What's Hopkins, who BTW is NOT a fan of the current administration, have to do with this? Ruffalo's "garbage" to you only because of something he said that has zero to do with his acting ability. Before this article, I'd be surprised if you ever heard of him.
But OK, let's play. Suppose Hopkins had said what Ruffalo did. Would he be a racist that should boycotted in your tunnel vision? Doubt you'll answer honestly
Ruffalo definitely needs to let a black actor take his place as the Hulk in Thor:Ragnarok and The Avengers Infinity War. It's 2017, time for the first African American Hulk. I'm sure Ruffalo wouldn't mind losing 2 huge pay checks because he's so virtuous and sincere. LOL!
Another foaming-at-the-mouth con who lacks the ability to separate the real-life person from their art. I think Eastwood is an imbecile politically, but I'd never not go see one of films because of that.
And he really couldn't care less what you think of him, and has a better life than you'll ever have. BTW, the last word of your reply couldn't describe you more perfectly. And it didn't go unnoticed you deliberately sought out political threads to bump just to make ignorant "me, too" comments.
Another thought...someone who refuses to see an actor's film because they disagree with their personal life or comments can never be called a true movie person. You should consider changing your handle to nonmovieman. Far more accurate
But, racist and bigot are not one in the same. The way RACIST and NAZI are bandied about when not in agreement with someone waters down the words. The words then become "just words". These words are meant to describe the people who committed atrocities so horrific we must never forget. Man's inhumanity to man. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Again, Mark Ruffalo is a biased bigot who infuriated me with his "white conservative" remark. He most assuredly forgets who put him where he is. Among those who purchase tickets to see movies he stars in are "white conservatives"!
And you're a clueless, low-intelligence asshole, NONmovieboy. Instead of spouting on here, you need to take a basic English course to learn the meaning of words.
Never said you did. But I didn't 1) repeatedly make an incorrect statement here and 2) call for boycotting or never seeing any actor's films because I don't agree with something they did or said in real life. Again, if you can't separate an actor's personal life from their art, you have no business on a movie board, NONmovieboy.
And before you deny you do that...your words:
"He's apparently a racist asshole. I won't be going to any of his movies in the future."
Also seems like you went from "apparently" to "he is" in about 4 seconds.
naps, where do you draw the line, you seem to separate him being an asshole from his acting ability, but what if he was a pedophile or a rapist or a murderer? when do you stop separating the actions of an actor from the talent?
You mean like Polanski, who is apparently a rapist? I think he's a despicable human being, and if he's indeed guilty, should be put away. But I'd never call him a bad director because of that or not see one of his films I was interested in. I'll use the same example I did earlier. I think Eastwood is a stone-age imbecile politically, but he's still a great director and I'd never not see one of his films because he's an asshole in real life. And if someone is a proven pedophile or murderer, they'd likely be in jail.
a proven pedophile or murderer might be in jail but they still have movies out there. If Eastwood was a pedophile I would not ever want to look at his face on screen. I guess the original question is - would you boycott ??
In a word, no. But again, wouldn't mean I wouldn't consider then a POS personally. Let me ask a related question: Consider your favorite actor, whoever it is. You've seen all his/her films, you love his/her acting, you consider him/her a great actor. Now it comes out that person is (or was) a pedo. Would you suddenly consider their movies bad and never watch them again?
I already answered that, NO, I would not ever want to look at his face on screen again, don't care how good he is, but if it doesn't bother you, go for it.
Indeed. When you start labeling white people by their skin and grouping them in with others to judge, you are a vile racist scumbag who deserves to be removed from this society.
A "racist"; One who believes one race is superior over another (Hitler)
A "bigot"; One who is biased against a race (Archie Bunker)
I repeat: When Mark Ruffalo inserted "white" into his comment he was being a bigot. His comment is totally different from Louis Farrakhan's:"Blacks are superior to whites." Which makes him a racist.
When Ruffalo states he's against conservatives; he is espousing his bias against conservatives.
I was strongly against Pres. Obama. But, I am not a racist nor a bigot. I am biased against him due to his liberal ideologies. If I had stated I was against him because he is a black liberal, I would have been a biased bigot. NOT a racist!
Please, do research to understand the words, Racist, Bigot, NAZI, Bias, etc.
