. Vladimir.


"flirting with offensive stereotyping."
It's ok Dazed. In America we do it all time.

"that might be hot"- Look Dazed, what goes on
in a persons home is really nobody's business
except the 6 or 7 people involved.
You take your shoes off outside. Nobody judged you. Well, at least not to your face.

To save some money I chose the "As Is" model.
No returns, all sales are final. Sorry.


Are there rakes involved? Aside from you, that is.

Edit: Is that too personal a question?


There must be...he has too many things...


Apparently so! :D


"Is that too personal a question?"
Apparently not. As I will answer it.

Sometimes. It needs to be changed up every
now and then. Rakes, rubberbands, bowling balls etc...
Good thing you found that deal on rugs.
I am in desperate need of new ones.
I can't figure out why I go through so many.


Well, as they say, variety is the spice of life. Rubber bands and bowling balls, so useful. May I suggest a nice roll of duct tape? Multi-functional!

Probably because you rake them too often. The chocolate rug has disappeared from the ad. I assume you bought it.


"Multi-functional!" And so strong !!

I actually ordered the lot of them.
This way I won't have to worry about
raking. Now I can just burn them.

They are just so darn hard to clean
when stuff starts flying everywhere.


Oh yeah, raking is no good at all in that case. I suggest investing in a steam cleaner. At the rate you're going through carpets, it's much more economical than the burn 'n replace method.


Appreciate it. I will look into that.
It's got to be a good deal though.
The deal on the rugs was amazing.


We have a problem then.
I might have to take this dispute to PayPal.

I'm pretty sure that your ad said Russian brides,well this bride has a huge c-

Hang on a sec Dewey,just have to hoover the rug.

Yes I was saying she has a huge cockatoo and an enormous pair of hairy....

Sorry wait a moment eggs on the stove.

An enormous pair of hairy tarantulas.

I'm not sure I can cope.


I find this all very disturbing. When I called
them they were so pleasant.
I talked a wonderful girl named Mary Smith.
She assured me all the girls were A-OK.
Number 1 girls and we would like them.


Not only those,godewey...i receive so many...


These ads are very big in size,those things are occupying half of my screen...very annoying🤔


I leave mine on silent 90% of the time too, the only time this isn't a good thing is when you can't find it...I've lost my phone too many times to count as well.
The ads I've been seeing are 1 at the top and one in the middle of the posts.



Barns and baby carriers..haha. I hope I don't need either. When I was typing a post about the ads being way off, the next thing I knew it was an ad for marketing and targeting audiences. That's strange right?
ooooo spoooky.... haha

and yes i will have to tell them about this thread. haha. I kind of actually did already ;)


When I was doing my thesis in university about advertisement on Youtube, after a while all I got were ads for ads. Not very useful when you need examples of different ads!


You go to university,Mina?wich offence.


The one was Electronic Media. Not that I'm doing anything useful with it at the moment /but it's pretty to look at lol/!

And no offence taken!


Well,Mina...i did only the proffesional school,got a qualification in something and got a job...i hope it makes sense what i said🤔


It does make sense. Professional school is great, because you get a trade and you don't _need_ to get however more years of schooling after that (unless you want to).


Well,Mina if someone wants to have a greater qualification,then that person need to be another year in school and make the final test...i don't know how to say it in english...the one that you make after you finish high-school...anyway,i choosed not to.


I understand what you mean (I think they may have many words for it in English, for all the different countries?). Anyway, since you can find work, it's good. That's the whole point in qualifications isn't it?


Indeed,Mina...but there are so that finish the school and stay at home because they can't do a thing with they're qualification.


There is that as well... Unfortunately that's a sad reality in both our countries.


Really,Mina!?i thought only in Romania is possible.


Come on, we're pretty much in the same boat! But you seem to be improving more quickly than us (at least that's what the news say).


Improving,Mina...i think you 've been mistaken with someone the way,congratulations with those beaches,you have many tourists😉


It's all relative lol.

