Kathy Griffin draws ire over gruesome anti-Trump photo shoot
This dumb bitch is psychotic. The Secret Service needs to pay her a visit. She has clearly broken the law.
she might not be assassin material but she is guilty of inciting or encouraging other lunatics into performing heinous crimes, I think she will be called upon, and rightly so.
VERY well said.
share"his hate speech which has demonstrably contributed to a rise in hate crimes toward Muslims and people of color in the US."
Don't be a moron. I guess Dylan Roof was Obama's fault?
sure, muslims love us, but I like your spin, "A" has nothing to do with "B", secret service cannot arrest her but they will question her and watch her and make her life miserable, her career is in the gutter, nobody wants to touch her, not because they don't agree or disagree with her but solely for financial reasons. Libs on sites like this can agree with her because they are hidden behind their keyboard, but very few, if any, will agree with her in public, fearing their careers will suffer also. what she did was disgusting, even Chelsea Clinton said what she did was wrong.
shareI don't agree with you that this has destroyed Kathy Griffin's career. At the time of the Women's March on Washington, Madonna gave a speech in which she expressed a longing to see the White House blown up. This, too, was, at least according to the press, of utmost concern to the Secret Service. Have we heard anything about it since? I think Griffin will attract a new fanbase based on this "art" gesture. Some will embrace her on ideological or "free speech" or artistic grounds. I neither applaud nor disapprove of this, but simply stating as fact Griffin's deliberately provocative photo strikes a chord with those who have been primed by corporate media to regard Trump as an abject horrible failure. I predict it will do wonders for Griffin's career, rightly or wrongly.
sharepeople that will embrace her on ideological grounds are as horrid as she is, they don't understand that president Trump expects things like this and it hasn't bothered him a fraction of how it inflamed his 11 year old son and his wife and the rest of his family, those are the people that were terrified, not him, he's a strong person but his family was deeply hurt by this horrible action, if you join her then you are as hateful and stupid as she is.
shareExactly what law has she clearly broken, King? Please enlighten all of us with a link.
shareExcept she didn't threaten him. Otherwise, she'd have been arrested. But nice attempt at distorting the facts.
shareWhere were you all when Ted Nugent was threatening Obama and Hillary? Oh yeah...
Apparently, cheeto had no problem with it, the moron. Tried to justify a far more definite statement.
These kinds of photos only show up when a person comments on one of the articles that are listed under the "News, Rumors & Gossip" section. When a person makes a comment on something listed there, the thread for it then gets moved over onto this board.
Mediocre comedians, poop footstools, fake heads, Secret Service investigations. What a great story. It almost distracted me from the possible withdrawal of the US from the Paris Agreement. Or Trump's terrible foreign policy and alienation of your allies. But Kathy Griffin seems more important.
Griffin is a psycho and an idiot, and a member of the Left, which is the largest hate group in the world. They're sick, and think that this kind of gruesome crap is okay. And the lame stream media will cover it up by ignoring it.
So far, the story hasn't been covered up at all by the mainstream, so you're totally wrong there. Meantime, if you think the crap the right spews and all the stupid shit president cheeto has done lately is a good thing, you've got major perception problems.
Okay maybe in this case they couldn't suppress it totally, but I guarantee you they will let it die quickly. If a Conservative had done what she did, the lame stream media would hound that person to death.
Any you're the one with perception problems, naps. When the Left wins an election things are quiet. When the Right wins an election the Left loses their collective "minds" and riot, burn, loot and throw garbage cans through windows.
The Left is all about hate. And they only support free speech when you agree with them. If the Left can't win an election or an argument they simply attempt to silence their opponents. And then they riot. The Left is a collection of losers.
And President Trump has done a great job, unlike his predecessor, the arrogant, lying, narcissistic, Marxist, obummer. He sent this country into a ditch. Thank goodness Trump won. We can now make America great again. If you want proof, look at the DJIA.
