MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mods on power trips ruining this site

Mods on power trips ruining this site

LMAO, no one is on here and I got into an argument with a poster and Mod 1 is talking about "if you get a third warning, you will be banned!"

Unreal. Facebook is a lot bigger but they're pretty much harassing users like this too. I wouldn't touch their stock with a ten foot pole. Many of my friends weren't even using it much anyways.

Baby Driver came out last week and there was barely anyone on there. I think these guys are chasing people away. Unreal.



For someone who seems to be all about 'arguments,' you sure do use that ignore function a lot whenever someone calls out your boorish behavior.

Perhaps you're not really interested in debate or discussion, and would rather cultivate an echo chamber where you're always right and no one ever challenges you. A "safe space" you could say.





Man, you are straight up determined to prove my point again and again, aren't you?

If your ego was any more fragile, you'd be president.


And no, you do not win an argument by simply saying "I won the argument."

That's not how it works.


Nice to know the mods have your back every time you snitch on me to them. Pathetic stuff.


What's pathetic is you continuously blaming everyone except yourself for your own behavior.

Don't want your posts deleted? Start behaving like an adult, stop insulting everyone who disagrees with you, and learn to accept criticism.


Yet you are still here. It's not like complaining is going to stop the mods from doing their job.


I have also been flagged by moderators on 2 occasions now. In both instances i was defending myself for being called sexist or racist or in some other a bigot. In my responses I called the other users out on their false accusations (yes I did call them idiots or assholes) but I also fully explained why their false accusation made them so.

the moderators stated I was trolling and flaming. I highly suspect this is politically driven as well. I am conservative and usually make arguments from a conservative or free speech liberal perspective. Hence why I am being called sexist racist etc.

If this keeps up I will be another user they chase away and then this site will become a leftist SJW paradise were no one disagrees with each other and everyone sits around patting each others backs for all agreeing on the same things. Good that crap makes me sick. But it also means the site will probably fail and have little to no traffic. it is not fun to sit around agreeing with one another and if they drive off half of their potential users the other half will get bored and stop chatting here as well.


And everyone is on the Good Ship Lollipop singing Kumbaya!


yeah as the ship is sinking while simultaneously on fire. But that is fine as long as no one is hurting each others feelings.


They've retreated to their "Safe Spaces" while the ship sinks!


It would be nice if they just stayed there and ate each other to death.


What are those critters who scurry to get off a sinking ship?


rats? the smart liberals?


You aced it! You win the gold star for the day!


hurray for me. but I don't want to start patting myself on the back. That is what liberals do.

Also I do not necessarily like comparing the smarter liberals like Sam Harris and Dave Rubin to rats. I think they got into liberalism for good reasons (making human situation better) but abandoned the left or was outcast by them when they realized that making things better was not actually part of the agenda.

I however was smarter and never got on the boat in the first place.


I agree. I was just having some fun. I also know some whose hearts are in the right place. Trouble is they don't understand the significance of the adage "Give a man a fish he eats for a day; but teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime."


'everyone sits around patting each others backs for all agreeing on the same things.'

you kind of just described what you two are doing though.


Lol true. But it is not my desire to be the only experience I have when discussing films.


Hello saviodium,

When discussing a topic as commonly divisive and heated as politics, and you're given a warning by a moderator on any site, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that the reason is a bias on the behalf of moderators or the site owner, who don't share your point of view.

However, that isn't the case here. As I explained to you, the primary reason for the warning was your flaming other posters, in multiple posts. The secondary reason was trolling, only after you yourself posted you were going to troll the other poster, and then began to do so.

Everyone is free to post their views, conservative, liberal, or in between, as long as they follow the site's rules while doing so.




"When discussing a topic as commonly divisive and heated as politics, and you're given a warning by a moderator on any site, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that the reason is a bias on the behalf of moderators or the site owner, who don't share your point of view."

Anyone that was biased would say something along this lines, this proves nothing. Actum non Verba.

"s I explained to you, the primary reason for the warning was your flaming other posters, in multiple posts."

In these cases, I was not flaming I was addressing fully other people comments and they kept responding with bad psts that ignored half of what I said and doubled down on their previous comments. They offered nothing new and just kept repeating the same argument, how in this case was I flaming and they were not.

" The secondary reason was trolling, only after you yourself posted you were going to troll the other poster, and then began to do so."

yes I told the person that I was no longer taking them serious and trolling them and yet they continued to respond and even began trolling in a humorous manner. In this exchange how was that you even needed to get involved?

they only time a moderator should get involved is if extreme harassment or legitimate threats are being done by a user. And I mean extreme harassment in the regards of stalking another user's account and mass trolling on all their posts. By legitimate threats I mean very nasty stuff like "i am going to find you and kill you" or excessive amounts of encouraging someone to kill themselves (not in the sense of 'you're a retard, go kill yourself' that is not legitimate). If you want this site to be successful make it a free exchange and stay out unless you are really needed (which is in a very limited and only extreme situation). You keep this up you can bet your site will fail. I am getting close to logging off and moving on somewhere else where free speech is welcome and moderators aren't over compensating.


Have some dignity.


<< I got into an argument with a poster and Mod 1 is talking about "if you get a third warning, you will be banned!" >>

You're still what exactly are you complaining about. That you got a warning?



Just discovered this thread and wanted to take the chance to thank the mods for banning this guy.


I second that emotion!
The OP certainly proved the reason he was banned.


Hopefully he is off to a treatment center for uncontrolled blathering?


LOL! I wish him well.


If you think that's bad, I got threatened with being banned from for writing too many diaries about the film West Side Story, a film that I love writing about, due to its being my all-time favorite movie.


That is a bit strange. What was the deal? Was there some rule about writing about one film too often?
Oh well, I have no doubt that you are able to write about WSS here to your heart's content. You shouldn't get into any trouble for that here. I'm sure that there are others here who like the movie as well, so you will probably have much to discuss.
I have only seen that movie in bits and pieces. I never could get into it. It isn't because I don't like the music. The songs are fantastic. I do like certain musicals...
The Music Man
There are others..... More recently, I love Across the Universe. Being a Beatles fan, I loved the whole idea of a love story covering the decade of the 60's with an entire Beatles soundtrack.
Oops! I went off topic here. I doubt I'll get into any trouble for it. This topic was pretty much dead from the get go! LOL!


Thank you for your input, MissMargoChanning. I saw the film "The Music Man", back in the summer of 1962, when it first came out. I also liked "Oklahoma", but it was far better on stage than on screen.

As for "Carousel" and "Grease", since I never saw these two latter musicals, either on screen or on stage, however, I'm not able to compare them with anything.

I know I could write about West Side Story without getting into trouble here. Everybody has their own tastes. The world would be an awfully dull place if everybody had the same likes/dislikes, thought the same way, or had the same ideas or ways of thinking.


I like that a thread that was originally kvetching about mods has turned into one lauding Rodgers & Hammerstein musicals : )


Isn't it nice?


Unless a mod decides otherwise...


There's a bright golden haze on the meadow....


And the corn is as high as an elephant's eye......


(cue dream ballet)


I saw a post last night where someone was name calling and the replies to that person were deleted but not the original name calling, hmmmmm.


Odd. I never got a warning. Maybe civil discourse is not in your vocabulary...