Thank you:). We also have a crazy Minister going around shutting down clubs, because they're "too noisy". Ah, fun times!


You know,Mina...with this you should borough our a home sistem,then turn the volume of the music as loud is possible😉


Well, he's "batling" this /almost/ exact thing. But it's only in one place, so me and my loud music are safe lol.


Not if your neghbours complained about this,Mina😉


I was getting super annoyed. I'll try doing that sometime. Not really, I would never actually do that. I always put my phone on silent and put it facedown to give my attention. I hardly get phone calls so I would leave it on so i would know if a call came through, emergency or whatever.



oh i know, that's like where i was working. insist on everyone having break together and then not talk...and the scrolling i know.
I don't even have facebook, but i've been on that rant on here before. LOL


I hate interruptions too.


"I am supposed to be watching a movie with someone and they keep getting me to pause it so they can answer the telephone."

That would annoy the living crap out of me. Unless they're expecting a supremely important call, tell them they can live without their goddam phone for a couple hours. Or they can leave.


Amen. Daisy, your alleged friend is an asshole. You deserve better. Insist on a better quality of friend for yourself.


You're right, I do deserve better! And thanks for saying so! :)
and.....Well another friend just cancelled on me for tonight. I need better quality friends all around. haha


^^ What Naps said. And R_Kane too.


Yah, you are exactly right. I did say something in the end of it all and it was all good. I shouldn't have had to though...but yes it did annoy the crap out of me. I was getting into a bad mood and I couldn't figure out why at


Drivers who don't even bother keeping an eye out for pedestrians.



Oh that reminds me, other people who walk in a group and want to ALL walk side by side, taking up a huge swath of space. One time in a fairly large outdoor mall I was heading toward a group of like 10 guys like that, in a big horizontal line, taking up at least 25 feet of space. I cut right through the middle of them, made them part a little. They looked idiotic walking like that. It's not like the guys on the ends can talk to everyone in the line, so why even bother being in such a configuration?

My office is in an area where there's a VERY odd tendency for people on the sidewalk to swerve in my direction like I'm a human magnet, heading directly into my path for no reason at all, even though we would have passed each other fine if they'd just kept walking straight. It doesn't happen anywhere else but it's super-common here. I just experienced it again about 20 minutes ago, a lady cut over in front of me, walking up against a metal box on the sidewalk, and I had to veer off to my left because there was no space to pass her on the right. She had started on the other side of the sidewalk and cut over suddenly when we were only 10 feet apart, it was crazy.


I agree with you all! Ugh, the drivers that just turn and don't check at ALL. Even worse the drivers that TRY to hit you, not kidding!!!!

Oh yes the idiots that HAVE to cycle side by side, for NO reason. Even worse I was biking on a BIKE PATH, and yeah some sections it says 'share the road'. Like you can walk & bike. But the section I was was ONLY for bikes. & a dumb azz 8!t(#, her apparent hubby, & like 10 kids were taking up the WHOLE path. Not sure why they had to walk ON the path. There was plenty of space all around them. Additionally it was a scenic path. So it would take longer if you took the path. Not a sense making way of getting from point A to point B but I digress. I can't expect much from idiots that illegally walk in a bike path. Anywhoo, I almost run over one of their many of out of control kids. And I utter some words of concern. And this bioatch is like "Really?" I got so mad. I was like "Yeah you REALLY are a 81tch!" You take up the whole f*$%ing bike path then have the audacity to get offended by a bike rider actually expecting to properly use the path!? WTH? LOL I feel sorry for those kids. Probably a couple will die due to sheer deficiency of the parents.

ALSO I get attitude from people that do the whole 10 ppl walking horizontally. Makes no sense. But even worse they expect you not to even pass them. Like a-hole, move aside, part, walk behind each other a bit, let me pass. So rude when they expect you to A. either change directions for them, B. jump out of their way, or C. Walk through dirt/grass, or risk you life and pass by walking into the street! Yes also have no idea about the human magnet thing, I just assume some people are a-holes.