"President Trump has done a great job"
You mean president cheeto? The fact you believe that statement proves how completely delusional you are. Cheeto is the poster boy for lying arrogant narcissists, as well as being an idiot. What, exactly, has cheeto done so far that's great, and why?
He's done more good for this country in three months than his arrogant, lying narcissistic Marxist predecessor did in eight years.
Illegal immigration is down 70%, and the DJIA (that's a key stock market indicator in case you didn't know) is WAY up. He's saved thousands of jobs, and he's going to cut taxes which will make the economy roar. This is something that the Left does not want because the Left wants a permanent underclass desperate enough to vote for them. But the electorate woke up and gave the presidency and both houses of Congress to the Right, although most Republicans are cowards who are afraid of their own shadows.
That's typical of the Left. All you can do is call people names.
"Illegal immigration is down 70%"
Actually it's not, and that number has been discredited several times. However, deportation is still down under cheeto
"DJIA (that's a key stock market indicator in case you didn't know) is WAY up."
I knew what the DJIA was before you, ace, promise. You apparently just learned it. And it was higher under Obama.
"He's saved thousands of jobs"
Total horseshit. You obviously like the taste of propaganda
"he's going to cut taxes which will make the economy roar"
Uh...he wants to cut them for the rich, NOT everyone, and they're the only people the economy will "roar
" for. Same crap ronnie I forget pulled. But you blind righties can never grasp that.
You really are a special kind of ignorant. Typical of the right; all you can do is lie and distort facts.
Okay this conversation is going nowhere, since you have apparently swallowed the cool aid and are just spouting Democrat talking points.
And you are apparently woefully ignorant of the DJIA. It's currently at 21,109.67. The highest it got under obummer was 19,123 on Nov 1, 2016 seven days before the election.
Oh and "President Cheeto"? That's funny, but you should keep the day job, Schecky. And I'm glad we're finally rid of "President Dumbo Ears".
It's Kool-Aid. More display of your ignorance.
I never drink that crap, so I'm not up on important crap like that.
I haven't had it since I was like 4. I also never ate monkey brains, but I know how to spell it.It's called knowing basic English, obviously not your strong point. That explains a lot. You're probably the type who's proud of that kind of ignorance.
Okay, naps. Ouch! Ya got me pal! I'm so embarrassed. Now please go away.
Don't feel like it, pal. YOU go away, loser. Truth hurts; that's why you're too afraid to address it
No it's just that it gets boring when you're in a duel of wits, and your opponent, in this case you, are only half armed.
Now please, just go away and play with your ball of twine and your small shiny objects. And don't forget your tin foil hat, loser.
Find that on the internet? In your case, loser, there are NO wits involved. No go back to your 2nd-grade spelling lesson. Maybe cheeto can help you.
shareRioting, burning, looting, and throwing garbage cans are not really "harmful". Compare that to people being shot.
sharemovieman is apparently one of those typical blind righties who would support cheeto if he raped and slaughtered 5 babies in front of him. He'd figure out some way to justify it and blame it on the left.
Him and I all ready agreed to disagree on many things. I have to pull out that thread at some point and you guys can go at it, if you want. It is great to have both viewpoints though. It would definitely help to stimulate discussion on the "Politics" message board.
Yes, Conservatives due tend to vote against their best interests.
Movieman use to be a resident of KY, born and raised. It is not far fetched to think he would have voted Donald, if he did. He had said he hailed from Louisville or some place close. I live in Lexington, KY; one of about three places that are Democrat strong holds in all of Kentucky. Kentucky was 2/3 red in this recent election.
I have no desire to go at it. Trying to talk to someone that totally blind and ignorant to reality is like trying to explain quantum physics to a groundhog
shareBummer. I just recently made a thread on the Politics forum regarding the minimum wage being lowered to $4.34/hr. and asking if it should be. This was based on an inflation calculator I found. I thought that if in 1938, the minimum wage was $0.25/hr. and in 2017, it is still $7.25/hr.; we should keep the minimum wage for welfare at $4.34/hr. and have business minimum wage at $7.25/hr. in order to provide an incentive.
