MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Trumpkins Cry 'Free Speech' — And Stab I...

Trumpkins Cry 'Free Speech' — And Stab It in The Back

General Discussion - News, Rumors & Gossip
With Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, the crowd that ordinarily swoons over no-feelings-spared edginess has suddenly found their inner snowflake. Anthony L Fisher. 06.19.17 1:26 PM ET. opinion. Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast. Four Donald Trump ... read full story on Daily Beast


Retarded Daily Beast doesn't know that there are things that cross the lines of human decency. Common sense is a complete mystery to these fools.


"there are things that cross the lines of human decency."
You mean like calling people racists when they're not because you don't agree with them? Or referring to certain posters here as "faggots" for the same reason?

"Common sense is a complete mystery to these fools."

You would know; you have zero common sense. You just repeat things you read and hear. Guess that makes you a fool best


Boo freaking Hoo.


Another intelligent response from the lemming...not. But, as most of your hypocritical ilk, you can't handle the truth.
