Bill O'Reilly promises to make news about his firing
I support Bill in this fight.
shareOh, really?
shareYou'd support Charlie Manson if he were a republican conservative
shareNewsflash:O'Reily isn't Charles Manson and president Trump isn't Hitler. You've been brainwashed by CNN's False News.
share1. Never called O'Reilly Manson or el trumpo Hitler. Learn to read.
2. Bill Maher and Mark Ruffalo aren't racists, either, but that didn't stop you from calling them both one and yelling for a boycott or firing. You've been brainwashed by Fox's false news.
3. Colbert said the exact same thing many republicans said about the baseball shooting, but he's the only one you called a phony for doing so. Hypocrite much?
Try again when you can make something approaching a valid, balanced argument. I'm guessing...let's see... never.
Naps, what is your opinion about Mark Ruffalo (the Hulk) demanding NBC not hire any white conservatives? I would not deem it racist, but I would deem it bigoted. The words racist and racism are thrown around so freely nowadays. We have many, many bigots, but racism not so much. When we so freely water down the words describing the horrors those words pertain to, the impact or the effect is lost.
Such as those of us who did not support President Obama and his policies. We were called racists. It didn't make sense. BTW, those people tend to forget he's half white. I supported Dr. Ben Carson and proudly wore t-shirts with his image. For me it was the policies. So, yes, I held my nose and voted for someone I personally did not like as a person. And I am a Fox News junkie, but with common sense to seek out other sources.
FYI, I don't appreciate Guitar King's last reply to you. That is not my style. Agree to disagree and let it rest. His replies remind me of the old adage "How to lose friends and influence enemies". Not saying you're an enemy...just the opposition. He best learn how to reply with provable facts then maybe he wouldn't seem so foolish.
I think Ruffalo's comments were really ill-thought out and frankly didn't make much sense. I'd call them biased, not bigoted, and there is a difference. I never called anyone who didn't support Obama racist unless they actually were -- and there were plenty. Not the majority, however. I voted for him twice not because I thought he was a messiah, but because I believed Palin was an dangerous idiot that shouldn't have been allowed a heartbeat away from the White House, and Romney would've done exactly what this guy is doing -- helped the rich and screw everyone else. Do I think Obama did a good job? Not in all cases. He made some major mistakes. But he also did some good stuff. But let's not get into that; that's a whole other convo.
I am not a fan of Hillary by any means, but I voted for her to avoid voting for el trumpo, who I believe will be the biggest disaster this country has ever had in the White House. If Hillary was indeed guilty of crimes, I would've supported her being impeached in a minute, and at least we would've had a fairly harmless president taking her place.
People like GK are typical of the stereotypical low/no-info lemmings who imagine they're politically aware. Anything liberal is evil to them. They use the word racist and call for boycotts out of nothing but ignorance, and are hypocrites of the worst order. They don't even understand the Constitution. And when you call them out on it, they respond with something that belies their low level of intelligence. He seems foolish because he's a fool. No more, no less.
And you're to be commended for not taking Fox at face value. There aren't many like you.
"I think Ruffalo's comments were really ill-thought out and frankly didn't make much sense. I'd call them biased, not bigoted, and there is a difference."
I must differ with you my learned friend. Ruffalo's comment was bigoted due to him inserting "white" into the remark. Bigotry is against race, not the ideologies of a person. If he had just used "conservative" in his demand it would then be deemed biased.
BTW, please enlighten me as to the "faux" news presented by Fox News. Not a challenge, but curiosity. MSNBC's hosts with their hateful rhetoric is a joke. They salivate with glee when their "numerous sources" gives them anything which can be used against Pres. Trump...truth be damned. I go back and forth between Fox News and CNN. BTW, Fox News does have many liberal commentators.
As far as Romney, an elitist, his comment during the debate with Pres. Obama regarding Russia turned out to be a portend which became a fact. He was ridiculed by Pres. Obama, et el.
What you said about MSNBC can apply totally to Fox as well, ksp. You're intelligent enough to know that. Fox has been caught in a number of outright lies. And MSN and CNN also have some conservative commentators.
I watch all news channels, when I watch, but depend on other more objective news as well.
Regarding Romney, at the time, his statement did sound ridiculous. But the fact it's coming to fruition in some ways now isn't Obama's fault.
"Fox has been caught in a number of outright lies." I have heard this info before. Believe me I have attempted to confirm this information. I always have my iPad at hand when watching tv so I can check other sources. I may have missed to which you were referring.
I didn't write it was Obama's fault the Russia thing came to fruition. I wrote Obama ridiculed Romney over his statement during the debate. Romney realized something was brewing in Russia, but wasn't forceful enough to stand his ground. It's difficult to beat Obama in a debate as he is so sure of himself. He has a way of backing his opponent into a corner.
I just know I'm tired of "holding my nose" when I vote. I actually did just that in the 2012 Senate race. Then I remarked to my husband loud enough for others to hear "See, I told you I would hold my nose when I voted for ??." Everyone laughed! Damn elitist oligarchy! The old guard!
You've been brainwashed by Fox's false news.
LOL. You want false news and fake news FOX is not the place to look. Just tune into CNN or MSNBC. They both do false news and fake news 24/7.
You want false news and fake news FOX is the place to look. It does false news and fake news 24/7.
Fixed that for you