How does every one keep track or just in your mind? :) I have an app on my phone where I can add them to a list. I never used the lists on imdb. I was thinking of making a blog for myself with all the trailers of the movies I watch because that would be kind of neat to go back and look at. Yes, I realize I have too much time on my hands.
It's tough. You just have to come up with something and watch it. I know for me I have a few select actors/actresses I have seen and I look down their IMDb page. If I run out of their movies to watch, then I watch movies from the supporting casts.
I compare this to kind of like an exponential model. You start with one person and it just webs out.
I have a few hundred movies on shelves and in console drawers. I can't part with them They are all favorites. I never run out of entertainment. Then there is always Netflix.
Our son has collected movies since he was a boy. He's almost 40 now. He has a room in his apartment devoted to his film collection. There are rows and rows of shelves, floor to ceiling... a library of movies.
On the ends of each set of shelves is a long list of the films so that he can always find the film you want to see. He must have several thousand! It's like walking into a video store when you enter that room. He also has a popcorn machine and those rope lights framing movie posters around that room.
It's pretty incredible.