

Because sometimes it takes repeated viewings for more of the details to be absorbed. Plus you're older and wiser now. πŸ˜‰
What I like the most about it is it's style and the cinematography. Very beautiful.



Honestly, I've seen better, and I've seen worse lol. I do know what you mean though. She was overwrought and overdramatic and he was wooden. That's not the first time he's been that LOL! I still have love for him though. πŸ˜‰



True. Sometimes it's the direction also. FFC is a good director, but sometimes what they ask of an actor doesn't translate well in the final product. Especially as the years pass and tastes change.


I saw it when it came out... and I didn't like it because of Keanu... and because I'm not used to Dracula looking like an upside down scrotum. If I watched it now, I'd probably like it.


upside down scrotum...

BAHAHAHAHAHA so true!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚



lol... even less excuse to look like that then.


As far as shapeshifting, there was a genuinely eerie, fog-enshrouded garden scene where he appeared as a huge, hairy animal with a hideous bat-like face.



Some parts of that movie are really very good. It's one of those movies where you have to take the good with the bad lol.



When I first saw that, I thought it was the most bizarre interpretation of Dracula I'd ever seen.


I love Gary Oldman and Tom Waites in this movie. I like Keanu and Winona as actors but they are totally miscast in Dracula. Some parts were just plain silly. Richard Grant is wasted in this. He's a great actor and I think he's in it for about 10 minutes. I watched it probably a year ago, I still liked it.


Anthony Hopkins was great in this. My favorite scene: https://youtu.be/V67ozonzKRQ

Drains that mug like a boss! Poor vampires never had a chance.


I was really little when i saw it and i liked it. Lucy was awesome as i remember.


I liked it the first time around as well. But I recently caught it on TV, and as soon as Keanu and Winona showed up I was like "Nope". They're bad.

I've seen Keanu in a few perioud films, and he always sticks out like a sore thumb.



I couldn't. I changed the channel. Maybe if I was in a better mood...


🐻 .


Yes, Much Ado... and Dangerous Liaisons are the two I meant. Thank God for the rest of those in the casts.

Though I didn't finish Much Ado About Nothing, because I really didn't understand what they were saying and the subtitles were terrible. I need to work on my Shakespearean English, I guess...










Yes, I agree with godewey. Stop caring what other people think.


I can't even begin to list the number of things I thought were just the cat's pajamas when I was younger, that I now revisit and think to myself "What the F was I thinking?" :)



The movie's name is "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and yet it throws in a romance between The Count and Mina that wasn't in the book.

Aside from being inferior to the book, as most movie adaptations of books are, it's pretty fun. The sets and costumes are amazing and the effects wonderfully evoke the early days of cinema, a period Stoker and his book were a part of.




Just you saying this means you HAVE TO watch it again!! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰




HAHAHAHA you may come away with more of an appreciation of it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

At least for the atmosphere, cinematography, set design, colors etc...






I own it and 1931's "Dracula" and I've on occasion happily watched the two back-to-back. Compared to '79's "Dracula" Coppola's is a masterpiece.


I like '79s Dracula. Frank Langella... the 2nd hottest Dracula I've ever laid eyes on!!!! πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…



This is the hottest Dracula I've ever seen!! Also from 1979. Smokin'!!!! 😜😜😜😜




Dracula 2000...
Yes, I've seen it twice. Gerard was pretty good looking, but I didn't really like it. The only part that I though was different and original (I think anyway) is how it turns out that Dracula was [spoiler]Judas Iscariot[/spoiler].



I adore Underworld!!!! [spoiler]Liquid silver and sunlight filled bullets?[/spoiler] Can't ask for much more than that LOL!! EXCELLENT action movie!!


I feel similarly. I think I liked it quite a lot "back in the day" but on a recent viewing I thought it was a mess. I thought the actress playing Lucy was even worse than Keanu!

I like Keanu a lot and I feel that he's actually not always as poor an actor as many think, but this is definitely a terrible performance from him. The same goes for Winona.

Gary Oldman is always good with whatever material he has.



I think it had it's moments. But the says weren't restrained and the horror was more action.

I like the back story and wish it was done better.