Then again, those two wages are still well below the poverty and people still think the actual minimum should be like $20/hr.
We need more people in the Politics section.
Naps, if Trump walked on water the main stream media would report "Trump can't swin." If he sent a $1,000,000 check to every charity the headline would be "Trump trying to bribe charities."
Nice try, loser. Actually if cheeto walked on water, I'd be looking for the hidden stepping stones, since he's dishonest about 99.9% of anything he does. If he wrote a check to every charity, after being sure the checks were good, my fiorst words would be, "about fcking time he did something positive for the less fortunate.
Meantime, your boy cheeto was one of the last birther holdouts, even denying the facts once presented to his brick head. Then, with zero basis in any fact, accused Obama of spying on him last month. He's been caught in more lies than any president/presidential candidate in history. PROVEN lies. He denies climate change, got played like a strad in Saudi Arabia not to mention several US companies, has pissed off several allies, is working on distancing us from Germany for no reason, has an attention span shorter than a gnat's (said by his own staff), is considered a laughing stock by most other world leaders, thinks "alternate facts" is a valid explanation for lying, and far too many other things to go into.And you support that POS. Again, says a whole lot about your level of intelligence. Hint: it ain't high.
You are so full of crap, your eyes are brown, moron.
Please disprove, with credible links, one statement I made. BTW, "credible" means not some asswipe right-wing BS site. I'm waiting, asshead.
shareThat was actually a pretty offensive statement. My eyes are actually the color brown.
Sorry arvin, it's an old joke. I was talking to napy the butt head, not you. He's become vulgar so I've reported him to the moderators.
My eyes are green.
Yeah, I am always up for a good debate; however, when it gets vulgar....man...
Yes. That's why I bailed, and reported him to the moderators. You and I don't always agree, but we have never gotten nasty, and the debate is usually fun and sometimes informative.
I respect you for that.
NIce try to gain sympathy. You bailed because you can't prove one of your claims or disprove any of mine, and you took the coward's way out.
shareExcuse me, coward. You got nasty first. Still waiting for your proof of your BS, yellowstain.
share[–] napsdufroid (602) 6 hours ago
It's Kool-Aid. More display of your ignorance.
reply ignore report
[–] MovieManCin2 (2816) 6 hours ago
I never drink that crap, so I'm not up on important crap like that.
reply ignore report
[–] napsdufroid (602) 5 hours ago
I haven't had it since I was like 4. I also never ate monkey brains, but I know how to spell it.It's called knowing basic English, obviously not your strong point. That explains a lot. You're probably the type who's proud of that kind of ignorance.
He does have a point Naps. You did get nasty first. I mean you called him ignorant, which is not really a "vulgar" word; however, after this is when it started getting name cally.
He did say for you to go away and you basically were harassing him at that point. I, too, have been in this situation on threads and it is best to back off when someone types that.
Your debates are definitely needed in the politics section and you have some good points. Maybe try using some of that knowledge to take out some of the people on there?
Don't try to defend a coward, arvin. Do you go away when someone tells you to, arvin? He said that because he couldn't back up one of his BS statements and didn't like being called out on them.
shareOn a site with report buttons, yeah. If this site was in its beginning stages, I probably would have wanted an answer, before I left.
share[–] MovieManCin2 (2817) 5 hours ago
Okay, naps. Ouch! Ya got me pal! I'm so embarrassed. Now please go away.
reply ignore report
[–] napsdufroid (602) 3 hours ago
Don't feel like it, pal. YOU go away, loser. Truth hurts; that's why you're too afraid to address it
Yes and you're one of those blind lefties that if Obama raped and slaughtered 5 babies you would praise him.
