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Do you still watch the sequels of a bad sequel?

For example,
The first Pirates of the Carribean was a good movie, so predictably when Pirates 2 came out you'd want to watch it. Turned out it was bad, or at least underwhelming, so when Pirates 3 and 4 came out do you still want to watch them?

Personally, I never watched Pirates 3 & 4 after I saw 2. I also never watched Star Wars Ep.2 and 3 because of 1. However, I went to see Rogue One in cinema after I rented The Force Awaken on dvd.


I'm still watching the resident evil franchise,especially the final chapter,call it my quilty pleasure😉


I watched all Resident Evil movies, because they are arguably the best videogame movies. I have never disapointed by the franchise. The Final Chapter is actually the weakest. So I'm quite sure they won't make 'em anymore.

I heard Paul W.S. Anderson is working on a Monster Hunter videogame movie. I'm looking forward to it.


Why do you think is the weakest?


I'm quite positive that Paul W.S. Anderson ran out of budget for this movie, and most of it maybe went to his wife and daughter. The movie feels unrelated with previous movies because lack of other RE characters. Even big bad Wesker was not utilized at all.

RE movies usually depend on a cool gimmick. The first was laser cutting room (which used again here, another sign of creativity deprivation), the last movie was all about 3D effects. Pretty cool, I like it more than Avatar. The Last Chapter's gimmick was an obvious rip-off of RDJ Sherlock Holmes. Been there, watched that.

Don't let me talk about random kung fu fighting Asian henchman... MIND BLOWN! No movies ever had this!


Many people had complaints about the final chapter as beeing too dark,can't see a thing,the fight scenes are too fast paced,but a have this movie on blu-ray and it looks great😉


Nah, nothing too dark. Great, clear visual. I'd say it has way too many cuts, but that's just Paul being Paul.


He tried to do in bourne style,at least he tried😉


Yeah but I won't go out of my way to see it. It depends on the movie, though. Seen Ocean's 11 in theaters, liked it. Seen 12 in theaters, hated it. Rented 13 when it came out. The longer franchises like James Bond, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and some others, won't deter me as much.


Did you like Ocean's 13?


Worthy of a one time watch.


I'm a sucker for sequels. If a movie I really like has a sequel that's bad I'll still watch the sequels that may come after it. I keep hoping that maybe they'll get it right.

Pirates movies are a good example. I liked the first one, but the sequels keep getting worse and worse. Still I'm going to see the new one, but not at the cinema.


Hardly anyone liked Cars 2 but the previews for part 3 look promising, it's going to be pretty dark and serious so I'm definitely going to see it. Toy Story should have ended with part 3 because it was so good but I guess I'll give part 4 a chance.


Yes. There's times when sequels are bad, but it doesn't mean the next will suck too. IMO Episode 3 was much better than 1 and 2.


For all the bad things in Star Wars Episodes 2 & 3, they're both well worth watching, if only to see [spoiler]Yoda's lightsaber duels![/spoiler]


Alright alright, when I have time I'll watch 'em. Maybe on fast forward.


Well I am a horror fan & it is my favorite genre so yea I watch loads of sequels... its what we do lol!


Depends. I love the first two Alien movies and the follow-ups are mediocre. I love the franchise because of the first two so I'll watch anything related to it whether it is Prometheus or the new Alien: Covenant.
