MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Sam Shepard dead at 73

Sam Shepard dead at 73

from ALS



This is very sad news. He's been one of my favourite actors for many years. Was happy to see him work in Bloodline. He looked fine. I had not a clue he was sick.

RIP, Sam. You'll be missed.


That's a shame. ALS is an awful way to go.

I lived in Charlottesville, VA in the 80s and Shepard had a farm nearby where he lived with Jessica Lange. He could often be found sitting alone in one of a few bars in town, in a corner with a shot and a beer, staring at people. People didn't bother him. I always wondered if he was looking at people thinking up characters for a play.

I did get to meet him and Jessica at a big formal party once. He was quiet there, too, looking like a farm hand, uncomfortable in his suit. Jessica looked every bit like a glamorous movie star!


What a fascinating anecdote ! Somehow, this simple portrait of him that you present seems consistent with a Pulitzer Prize winning writer.


I didn't realize his age or all his accomplishments. Wow. R.I.P


This is very sad. I loved him as Chuck Yeager in The Right Stuff, and I've read several of his plays.


Yeager is still alive


Sam played Yeager in the movie. I think you know I was speaking about that.


I was pointing out the irony of Yeager still being around at age 94 and the younger Shepard dying.


Yeager has survived some crazy shit. They don't make em like that anymore.