Okay have it your way. He's a bigoted racist asshole.
BTW, I was strongly against old dumbo ears too. Every time we conservatives criticized him, we were called racists. We were criticizing his polices, not his race, but it didn't matter to the assholes on the Left.
So if dumb ass Ruffalo is going to diss us white guys, then by golly he's a racist too. An racist asshole.
Not at all, dude. But again, you'll never admit to being wrong. Trust me; haven;t even begun to call you every name in the book.
But we're done here, because each response keeps bumping this thread to the top (which you deliberately did in the first place), when it needs to be relegated to the toilet. So you'll have to respond to yourself for any future bumps. Buh-bye, nonmovieboy. Grow the F up.
Where did I ever say he was one of my heroes? That makes you a LYING grossly immature cowardly eternal clueless idiot. No wonder you're a cheeto-worshipper; you never admit when you're wrong, lie constantly, have no reading-comp skills, and are generally of low intelligence.
Oh naps, you couldn't have strayed farther from the truth. I really couldn't care less about bumping the thread. I'm just having fun irritating you. Is it working? 😎
That's too bad, but I'm glad we're providing entertainment for others. And make no mistake, we are both entertaining the folks. We're both stubborn, hard headed, opinionated, and want to have the last word.
So let's just keep entertaining them and having fun.
Sorry, and this is absolutely my last response...don't compare yourself to me. That's insulting. I know the meaning of basic English words. You don't. I can also determine the difference between one's screen persona and their real life. You obviously can't.
He's still a racist asshole, and you still have anger management issues. You might want to seek professional mental help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
When you start labeling white people by their skin and grouping them in with others to judge, you are a vile racist scumbag who deserves to be removed from this society. That's plan as day in his statement. Not all white people are alike. In fact they are the most diverse group of people there is! Blondes, Redhead, Brunettes, Blue Eyes, Green Eyes, Hazel, Brown, pink lips, tan lips, brown lips, etc.
How about when you do the same to black people, as MANY so-called Americans did when Obama was in office? Are they vile racist scumbags who deserve to be removed from society as well?
Nope. It's not racism if it's based on ACTUAL facts of science and sociology. Which surprisingly, people with a low IQ can't even comprehend aka Actors, which is why they shout RACISM at everything. Is IQ racism? Is the difference in DNA racism? Is history racist? What part of history caused the people of Africa to never domesticate an animal for use, to learn agriculture, or to invent the wheel, the FRICKEN wheel! LOL
Is the dolphin racist because a chimp can't swim? These are the types of stupid accusations you losers make because of a victims mentality when they see something they want, and can't figure out how to do it themselves, so it must be racism. They play the victim until they get the handout, and like in Africa, as soon as they get it, they destroy it because it wasn't theirs to begin with. Colonists came and built giant buildings with electrical grids and were chased off because dey racist by the real racists, and immediately those buildings became giant toilets with no power that still look like a warzone or night of the living dead filled with squatters that make a crack house look like the Waldorf.
LOL How is it a fail? What a dumb ass. You can't support anything without shouting Dat RACIST and useless memes, and you expect people to take you seriously? LOL Come on. This is why we're at where we're at. Only other retards follow that retard logic.
Sorry you lost the evolutionary lottery and will always be playing catch up but dems da breaks. It's not white privilege or racism. Just science and there aint a damn thing you can do about it but whine and complain like a bitch.
Nobody whined. Nobody complained. There's that nonexistent reading comp typical of racist scumbags. You lose. Now we're done. But feel free to keep babbling to yourself. Sure it's something you do on a regular basis, anyway.
I would attribute the instances above as ignorance due to the result of the "white man" taking their land and subjugating them. Granted they drove the outsiders away before learning how to do things for themselves. As a result the food needed is not being produced as it was when white farmers "owned" the land. I fault the leaders of those ignorant people.
Ignorance can and has resulted in dire consequences for groups of people. Read the history of Jamestown in this country settled by the white man. The colony was starving due to not knowing or caring about how to farm. They felt all that was needed would be supplied by someone else. If it wasn't for the American Indian bringing them food and teaching them how to farm, Jamestown more than likely would have withered on the vine. Isn't it wonderful how we through the years repaid them?
BTW, do you consider yourself to be superior above any race?