MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do You Still Visit IMDb?

Do You Still Visit IMDb?

I know a lot of folks were pretty pissed at IMDb after they shut down the message boards and vowed never to go back or to buy anything from Amazon ever again forever haha. After MovieChat emerged as a replacement for the IMDb forums I haven't really been back that much. This site has basic cast and rating info which is all I really care about. Sometimes I'll visit to look at the Trivia section, but that's kinda rare. Amazon on the other hand I visit every day. I'm a stay at home girl so most of my shopping is online nowadays and there's really no alternative to Amazon...

So do you still visit IMDb? What about Amazon? Why?




Yes I still visit imdb. I use imdb as a source of information about various films like the names of the cast members or production crew. I have also read some reviews as well.
I have an account there but I haven't signed on in three months.


i rarely return to IMDb, like many others only when I need specific info. I did delete my account eventually. As far as Amazon, it's a valuable resource for me and I have no plans to boycott.


I should delete my account. There's no point to having one anymore.


I should delete my account too. But I am such an optimist, I keep hoping they will relent and reopen the boards! Just dumb, I know! But I do go there for info on TV shows, films,etc. I am MAD at IMDB but I haven't written them off totally. Mybe I should!!


Same here pjpurple. I keep it on the off chance that..... But I really should delete it to send a message. I would also boycott Amazon, but that would be tough since 99% of my purchases come from them.


I've written them off. I don't think there's a shaved ice chance in hell they're going to reopen them. And, frankly, even if they did, I wouldn't go back. Not after they treated us with such disdain.


I think they will be back, for a fee! I probably will pay it and go back .


I'm a Prime member of Amazon. I do a lot of shopping on there. I also can view Amazon Prime Videos, such as Endeavour (early prequel to Inspector Morse when he was young). I continue to use IMDB to get more info on programs/actors I'm watching. No sense in boycotting....nothing is going to change. If I did boycott, I would just be hurting myself as I depend on Amazon too much for certain groceries, medical supplies, shoes, clothing, etc. which I cannot locate in my local stores. I also order from Walmart as there are items available for shipping only...not in the store.


I watch Endeavor on "Watch Series. Com" for free


I've never heard of that site. Do you watch it online? I prefer watching programs on a large tv screen if available. Since I'm a member of Amazon Prime I also get programs as a perk through Netflix. I love British mysteries so I subscribe to the Acorn app($4.99 mo) through Netflix. There have been times when I've missed a program, I've been able to locate it through the broadcast station's app. If I'm traveling I use my phone alone or tether it to my laptop.

Thanks for the info! I'll check it out!


Hi ks! Yes I watch it on my computer but I often hook up my laptop to the tv, it's very easy to do. I love all the British dramas too , Frost , Lewis etc.


I visit IMDb as much as I did before - I just feel a little emptier when I do. I was so happy when I found this site. Archived posts and threads separated by title/person. I've posted more here in two weeks than I did in eight years on IMDb.

Amazon goes the same way - I have Prime and it's so much easier to find what I want.


IMDb...What's that?


IMDb, hardly at all anymore. Just to look at characters in a movie and see what else they've done.

AMZN, uh, yes. Going out to shop anymore is almost pure torture. Clerks barely speak English and most have an accent so thick they might as well be speaking swaheeli, ha-ha. Parking is a joke. And the prices are terrible compared to online vendors.

Back on topic, I really REALLY miss the forums. Thanks for setting this up. It is helping the withdrawal.


I miss the forums too , it's a very sad thing .


Haven't visited IMDb since they shut down the boards and I don't plan on visiting it again.
Every time I need information about a movie, a TV show, a cast, an episode or an actor, I use Wikipedia. I like it better anyway. If I need additional information, Google is more than happy to redirect me towards other sites but so far, I've found everything I needed on Wiki.
