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Star Wars: Episode IX Just Went Through A Behind-The-Scenes Change

General Discussion - News, Rumors & Gossip
Not many people tend to think about it, but hiring a new writer for a movie like Star Wars: Episode IX is a pretty big deal. It's even bigger when you think about the fact that the film is eyeing a production start date for the beginning of next year ... read full story on Cinema Blend


I've never seen or even heard of anything this writer has done. He better not just be some SJW hired for wacky political beliefs.


Lucasfilm in the post-Lucas era seems to have developed a permanent case of buyer's remorse. They can't seem to keep a team in place throughout a project.


I blame Kathleen Kennedy. Somebody who understands Star Wars should be producing these movies.


You're probably right. They can get away with it because Star Wars is such a money machine that the inherent inefficiencies (not to mention costs -- Im sure all of these people still ended up getting paid quite a bit for not writing/directing a SW movie) get swept under the rug easily enough.
