

Would you?


No I wouldn't.
Unfortunately, everyone is more or less a celebrity these days. Your picture can be taken all over the place. LOL!



I like taking pictures. I just don't like my picture taken!
Nowadays you only have to walk into your local Walmart store, bank, gas station, any resturant, down the street..... you even get your picture sent to you as proof of a traffic violation.
Getting back to Walmart.... I make sure I dress nicely and that nothing is exposed even if I have to go there. There are people with cell phones who just love to take those awful pics of Walmart Shoppers. I really don't care to wind up on YouTube! LOL!
Yup! Everybody is a potential celebrity these days!


To be in the spotlight every time,without personal life...no thank you😉


There might be a few perks to being a celebrity. You would always get the best table in a restaurant. On the other hand, autograph seekers might pester you so much you wouldn't have time to eat.

And of course designers are always willing to lend you their gowns and jewels for the free publicity. But that would also mean sitting through brain numbing awards shows while you wore them.

I think if I was a celebrity, I'd be like Katherine Hepburn and NEVER attend those shows.


Or Milla Jovovich,she succeed to stay out of the spotlight and this rare on hollywood😉


So you would be a celebrity just because you would have the best table at a restaurant? -_- Man, it would be waste with you!

I am thinking the $ and all the things you could do with the $!


I didn't want to be greedy! There are lots of ways to make $$$, you don't necessarily have to be an overpaid celebrity to do that. You can actually do things which help your fellow man, such as science, medical research, etc.

I was merely thinking of 'celebrity' in the most shallow sense of the word. As in Whoopi Goldberg, Cher, Oprah or David Letterman could secure the best table in a restaurant by merely giving their names!

So that $ would be "wasted" on me? lol What would YOU spend it on? Besides yourself!


Shallow? You could buy a swimming pool, deeper than the standard deep end!

Now who is shallow?


I would answer your question if I had the vaguest idea WHAT you were talking about!! LOL

But I would spend some of the money on our local animal shelter, our local soup kitchen, my church which is always in need of extra funds for charity work. I have no need for a lot of "stuff". I am past the age of caring about buying a lot of things for myself.


Yes, and no.

Some parts of it. I'd like the money and the careers they have are fun, whether it be acting or music or writing.

I am a private person thought and I want to be left alone. I wouldn't live in L.A. I'd probably just keep living where I do and wouldn't be the type to do interviews.

I think it would be fun to a point but I'd try to control it unlike the ones who live in LA and have the photographers following them around all the time and are always giving interviews and answering questions about who they were dating. I'd tell anyone asking me personal questions "it's none of your business."




Being financially well of? Who would not?

Not being left alone, with paparazzi all on your tail? Probably a reason why I would not want to be one.

Then again, the former outweighs the latter.

Decision? I would want to be a celebrity.
