MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > directors with the best eye for camerawo...

directors with the best eye for camerawork?

Which directors come to mind as for having exceptionally good camerawork in their films?

Here's a few that come to mind for me:

Steven Spielberg
David Fincher
Alfonso Cuaron
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Brian De Palma

Who would you add to the list?



As much as I trash J.J. Abrams, I have to admit that The Force Awakens looked really good on the screen.


Alfred Hitchcock!
He always paid attention to detail. He knew how to build the suspense.


Who needs suspense-building when we have jump scares?


LOL! Those jump scares are starting to be way too predictable. They no longer make me jump.
Give me that old time suspense building any day of the week. It's about time that directors think that over.
I realize that so many of today's audience wants instant gratification.... many can't sit still for that slow build. I do believe that there are plenty of thinking people out there though......
People who actually enjoy a well told story that builds to a great payoff.


Paul Thomas Anderson
Jean-Pierre Melville
Masaki Kobayashi
Stanley Kubrick (perfect framing and symmetry)
Joon-ho Bong


Jacques Becker
Mikhail Kalatozov
The Dardenne brothers
Max Ophüls


Even though he is no longer with us, I would say Stanley Kubrick. IMHO he was the best director of all time.



The late, great Stanley Kubrick, the greatest director of all time IMHO.



I agree, MovieManCin2. For still with us director, I pick Sam Mendes.


I really like Andrew Adamson. He does beautiful things with colour and filtered light - at least he did in the Narnia films. I hate that he's mostly done animated films.
