EuropaCorp's Stock Value Drops in Wake of 'Valerian's' Poor Opening Weekend
Maybe a superficial CGI eyesore starring 2 non actors with no brand name recognition wasn't such a good idea.
shareIt's a beautiful looking film but is sunk by two woefully miscast leads.
At any rate it's a better film than Lucy.
Which was also miscast.
Come on, Besson... what happens with your casting manager? Bring back Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, Gary Oldman, Bruce Willis... ok maybe not Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich... err, also may not wise to bring an ex-wife, well Tcheky Karyo or whatever his name is, Marion Cotillard, Ryoko Hirosue, etc. You know, the good old guys?
I don't know if Lucy was miscast, the whole idea was that the character was a ditzy and unassuming blonde at first, so Scarlett worked well for the role. The movie itself was just a complete mess and by FAR Luc Besson's worst film. He struck gold with Leon and The Fifth Element and has also produced some amazing films as well, and his talent for spectacle does shine through in Valerian, but the casting just buries this thing.
I think the film may gather a cult following in the future, but there will always be a "what could have been" vibe surrounding it due to the leads. It will definitely be a good film to show off an impressive home theater system, especially if it gets a 4K/Atmos Blu-ray release.
Lucy is the only decent Luc Besson movie. There is no chance Valerian is better.
shareSpoilers...What I can't figure out is why Luc keeps trying to re-create the 5th element. In the 5th we have a woman that will save the world she is 'perfect' (really pretty mostly but somehow also strong and filled with magic), has a guy that is in love with her, they have to save the world against all odds, a pretty alien singer helps them, and there are wacky people/aliens all around.
I did not even read the plot for this movie. It's already so obvious. The latest 5th element re-do.
Yes did not help that the leads were people no one cared about with no real star power other than being young models....
Whereas the 5th was packed with heavy hitters Milla, Willis, Tucker, Gary, I mean come on Luc......with all the stuff in theaters these days too 'superhero' juggernauts that people will see no matter what. You come out with yet ANOTHER 5th rehash!?
Why am i not surprised😎