Really? Please post where I said Obama could do no wrong. In fact, please post where I even implied it. I'll save you the time: you can't. I had a number of criticisms about Obama, and he was FAR from perfect. BUt he was still 5000 times better than the ignoramus we have now.
Wow; your reading comp is actually more abysmal than your spelling skills. But then, righties like you can do nothing else but constantly lie.
You are a moron. Go away.
And you're a little sniveling coward who ignores the facts. As most blind righties, pathetic.
I'm done with you. I have reported you to the Moderators. Expect to hear from them shortly.
Reported for what, ace? The exact same thing you did...name-calling? Fine; you got reported too. Meantime, you're STILL a sniveling little coward who runs away from the facts about your beloved idiot cheeto.
Who exactly is being shot?
Oh there were tons of Democrat people here being beaten up and shot during election time.
Tons of people were beaten up and shot during the election??? Where is here? And please show me the proof that one Democrat was shot or beaten up. It sounds like you've been drinking the cool aid.
No offense arvin, but that sounds like complete BS. And BTW Trump supporters were spat on, maced and egged.
There is no national news about it. This is KY. Whatever happens here, stays under wraps. It happened in mostly rural areas.
So what happens in KY stays in KY? So you're channeling Vegas ads now? That Bullshirt, and you know it arvin. Come on. You're much more intelligent than to make that idiotic claim. I'm disappointed in you.
Did you read/hear about the Indian/Pakistani who was shot on I-265 for "driving to slow"?
That never made national news and someone died.
No I did not hear about that. Show me the article.
Besides people are shot all the time. That sounds like a simple case of road rage. It's the price of a free country with second amendment rights. That does not mean they were shot by a conservative. It could have been one of your liberal buddies.
And if you want to talk about people being shot, how about all the Clinton enemies who turned up dead, including one who was going to testify the next day. Perhaps he was murdered. The person who shot him didn't bother to take his wallet, so it wasn't a robbery gone bad.
Kentucky is 66% Republican. I am not saying it was, but the odds....
No one deserves to have their life taken away because it is a right written by a pen of some old dudes. The Constitution needs to be updated.
So if someone was killed in a predominately black area like the south side of Chicago or Watts in LA, that would mean the killer was black? That's profiling, which is something you lefties are against. We have a justice system in this country. You cannot just throw out wild accusations like that.
Come on, arvin. That makes no sense whatsoever. Now you're just grasping at straws.
And once again, please show me the article.
See, that is what I am saying, it is no longer here on the internet. It was a local news story and was covered up within days of it happening.
I just now tried looking it up.
Nothing is ever deleted from the net, arvin. It's there forever, and an intelligent fellow like you should be able to find it. So once again, please show me the article. You're grasping at straws.
Well, I wouldn't say "tons," arvin, but again, quantum physics to a groundhog...
Where exactly are people being shot?
Well they are not now currently being shot, they were shot around election time. Some people were beaten up and threatened to be hung.
Oh so now you're changing your claim from people shot to people being threatened with hanging? So which is it, arvin? Once again, show me the article. Come on arvin. You're an intelligent guy, and you're better than making these ridiculous claims.
People were being shot and they were also being beaten up and threatened to be hung.
So what it boils down to is a certain group of people being shot. The people being beaten up were threatened to be hung. It was a threat.
"So far, the story hasn't been covered up at all by the mainstream, so you're totally wrong there. Meantime, if you think the crap the right spews and all the stupid shit president cheeto has done lately is a good thing, you've got major perception problems."
of course you would call him names, you voted the other way (boo hoo) and lost, you are a classic case of sour grapes.
He deserves the same respect he gave his predecessor --- none. Why do you righties always assume completely incorrectly? Not sour grapes at all, but I guess in your very limited imagination that's the best you can do. I didn't vote for Hillary; I voted against cheeto. I really don't like her. But anything is better than this monumental idiot.