The worst of the pedestrian-blind drivers are the ones who pull up to an intersection to turn right, and they ONLY look to their left to see if they can go, and then turn right as soon as possible. They don't look to their right to check for a pedestrian at all. Someone could be stepping into the crosswalk as they pull up and they wouldn't see them, plus they're obviously in such a "big rush" that they pull up to the intersection very quickly.

As for sidewalks, another one that gets me is coming up behind a person walking somewhat slowly by themselves, on a relatively empty sidewalk, and I start angling to walk around them. Then they magically start bee-lining in that same direction. So, I change my path and start angling to walk on their other side, and they suddenly bee-line in THAT direction, as if they're watching me in a mirror and trying to stay directly in front of me. JUST WALK STRAIGHT!


Yes, I make my best efforts to get the drivers attention, and try to embarrass them as much as possible. Yelling at them, waving my arms/hands. The responses are so crazy. The evil ones roll their eyes, like how dare I point out they are a-holes. Some even honk their horns to speed me up crossing the street, and like bring their car so close to me as if to threaten me.

And the crossing thing, honesty I think they are sick. Like it's a power trip. What I do is start violently coughing, they make a wide girth for me then! ;D Some people just keep walking and clip people HARD to teach them a lesson. Other times I just get so frustrated I call them out on it "Pick a fu$%ing side you idiot!" And try to make them feel as bad as possible for being so ignorant.


That is very odd. I hate too when someone comes right towards you and then you keep moving the same direction they do and can't get past them. Like doing a little dance, kind of awkward..


I know drivers that complain like that about pedestrians. It's not the same thing.


Even worse for me is when they take the call, tell you "no don't pause it" and then you have to explain all the stuff they missed. And texting is just a bad because they won't leave the room, but you got "pings" and "swishes" going off all the time.

Bottom line is, if it's something I'm really into seeing, like a new episode of Game of Thrones, I will outright seize the phone in advance.


I usually watch Game of Thrones by myself the first time and then my friend and I watch the reruns together. Might sound strange but its good to be able to have all your attention on the show and then be able to discuss it. :)


Good strategy!


That and he likes to watch them lots of times ;)


Have to admit a number of things annoy me. One is moronic trolls who keep posting BS threads under different names thinking they're actually accomplishing something. (Hi, moronic troll, just in case you're lurking. Everybody hates your worthless guts)


I think that annoys everyone to some degree. c;

I can't stand loud noises. Silverware clacking on plates, people talking louder than needed (especially when on the phone!), etc.


I think you are right in that annoying everyone

and as far as noises go..what annoys me is when a tv and a radio/music are playing at the same time.. drives me nuts. ANd I totally get the phone thing, its like some times people are trying to get you to over hear.


Its extremely rude. My favorite is a room full of people you haven't seen for awhile and they are all
looking down staring at their phones in dead silence.

One thing that annoys me is people who can't act their age. Older people acting younger. Younger people trying to act older.
Why can't we be happy who we are ?


Young people act older than they are because they think that they will earn more respect. Old people act younger than they are because they think that they would get more respect.


Hard to follow this kind of logic.

Young people would be called posers by their own and told to act your age by older people.
Older people would be told to act their age by their peers and laughed at by someone younger.

Who's respect are they trying to earn ?


The idea is that young people aren't respected because of their age and naivety. Which is partially why young people are always trying to imitate those older than them. After a certain age, around 50yrs old, you lose the respect of those younger than you. They call you 'old'. Haven't you ever heard of the term ageism and how older people are discrimitated against? Hell. Young people are often discriminated against.


I am aware of ageism. You are correct it does go both ways.

So based on this everybody is trying to earn everybody else's respect and nobody is succeeding.
In fact often times people look foolish.

Interesting theory.


That's funny, because far more often you see older people, middle-aged mostly, imitating the young. But I agree about ageism. I've seen older people, women in particular, treated as though they're invisible in stores.


That's because there is no logic, dewey. It's a baiting post.


That would be a bingo


I CANNOT stand the staring at the phones thing. It drives me nuts. Such a waste of time, why not just stay home and text with one another? You would get more "conversation" out of it. Oh my


I don't even have a smart phone. Snapagram and Instachat. I don't get why people do this when they see each other.
I get it if you live somewhere else. Why you go to somebody's house just to talk to another person.
I've left places before because people couldn't get off their phone. Boggles my mind.


I only left once because of the annoyance of cell phones, so I get it. I totally don't get sitting around with people to NOT talk to them. Maybe I'm getting old..haha


"Maybe I'm getting old"

It only gets worse Daisy. Trust me.

Old man look at my life, I'm a lot like you.


Yeah, I think I'm noticing already..but I'm getting there. Can't bring myself to put my age but its...30ish ;)
Knowing me I probably already posted it on here and i just forget haha

And I love Neil Young, good quote. I'm totally going to start a game thread for song lyrics or something, might be fun! :)


I've been trying to think of one. I was thinking along the lines of name the song or
start with a lyric and add one that makes sense (or not) to make our own song.

If anybody can do it you can. You're good at coming up with these.


I will try to come up with something, but yes you make one too! :) Or maybe you have, I haven't been over there yet. :)



It's so much worse with people our age isn't it. Mothers (and Fathers) in skinny jeans. Really !

I was just talking to somebody about this. Parents who try to be their kids friends as opposed
to setting the example and being the adult. Very pathetic.

Reminds me of the movie Fever Pitch. Drew Barrymore's dad dyes his hair jet black.
The dog is always barking at him and when it got warm his hair would "leak" down his face. Funny but sad.

I think like you. Not that I don't do my share of carousing but I still know my place.
Everything I have is natural. It's all me take it or leave it.


Hey you, I wear skinny jeans. To wear anything else with boots looks ridiculous. Not the low cut ones, but mid-rise with a belt. I wore a pair this evening to go out to dinner with my friend of 58 yrs. (I'm visiting my old stomping grounds...even drove by the "funeral home".) I wore dressy wedge sandals. I also wear tunics to cover these damnable hips and thighs I've acquired. I dress young and stylish, not teenybopper. I no longer wear shorts or a swim suit. But, to be honest I am not accepting ageing well. "Growing old gracefully" is a bunch of hooey!


If you can get away with skinny then more power to you. Most people I see shouldn't even be in the
same store that sells skinny jeans.

Did you get another picture? I would love to see it.

I think there is a difference in growing old gracefully and acting your age.
I believe you can be graceful and still feel young. Without wearing half shirts and short skirts.
You sound like you know what you have and you work with it. Many don't know what they have and
think they are still a kid.
To be fair I haven't reached that yet. Maybe I will feel differently in the future.


I've often said "a mirror doesn't lie". Good grief women! Look in the damn thing, turning to look at the total image. If you're past 40 and look like you've been poured into your pants with a crop top, change into something else. I was still able to wear a bikini at 40, but not too much longer. The body starts to change during the forties. I could still wear tight jeans, but with an appropriate top and was trim enough to tuck in the shirt with a fancy belt. Sad to say those days are gone.


This all I'm saying kp. Know yourself. Don't try to be something you're not.



I wore leather pants once in my life. I absolutely hated it. It felt very strange and all I did was sweat.
Very uncomfortable.

There are people who can get away with it. I constantly see women wearing things way too small.
They are constantly pulling and adjusting. I just don't see how they can be comfortable.

I think plastic surgery is fine. Especially if you feel better about yourself. The problem begins when
people want more and more so they go tighter and tighter.
I've said before gray hair, wrinkles, creases all makes us who we are. Everyone of those things has
a story.
"Learning to love yourself. It is the greatest love of all"


I tend to perceive the features of Tommy Lee Jones as somewhere between homely to weatherbeaten, etched with character, the kind of face a portrait artist would love to capture.


Good example db. He's done quite well with that face.
Steve Buscemi also comes to mind.

